Korvala Character in Twearth | World Anvil
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Korvala is the leader of the Amberdunes, a group running a shady bookstore for the rare and occult. The store is located in Baldur's Gate's Trade District, The Wide. The Amberdunes revealed themselves to be Jackalweres living in a hideout in the nearby slums off the alleys of The Wide.

Adventure Notes

In the wake of several instances of attacks by animated books inside Candlekeep the party followed the clues towards the Amberdunes. The pack revealed that they sold copies of rare tomes to increase revenue, but the magic used turned out to be faulty, causing them to lash out.
The Amberdunes said, that they never intended any harm, and were simply trying to raise funds for the ressurrection of their dead, former leader, Niahla.
The short acquaintance of the party, Funkin, very abruptly offered his soul for the ressurrection, greatly contributing towards to total funding. In a show of gratitude, the party received original copies of the books for the Library's collection, as well as a black, authorless book containing an inlaid piece of paper with a map
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