
A humanoid species of stocky and heavy build. Associated with great skill in combat and metal works. Also known to be stuborn to the extend that many people have a saying of "Stuborn as a Dwarrow." They are just as generally recognized as making the most excellent heavy foot infantry soldiers.

The most used denominator for members of this species is not Dwarror but Dwarf.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

"... they display a tendency to be muscular and those muscles are more powerful than a muscle of an average human. While the muscles show a significant advantage in power it has also been shown that the muscles are less quick. This has also been observed within other primate derived species and it may well originate from something we do not understand yet."

from Expressiones naturalis. The variations of nature 126th revised edition, Academy of Durunk.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Intelligence of Dwarrow lies within the range that seems to be so common amongst primate derived humanoids.

Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens homuncularis tolkieniensis
around 350-400 years, with known individuals of over 600
Average Height
about eight Spann (1,5 - 1,65 meters)
Average Physique

Dwarro are of stocky and sturdy build.

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