Black Sun Organization in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Black Sun

Black Sun is a criminal syndicate that came into prominence during the Clone Wars as the Jedi Order focused more on military affairs and less on law enforcement. Black Sun was allied with the Shadow Collective. The syndicate maintains bases on Mustafar and Ord Mantell and has many of the Falleen species as members. Black Sun holds a massive amount of reach and influence, extending its tendrils of corruption deep in the various galactic governments. It's infamous for its involvement in piracy and smuggling, but smuggling is just the tip of the iceberg of the galaxy-wide organization. It's involved in every known type of illegal activity, and its information networks were rumored to even rival the accuracy and scope of Imperial Intelligence. The resources available to Black Sun rivaled those belonging to a large planetary army, including foot soldiers.   Below the leader of Black Sun were nine Vigos (Old Tionese for "nephew"). Each Vigo ruled over his or her own territory and sector, with a small army of retainers, spies, lieutenants, and mercenaries operating multiple cells, businesses, rackets, and more beneath.
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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