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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Teylar was born with her mother a member of the Eternal Forest council in charge of diplomatic relations with the material plane and her father a simple craftsman. From a very young age she took great interest in her mother’s work. She loved to hear stories about the outside world and took great joy in seeing her mother’s transformations into the different races of the world. As she grew she wanted nothing more than to see the world as her mother saw it, she would take day trips to Willows Keep but soon she lost interest. Eventually she wore down her mother and she agreed to teach Teylar the way of manipulation and getting what she wanted, which she then used to sweet talk shop owners into giving her free treats and toys. As her way with words grew she eventually was able to persuade her Mother to take her on a trip to the material plane.   They travelled to Yennia where Teylar’s knowledge of magic grew along with her enjoyment of manipulation. It became a game to her, how many she could scam, how many she could steal from. She began seeing people as pawns putting on different personalities based on what would please those around her the most, while her mother was too busy gathering intel and teaching Teylar more of her trade secrets. Teylar’s obsession with tricking people grew and grew and her tricks became more mean spirited as the trip was nearing its end. The day before they would leave to head back to the Eternal Forest she decided that she wanted to leave her mark on the place.   She set into place a plan that she set into motion weeks ago. She had been befriending an older man who owned the local shoe store. She also had befriended a group of kids who hung out in the streets. She convinced the kids to meet her at the shoe store and asked the older man to meet her a little bit away for lunch. She first went to the shoe store and unlocked with the key she had been gifted with, took some lamp oil and asked the kids to help her pour it out all over the inside of the store as it would be a funny prank when the owner came back and would have to smell it for days. They complied and soon the shop’s wooden interior was covered with lamp oil, while they did that she rushed to the spot where the shop owner was waiting for her and told him to come quickly and that some kids were breaking into his shop. When they arrived with the guards the kids were quickly caught and although they claimed a girl with raven black hair put them up to it, and then left they were not believed and were taken under custody, while everyone was to preoccupied by the children being taken by the guards no one noticed the mage hand with a match inside the building, they noticed when the fire caught though, the old wood of the shop caught fire quickly, the fire ignited the trails outside the shop placed earlier that lead to nearby buildings and the fire eventually spread beyond control, there was not enough mages in the city to stop it before it got out of hand, spreading and spreading. Half of the town was lost before it was stopped.   Teylar left without knowing what became of the kids or the shop owner, she was only concerned with how cool she would look to the kids back home when she told them about her trick that she pulled. She has since tried to do more good deeds in order to hopefully gain the attention of the Wispmother but it is mostly superficial . Eventually her mother officially started training her to be her replacement when she retired, and she started going on missions to collect information from enemies of the forest or about events outside of their knowledge. All the while trying to have a bit of fun on the way.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Teylar thinks very highly of herself and lowly of others, she believes she is superior to many others around her and likes to manipulate others into doing work for her. Despite that she may come off as bubbly and cheerful especially to new people she wishes to deceive. She doesn’t take abuse or criticism from anyone and will not hesitate to insult anyone who does so to her.

An Iva diplomat sent my the Queen of the Eternal Forest, Teylar is a master of social science and can manipulate even the strongest of wills over time. She is currently leading the party against the reopening of the Rift.

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Chaotic Neutral
The Eternal Forest
dark blue
long, wavy, and blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slightly tanned
122 lbs
Aligned Organization


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