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The caliph must be of relation to the previous caliph through familial ties and must be affirmed of his legitimacy by the Yratophite Priest Circle.


Upon the death of a Caliph, his heir is raised to that rank and a week long ceremony begins which ties in with a set of trials that the new caliph must complete to show his adherence to balance.


The caliph must look after his nation, preserving it and maintaining balance within its lands.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The caliph may be removed upon the discovery of him committing crimes along the severity of murder or treason; therefore, showing his lack of adherence towards natural order and requiring a reaction of the law to combat his non-neutral deeds.
Nobility, Hereditary
still in effect
The title was created upon the creation of the Orxian Caliphate to rule over the various sultanates under Orxian rule.
Form of Address
The all neutral
Equates to
This title is similar to that of an Emperor, Archduke, or Grand Prince in that the holder rules over an empire-like state with an array of king-like vassals beneath him/her.
Source of Authority
The circle of Yratophite Priests confirm the legitimacy of the Caliph and encourage the people to believe so.
Length of Term
until death
Current Holders
Related Organizations


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