Collegia Pontificum Organization in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Collegia Pontificum

The Collegia Pontificum, or Colleges of Priests, are the various organizations devoted the the deities of the Roman Pantheon. This is not a single organization, but rather, is a group of societies that all fall under the same designation. Each individual College of Priests (Collegium Pontificum) operates independently, under the leadership of a Pontifex Maximus. The individual societies of priests for each deity meet occasionally to discuss matters of scriptural interpretation and the like, but the colleges almost never meet with each other.  The authority of the priests is therefore largely decentralized. However, legally, the Emperor is the head of the entire Roman religion, and has supreme authority over all priests in all colleges.


Although there are idiosyncrasies unique to each college, there is a common general structure to all the religious societies in the Roman Empire. Each college is made up of the 12-15 most influential pontifices (priests and priestesses) for a given deity. These pontifices serve for life, and elect from among their number a leader to chair their college, who is called the Pontifex Maximus (aka, "High priest/priestess). This person serves as chair of the college for life. When a seat opens up in the college (normally as a result of death), the Pontifex Maximus nominates one of the pontifices who serves at a temple of the deity, and the college then votes whether to confirm. (Rejection of a person nominated by the Pontifex Maximus is rare, as the Pontifex Maximus is considered to be speaking on behalf of the deity.)


The Emperor - Supreme authority of the entire Roman Religion.   Pontifex Maximus - Chief High Priest or Priestess of the religion. Chairs the Collegium Pontificum for the deity. Seen as the deity's primary representative in the mortal world.   Pontifices - Priests and priestesses of the religion. Each temple is run by a Pontifex for the temple, who conducts the religious ceremonies and serves as the chief authority for the deity in that town or region. Not all Pontifices are members of the deity's Collegium. Only the 12-15 most influential pontifices sit on the College.   Pontifices minores - Minor priests and priestesses of the religion. These individuals either serve under a Pontifex at one of the larger temples in the big cities, or else they may serve as the only priest of a small shrine or temple in one of the smaller towns or villages.   Augures - Acolytes and religious assistants who may be in training to become a pontifex minor, or else may simply be content to assist the higher ranking priests or attend the minor shrines of the deity.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Collegia Pontificum are among the most influential Collegia Licita (legal societies) in the Roman Empire. Their authority is viewed as coming primarily from the gods themselves, and therefore, few would dare question it. Only the Emperor is viewed as having a higher rank within the religion -- since Augustus declare himself (and all subsequent Emperors) the chief priest of the entire Roman religion. Consequently, unless it has the backing of the Emperor, even the Roman Senate would be hesitant to take on one of the priestly Colleges.
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Notable Members

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