Core Worlds Geographic Location in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Core Worlds

The Core Worlds is the area of the galaxy between the Deep Core  and the Colonies. The Core Worlds contain some of the wealthiest and most prestigious planets, Coruscant, the galactic capital, most notable among them..   Core World design emphasizes freedom of customization, which shows in the modular construction techniques of Core-built ships. Citizens from the Core Worlds are stereotyped as being snobs, rich, and speaking with a clipped, practiced accent.   Inequalities between the richer Core Worlds and the poorer Outer Rim Territories set the stage for resentments that fed several conflicts through the history of the galaxy, including the Clone Wars.
Alternative Name(s)
Galactic Core, Core Territories, Coruscant Core, Core Systems, Core
Galactic Quadrant
Owning Organization


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