Trutina The Mountain War
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The Mountain War

Military: War


In 560, the 7 most powerful dwarven kings, three of which were high kings, joined forces in an attempt to wrestle control over the lands inhabited by humans. From various underground forts, they launched a surprise attack againts major cities, killing tens of thousands of people before their rules could react. Knowing that they were outnumbered by the humans, the dwarves used their superior engineering and fighting skills to wage a guerilla war, striking out from various strongholds and then retreating into the depths of their tunnels where they had the advantage over humans.   With the leadership of the Atoras Dynasty, the humans managed to secure their lands and defeated the dwarves in a few pitch battles. The dwarven forces were decimated and they were forced to retreat eastward, where the humans didn't have large, unified empires. They didn't expect the resistance showed by the Kaolite believers however and the people they thought weak inflicted heavy losses upon them. While they could secure a few cities to themselves, their mountain forts in the Western side of the Continent were taken, demolished or converted for human use. The dwarven kings fled East with their forces and the 3 high kings settled in the Gannau mountains with the goliaths. They remained underground from then and in 578, surrendered their claims and lands to the humans.

Related Location
The Continent
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