Orkagr Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Orkagr, or the Ork Lands is to the North-East of The Continent and it is inhabited by orks and their close kin (goblins, ogres and such) as well as other, hardier creatures that prefer cold weather. It is a hard place to live in, but its inhabitants are well-adapted to it.   It is a cold landmass with mountains and tundra making travelling difficult and every bit of arable land valuable. The landmass is separated from The Continent by the Úar' Gannau Mountains, other than that, the two landmasses are joint together.   Orkagr is dominated by the cold tundra that spans most of it and forests that cover the Southern part of the continent. Besides the fauna, this landmass is defined by tall mountains and the sheer amount of snow that covers it throughout most of the year.   The continent is also home to various creatures that were once native to The Continent as well, but since died out or migrated here. Such creatures include trolls, giants and dire beasts.   A most of the landmass is dominated by orks, the infrastructure is lacking in the area. Ork tribes connected by dirt paths is usually the most sophisticated form of infrastructure that one can find here. That being said, there are a few locations that are the exception, mainly Port Hjöfn, which is a Scovonian colony and the vicinity of the Gannau Mountain Kingdom.   Whilst the landmass has seen various human incursions, very little of it has been mapped or documented.  


Orkagr, while quite large, only has a few distinct bodies of water surrounding it. As no sizable civilized population lives here, these waters are barely used for shipping.  

Frozen Waves

The cold waters to the west of Orkagr are all referred to as the Frozen Waves. The Scovonian Isles lie in the Frozen Waves and as such mostly populated by its people.  

The Laughing Sea

The Eastern part of the continent is bordered by The Laughing Sea, a giant expanse of water with unforgiving weather and the dangerous landmass of Mortoram across it making it quite empty.
Alternative Name(s)
Ork Lands
Location under
Included Locations


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