Jedha City Settlement in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Jedha City

Jedha is an ancient city located on the cold, desert Mid Rim  moon of Jedha. Standing atop a rocky mesa, the city is surrounded by a large wall and contains various temples and adorned buildings.] The city is divided into two sections by a Division Wall. One section is known as the Old City and the other known as the New City, though even the New City is well over 5000 years old. The most notable structure in the Holy City is the ancient Temple of the Kyber—a great temple protruding high above the city wall that is held sacred by those who followed the teachings of the Church of the Force. Considered a holy site for followers of the mystical energy field known as the Force, the Holy City's streets are filled with priests, scholars, and holy men and women, many of them pilgrims, who can be recognized by their distinctive and often ornate robes.
Alternative Name(s)
Holy City, NiJedha, Jedha
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