Port Hjöfn Settlement in Trutina | World Anvil
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Port Hjöfn

The first settlement created on the western shores of Orkagr. As its name suggests, it is a port, but not a very large one. Only smaller ships are capable of docking here. Fortunately for Scovonians, it is capable of supporting the ships they use, so this is not that big of a problem.   It is also the largest human settlement and it is mostly populated by traders and farmers, who are struggling to keep up with the growing population. The town is protected by a sizeable force of Isle Warriors and mercenaries as the town is a prime target for the ork tribes in the vicinity.   The town is controlled by a small council that is made up of the harbormaster, the archpriest and the commander of the defense force. They can be and often are overruled by the Shieldsworn in Fort Vardgardr, despite the fort being several days away.   The town has many amenities for sailors, mercenaries and other people who visit the town. This includes several inns, brothels and artisans.   Despite the presence of the guarding force, the inhabitants often face hardships that require mercenary help and as such, many inns have boards set up for contracts for mercenaries.
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