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Alornians are a group of people from Eastern Obohrlansk, around the area of Romanov Keep, that have hair of varying shades of brown and sharp, angular faces. Their eyes are generally blue to gray and their skin is pale.


Major language groups and dialects

The Alornians come from Eastern Obohrlansk, a land of sparse woodland and rolling hills. Since they hail from Eastern Obohrlansk, their religious and cultural development greatly differed from the intermingling Tundruskan tribes and they are instead seen to be part of the Obohr culture group. This also means their language uses Obohr characters and is harsher/more guttural in delivery. There has been some influence in the pronunciation of many words however, and the language is widely understandable by native speakers of Tundruskan languages when spoken. Alorn, as with other Obohr languages, uses the Obohr alphabet, which is made up of 29 characters drawn with a variety of lines and sharp angular shapes.

Culture and cultural heritage

Alornians come from a temperate woodland climate near the coast, and much of their culture revolves around the sea and fishing.

Common Dress code

Alornian clothing is fairly simple, with most men wearing long robes or tunics that reach below the knees along with a thin hose. Thin sandals are often worn by both genders, but women often wear long, cloth dresses and round caps. Most jewelry is made of either hide or iron.

Art & Architecture

In terms of architecture, Alornian settlements typically consist of buildings made of large bricks with flat, thatch roofs. These buildings vary in size, but typically have arches carved into them rather than doorways on the inside. These arches are also decorated with engravings and chiseled imagery.

Major organizations

Alornian are often pro-empire and a large portion of them migrated to the Southern Riftlands controlled by the Empire, the lands around Sivinas. The control of the Sivinas Republic has been given to the Alornians and their jurisdiction stretches from Ylimi to Raven’s Perch.
Encompassed species


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