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The Orxian Caliphate


Orxians are a zealous people, wishing to spread the word of Yralos across their land and even into the lands of others in a wish to keep the Mortal Plane in balance. Despite this, they maintain a policy of non-expansion, seeing wars in which they are aggressors vying for land as a possible way to upset the balance of the Mortal Plane. This emphasis on balance in the Orxian religion does, however, lead the nation to often bickering and fighting other nations for actions which, in their opinion, upset the world's neutrality. This causes the Orxian people to regard other nations as ignorant and inferior, believing them to not be able to see the bigger picture behind all of their actions.   Orxians, in their daily lives, value wealth and physicality, believing a balanced person to have both the intellect to become wealthy and to have the capability to gain immense strength. However, famine is common in the Caliphate, leading to a large portion of the population to be both impoverished and malnourished. These people are seemingly forgotten about by the government and the priestly order, being seen as the necessary negative to the positive of their nation's success. The Caliphate is known for two main things, its technological advancements in the field of industry and its beautiful architecture. The limestone buildings of Orxian cities are rivaled in beauty only by the white marble structures found in Lavaria, capital of Urthallia. One of the best examples of Orxian architecture is the Statue of Yralos, a large structure located on the tallest hill outside of the city of Orxiah. The statue stands over 780 ft tall and is made of pure iridium, with a base made of polished limestone.   Entertainment in Orxiah is primarily limited to gladiatorial games, various sport-like events which take place in the arena, or horse races. These events are common, with at least some form of entertainment taking place in the larger towns weekly. Festivals are also held occasionally, specifically on the week leading up to the caliph's birthday or during times of religious celebration. Gambling is also a largely popular entertainment in Orxiah, with underground gambling rings spread through out the larger cities. These rings typically also facilitate underground prize fights, a form of entertainment for the poorer classes of society. These prize fights can also be used to progress in society as, while illegal, they do aid in proving a person as tough and may give them enough experience to be chosen for gladiatorial combat which is a quick, but dangerous, way to earn large amounts of coin.   The presence of the Red Peaks on the doorstep of Orxian civilization has played a large part in their cultural development. In the modern day, the mountains are almost seen as a deity or a being to be respected and left to its own devices. The natural danger hidden within the mountains has influenced many of the myths and tales of Orxian culture. The mysterious nature of the mountains has left a curiosity within the Orxian people, which has sadly ended in the deaths of almost every member of expeditions into the mountains. These deaths have sprouted into holidays of remembrance and have served as a lesson to the Orxian people, telling them that some things are better left unknown.

Demography and Population

Only 6.4 million citizens live in the lands within the borders of the Orxian Caliphate, most of which live on the Sanguine Coast near the capital city or in other trade-rich port towns. Nearly forty percent of the nation's inhabitants live within urban areas rather than rural settlements. The Caliphate has a decent literacy rate, with about seven percent of the population literate. The Caliphate also has the lowest life expectancy of any nation, with its citizens living, on average, a measly forty-six years. This is mostly due to a large amount of orcs and half-orcs who reside in the lands of the Caliphate as well as the harsh climate of the land which often leads to famine among its populace.


The Caliphate's territory encompasses the Grobas Desert, most of the Red Peaks, and parts of the Dumorian plains. Most of these areas are held by the Caliphate fairly peacefully, due to their non-expansionist policies. Most of these lands have been part of the Caliphate since its inception.


The military might of the Caliphate is powerful but is rarely used in matters other than policing and domestic wars. The Caliphate's military is mostly naval, with large armored galleons making up the backbone of their navy. Other than these galleons, the navy of the Caliphate consists of large skiffs armed with magical ballistae, small sailboats armed with mounted crossbows, and other ships of various sizes typically found in a nation's navy.    The ground army of the Caliphate is almost entirely made up of levies who are raised only in times of war by the individual nobles of the nation. These levies are typically equipped with light, chain-mail armor, metal shields, and some form of pole-arm, typically a short spear. The ranged capabilities of the nation are limited to poorly trained levies given crossbows, due to the weapon's ease of use. Cavalry is rarely used by the armies of the Caliphate, but a few units utilize the large, armadillo-like, bovine creatures native to the Grobas Desert as mobile battlements for small numbers of crossbowmen by building platforms on their backs.


Yratophy is almost universal in the lands of the Caliphate, and while there is no law dictating which religion a person is forced to follow, worship of other religions is often discouraged.

Foreign Relations

Orxiah's international relations are some of the worst of any nation, with most nations at least at odds with the Caliphate to some extent. This is due to the preachy, theological nature of their international policy in which they often criticize other nations for altering/influencing the natural balance of the mortal plane with their actions. This often causes them to disagree with other nations on international matters, leading to wars such as the Riphtenland-Orxiah border war.

Agriculture & Industry

Orxiah's harsh landscape and climate nullifies any real attempts to create a widespread agricultural economy, and while there are large agricultural hubs around most of the large cities due to their position near rivers and other freshwater sources, most of Orxiah's economic power comes from its production of natural oils, ore refining, and textiles. Many of the animals herded in the Grobas Desert are used for the production of both food and natural oils, due to the large fat content of many of the larger creatures native to the deserts of Orxiah. This oil is both used for light and to run ore refineries that process raw ores at much quicker and more efficient rates than traditional means. The textile industry also runs off of the oil provided, using it to power magical generators which run the machines necessary for harvesting and processing silk and, later, textiles.


About seven percent of the Orxian population is educated, with most of them being religious workers or the wealthiest members of society. If a person wishes for an education but isn't of noble birth or doesn't have immense wealth, they can enter into a government funded university. The educational facilities in the Caliphate are typically universities funded by the religious organizations which are endorsed by the high circle of Yratophite priests. Upon graduation, the students of these schools will go on to become orators and spreaders of Yratophy in Orxiah which is part of the contract those who go to the universities must agree to.
Founding Date
68 EO
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The currencies used by the Orxian Caliphate differ a bit from the typical currencies seen in other nations. The Caliphate uses the standard gold and copper coins, minted with the visage of the Caliph, but instead of silver, they use iridium coins as it is far more common in Orxiah than silver.
Major Exports
The main exports of the Caliphate are luxury goods such as its domestically-produced silk and textiles which are often traded for various resources depending on the nation trade is done with. The caliphate also produces large amounts of steel, due to its extensive refining industry and abundant natural supplies of iron ore and limestone. This steel is often traded, in the form of forged ingots, to the nations of Urthallia or any of the Obohr states in return for supplies of lumber or wines.
Major Imports
The main imports of the Caliphate are lumber and certain precious metals rarely found in the region, such as silver or platinum. Other than metals, the Caliphate will import resources they physically cannot make within their borders with their natural resources, such as wine.
Legislative Body
The lawmaking body of the Caliphate is the circle of Yratophite priests, which are responsible for creating the laws of the Caliphate under the supervision of the caliph. While the caliph is able to input into the decision-making, the priests have the final say on all laws and regulations created and the way in which they are enforced within the realm.
Judicial Body
The judicial body of the Caliphate is the circle of priests as well as the lesser orators who spread their word to lesser settlements. These individuals deal with the interpretation of laws, meeting with individual nobles and leaders of lower titles to aid them in developing laws which align with those of the high circle and the overarching Caliphate.
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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