Trutina The History of Trutina Timeline
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The History of Trutina

The universe (Trutina) has a history full of war, primarily between the forces of Order and Chaos.

This is the history of it all as told by the church of Order.

Before the Order

  • Since the beginning of time
    The bliss of Order

    From the beginning of time, there was an age of Order. Only the Great Machinery existed. It began its immense calculation to arrive at the perfect world which would last for an eternity. Everything was working as intended, there was no sorrow, nor evil. Every part of the Great Machinery fulfilled its role to perfection and there was harmony in the cooperation   As the Great Machinery expanded, it created the gods. First came Semernos to control the flow of time and keep events in their correct order.
    After him came Enequila to judge the effectiveness of the Great Machinery and improve on its flaws.
    Shortly after Enequila, Machina was given form, to create and implement the parts of the Great Machinery that Enequila improved upon.
    The next god to be made was Ostinatos. As the machines of Machina were not created by the Great Machinery directly, they are not perfectly resilient and thus need repairs. Their maintenance is what Ostinatos was made for.

  • Before history
    The birth of Chaos

    During their work together, Ostinatos and Machina fell in love. For the longest time, they hid their relationship from the other gods as it impaired their ability fulfill their purpose and feared the judgement of Enequila. To make up for their shortcoming, they decided to make a new helper, who could improve upon the Great Machinery without replacing its parts with new ones, altering the current ones instead. Thus, new god of Order, Kaos, came into being. He was born with a fatal flaw. Instead of consulting the other gods, he thought he knew better than the collective of the Order. Kaos started to make alteration to the Great Machinery, making it unpredictable. With the ever growing size of the Great Machinery, as well as with Ostinatos and Machina being preoccupied with each other, his work was left mostly unchecked. When he saw that the collective did not change what he had created, he realized, that over time, he could alter the Great Machinery to serve him instead of him serving it and to help with this goal, he made his most vile creation: Evil. Kaos implanted his creation into the machinery he defiled and started to expand it.   Whilst his work was unnoticed, its effects started to show in the form of disputes amongst the other gods. Enequila usually found the work of Kaos, but Machina deceived her by saying that they were new parts, but their technique improved. Semernos grew more and more agitated as he had to work harder to keep the flow of time in check after Kaos disrupted it.   To remedy the situation, the Great Machinery created a new god, Elevalos to help the gods get along and improve their work.   After a hundred years, Kaos created such an expansive abomination that the gods of Order could no longer ignore it. The faithful gods of Order armed themselves and fought Kaos. Although he was prepared, the righteous gods of Order triumphed over him following 600 years of battle.   During their battle, the gods created Trutina. Each strike against Kaos's blade created countless sparks that became the stars in the sky, every drop of a god's blood became a planet. As the fight took place in the plane of Order, most of Trutina is orderly, however as the blood of Kaos mixed with those of the Order, Chaos and thus Evil tainted this new world.   At the end of their fight, Kaos was defeated. When Semernos raised his sword to deliver the killing blow, Ostinatos stopped him. He revealed his relationship with Machina and the origin of Kaos to the other gods and pleaded them to spare their son. In exchange, he and Machina would stop their affair and vowed to never rest until the Great Machinery completes its calculation. With the help of Elevalos, the gods were convinced and Kaos was banished from the plane of Order and confined to his creation, along with Sinistos, his own son.   To ensure that Kaos and Sinistos would remain in their domain, yet another god was created by the Great Machinery, Perviga. She was tasked with watching over the Great Machinery and ensure that nothing like Kaos's betrayal could ever happen and that they never leave their realm.

  • In ancient times
    The Machinist Empire

    After Kaos was banished into the Plane of Chaos, Machina created the Machinists, a race of highly intelligent people, who were to be the architects of Trutina. They were spread throughout Trutina to establish a perfectly orderly world. Kaos interfered with this plan and created souls for the Machinists. Originally, this proved beneficial for them, but evil soon tainted them.

    The Machinists waged a bloody civil war until all of them were eradicated.

  • In ancient times
    The end of the Machinists

    As their civil war raged on, the Machinists fought each other on many of the planets, including this one .

    They were incredibly powerful and the remnants of their fight remain in Trutina to this day. Some can be seen from time to time in the form of comets - large chunks of magical energy - flying through the cosmos.

    With the fall of their empire, the loyal Machinists created the Forebears to continue their legacy.

  • In ancient times
    The age of the Forebears

    As the Forebears prospered, Evil spread throughout their dominion. Their Machinist creators knew that this would happen and made the Forebears immune to the aggression that Chaos brings.

    This didn't stop the unfaithful from leaving the community and making their own civilization however.
    The original Forebears became humans, while the others formed all other humanoid species, such as dwarfs, elves and goliaths.

    While many of the Forebear structures remain standing to this day, very little remains of their original civilization.

  • In ancient times
    The dark age

    As the many races separated, the original teachings of the Order faded and Chaos infiltrated all of them. People became less organized, more barbaric and animalistic.

    The sciences became stagnant and false religions sprouted among people. It was truly a bad time.

  • -618 BO

    578 BO

    The Dwarven Hegemony
    Political event

    The time when dwarven clans and kings ruled the lands of The Continent from their underground castles. Despite them being a minority on the surface, they demanded loyalty and fealty from the humans that inhabited it and produced food for them.   After the Unification, their power started to dwindle, mainly due to the Atoras Dynasty that began growing a surface power that rivalled theirs. Eventually, the conflict led to The Great Mountain War, where various dwarven kings united in an attempt to reclaim their lost glory.

    The Continent
  • 0 BO

    The creation of the Order
    Religious event

    As the world slowly descended into Chaos, the gods of Order sent their prophet, Probare to bring knowledge and to teach. Probare was a Machinist , but he was created anew by the gods. He brought his teachings on golden tablets, which were transcribed by human scholars.
    It took three generations of ten scholars to transcribe the entirety of the teachings. When they were finished, the text filled an entire library. The scholars asked Probare for more, but he died the moment the last page was finished.
    The scholars read the teachings again and again, until they memorized it and spread throughout the world to spread the word, except for one of them. The grandson of the scholar who originally helped Probare stayed at the library and turned it into a cathedral.
    As more and more people returned to the teachings of Order, and decided to help him, he managed to finish the cathedral before his death and took up the name Probare to honor the prophet.


After the Unification

  • 0 AU

    The creation of the Order
    Religious event

    As the world slowly descended into Chaos, the gods of Order sent their prophet, Probare to bring knowledge and to teach. Probare was a Machinist , but he was created anew by the gods. He brought his teachings on golden tablets, which were transcribed by human scholars.
    It took three generations of ten scholars to transcribe the entirety of the teachings. When they were finished, the text filled an entire library. The scholars asked Probare for more, but he died the moment the last page was finished.
    The scholars read the teachings again and again, until they memorized it and spread throughout the world to spread the word, except for one of them. The grandson of the scholar who originally helped Probare stayed at the library and turned it into a cathedral.
    As more and more people returned to the teachings of Order, and decided to help him, he managed to finish the cathedral before his death and took up the name Probare to honor the prophet.

  • 181 AU

    Start of Eastern Expansion
    Religious event

    The rulers who followed the teachings of the Order began forcefully converting others to the true faith. Through the efforts of kings waging holy wars against their Kaos following neighbours, the influence of the Order steadily spread eastwards and continues to do so.

  • 330 AU

    26 /1

    Proclamation of the Atoras Empire

    Gennadios Atoras led his forces againts High King Nevronlimson Alfoleg Thundershield, the dwarven High King, who has ruled his vast empire for 150 years. With the use of the Singularity Device, Gennadios could defeat the warriors of the dwarf king and took over his empire.   Gennadios proclaimed the Atoras Empire that was the first human empire ever established as well as the first victory against dwarven rulers. This event led to the beginning of the downfall of the Dwarven Hegemony.

  • 560 AU

    578 AU

    The Mountain War
    Military: War

    In 560, the 7 most powerful dwarven kings, three of which were high kings, joined forces in an attempt to wrestle control over the lands inhabited by humans. From various underground forts, they launched a surprise attack againts major cities, killing tens of thousands of people before their rules could react. Knowing that they were outnumbered by the humans, the dwarves used their superior engineering and fighting skills to wage a guerilla war, striking out from various strongholds and then retreating into the depths of their tunnels where they had the advantage over humans.   With the leadership of the Atoras Dynasty, the humans managed to secure their lands and defeated the dwarves in a few pitch battles. The dwarven forces were decimated and they were forced to retreat eastward, where the humans didn't have large, unified empires. They didn't expect the resistance showed by the Kaolite believers however and the people they thought weak inflicted heavy losses upon them. While they could secure a few cities to themselves, their mountain forts in the Western side of the Continent were taken, demolished or converted for human use. The dwarven kings fled East with their forces and the 3 high kings settled in the Gannau mountains with the goliaths. They remained underground from then and in 578, surrendered their claims and lands to the humans.

    The Continent
  • Some time after the Mountain War
    Mortoram Expedition

    A dangerous expedition on the shores of Mortoram.

  • 1093 AU

    The Violinist

    An expedition led by Order priests to The Darklands to spread the true faith to the elves.
    The mission was cut short when drow slavers captured or killed every member of the group.

    The Darklands
  • 1095 - 1098
    First Holy War in the Name of the Order
    Military: War

    Marking the beginning of the aggressive expansion of the Order, the First Holy War was the first war involving a unified Continent and the first involving a direct war between humans and elves.

    The Darklands
  • 1129 AU

    1133 AU

    Second Holy War in the name of the Order
    Military: War

    Started for conquest, the Second Holy War targeted fellow humans, the Souljar following people of Aitrun. Unfortunately, it ended in a disaster.

  • 1164 AU

    1167 AU

    Third Holy War in the name of the Order
    Military: War

    The Third Holy war was started as a response to Gannauan raiders attacking Orderly Kingdoms. The war was predominantly fought and won by the forces of Kirk II 'the Wise', who had his kingdom closer to the mountain range than other powerful rulers.   After their victory, the followers of Order established the Mountain Kingdom of Gannau under the rule of Ladomir Blakfort.

  • 1198 AU

    1200 AU

    Fourth Holy War in the name of the Order
    Military: War

    The 4th Holy War, often referred to as the Ork War, was a result of ork aggression from beyond Gannau. The war was short and ended in victory for the Order.   As a result, the Orderly Kingdom of Paladell was created.

  • 1246 AU

    1251 AU

    Fifth Holy War in the name of the Order
    Military: War

    The Fifth Holy War in the name of the Order was a war between the Dark Elves and the Order. The elves tried to retake their ancestral lands from the human kingdom of Yi'Riila, but were defeated.

    The Darklands
  • 1294 AU

    1297 AU

    Sixth Holy War in the name of the Order
    Military: War

    The Sixth Holy War in the name of the Order was a peculiar one. Souljar warriors attempted to capture some Kaolite Realms on the Southern part of The Continent and shed blood there.   The orderly kingdoms came to the Kaolite's aid in an attempt to stop Souljar expansion. The war was a catastrophic failure, mostly because of clashes with both the attacking Souljar and the local Kaolite population.

  • 1335 AU

    1341 AU

    Seventh Holy War in the name of the Order
    Military: War

    Following the tragic defeat of Orderly forces in the Sixth Holy War, the Probare and more zealous rulers yearned for retribution against the Souljar. Going on the offensive, the forces of Order invaded Souljar lands for the second time.   The war was bloody, but eventually led to an Order victory and the Righteous Kingdom of Sojazira wa established.
