Church of the Force Organization in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Church of the Force

The Church of the Force began as an underground faith whose followers believed in the ideals of the Jedi Order. In simplest terms, the Church is basically a non-Force-sensitive equivalent of the Jedi Order. The church has gone underground in response to the rise of the Galactic Empire, which has outlawed such spiritual beliefs. Despite the threat of Imperial rule, and the destruction of the Jedi Order at the end of the Clone Wars, the Church of the Force believes that the light of the Jedi will one day return to the galaxy.   The eschewed modern technology and instead create their own in order to bring themselves more in touch with nature. A common practice among them is to perform pilgrimages to return items, such as kyber crystals, to where they belong throughout the galaxy.
Religious, Other


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