Hill Folk Ethnicity in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Hill Folk

Hill Folk are the people who first appeared in the hills and mountains of central Latium. They tend to be slightly shorter (averaging about 5'7" for males and 5'3" for females) and have fairer skin than the other humans living along the coast of the Sundered Sea. Their hair tends toward browns and blacks, with occasional reds and blonds (again, these latter two are rare in the other human ethnicities). The Hill Folk of Latium are the originators of the Latin language, although even they no longer use it as a primary spoken language, having substituted Common instead. These people are the original founders of the city of Rome, and are to this day what most beings think of when one refers to a "Roman."

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Appia, Aula, Caesula, Decima, Fausta, Gaia, Gnaea, Hosta, Lucia, Maia, Mamerca, Mania, Marcia, Maxima, Mettia, Mino, Nona, Numeria, Octavia, Paulla, Postuma, Prima, Procula, Publia, Quarta, Quinta, Secunda, Septima, Servia, Sexta, Spuria, Statia, Tertia, Tiberia, Titia, Tulla, Vibia, Volusa, Vopisca

Masculine names

Agrippa, Appius, Aulus, Caeso, Decimus, Faustus, Gaius, Gnaeus, Hostus, Lucius, Mamercus, Manius, Marcus, Mettius, Nonus, Numerius, Octavius, Opiter, Paullus, Postumus, Proculus, Publius, Quintus, Septimus, Sertor, Servius, Sextus, Spurius, Statius, Tiberius, Titus, Tullus, Vibius, Volesus, Vopiscus

Family names

Aliena, Allectia, Amafinia, Amatia, Ambrosia, Ampia, Ampudia, Ancharia, Anicia, Annaea, Anneia, Betua, Betucia, Blandia, Blossia, Boionia, Bruttia, Bucculeia, Burbuleia, Burriena, Caecia, Caecilia, Caecina, Caedicia, Caelia, Caeparia, Caepasia, Caerellia, Caesellia, Caesennia, Caesetia, Caesia, Decentia, Decia, Decidia, Decimia, Dellia, Desticia, Dexsia, Didia, Digitia, Dillia, Domitia, Dubia, Eppia, Equitia, Erucia, Expentania, Fabia, Fabricia, Fadia, Faenia, Falcidia, Faleria, Faminia, Fannia, Farsuleia, Faucia, Favonia, Festinia, Fidiculania, Firmia, Flaminia, Flavia, Flavinia, Flavonia, Floria, Genucia, Gessia, Glicia, Grania, Gratidia, Gratia, Hateria, Heia, Helvia, Helvidia, Herennia, Herennuleia, Herminia, Hirria, Hirtia, Hirtuleia, Horatia, Hordeonia, Hortensia, Hosidia, Hostia, Laenia, Laetilia, Laetoria, Lafrenia, Lamponia, Laronia, Lartia, Latinia, Lavinia, Lemonia, Lentidia, Mestria, Metilia, Mettia, Milonia, Mimesia, Minatia, Minia, Minicia, Minidia, Minucia, Modia, Mucia, Nautia, Neratia, Nerfinia, Neria, Nigidia, Ninnia, Nipia, Nonia, Norbana, Novellia, Novia, Numeria, Opimia, Opisia, Opiternia, Oppia, Oppidia, Opsia, Opsidia, Opsilia, Orania, Orbia, Orbicia, Orbilia, Pacilia, Paconia, Pactumeia, Pacuvia, Palfuria, Palpellia, Pantuleia, Papia, Papinia, Papiria, Pasidia, Quirinia, Rabiria, Rabonia, Rabuleia, Racilia, Raecia, Ragonia, Rammia, Rania, Rasinia, Reginia, Rufinia, Rufria, Rullia, Rupilia, Rusonia, Rustia, Rusticelia, Rutilia, Sabellia, Sabidia, Sabinia, Sabucia, Secundia, Secundinia, Sedatia, Segulia, Seia, Selicia, Sellia, Sempronia, Sennia, Sentia, Seppia, Septicia, Tarquitia, Terentia, Terentilia, Tertinia, Tettia, Tettidia, Tettiedia, Tettiena, Thoria, Tigellia, Tineia, Verania, Verecundia, Vergilia, Verginia, Verres, Verria, Vesnia, Vesonia, Vestoria, Vestricia, Vettia


Major language groups and dialects

The Hill Folk originally spoke Latin, and many continue to speak it to this day. They also speak Common, and since the founding of the Empire, Common has come to replace Latin in everyday use. Latin is still the main language of the upper class, however.

Culture and cultural heritage

Hill Folk are known for their preference for law and order, and dislike of anarchy. Most Hill Folk tribes had very strong chieftains, and later, as Rome developed, the government instituted strict laws. Hill Folk are also known for their bravery, and ability in battle, which is why they have been so successful at subjugating most of the known world. Hill Folk prefer safety and security, and will almost always choose to stay in a walled city whenever possible. They are also rather fastidious, and those who can afford to will bathe on a nearly daily basis.

Average technological level

  • Running water (via aqueducts) is available in all major towns and cities, brought in from nearby mountains.
  • Underground sewer systems exist in major towns and cities to bring wastewater out of the settlement.
  • Indoor plumbing is present in wealthy homes to bring fresh water to the household; public fountains are available throughout most settlements for all others.
  • Concrete was developed during the Republican era and provides for sturdy structures.
  • Roads and highways connect all cities and towns to each other.
  • Arches are used in many building structures for efficiency and support (especially seen in aqueduct construction).
  • Book binding was invented early during the Imperial era.

Common Dress code

Hill Folk tend to wear simple everyday clothing, such as a tunic and pants along with shoes or boots. For more formal or public occasion Hill Folk wear a toga - a semi-circular cloth draped around the body. Alternatively, women (but not men) may wear a stola - a long pleated dress worn over an under-tunic. Due to Empress Atratina's preference for the stola, most Hill Women now wear that on formal occasions instead of the toga. For footwear, sandals typically accompany both the toga and the stola.

Historical figures

  • Aeneas
  • Romulus and Remus
  • Gaius Julius Caesar (Caesar)
  • Gaius Octavius Rufus (Octavian)
  • Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
  • Titus Flavius Vespasianus (Vespasian)
  • Titus Flavius Domitianus (Domitian)
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus (Hadrian)
  • Tiberius Claudius Nero (Tiberius)
  • Nerva Traianus Divi (Trajan)

Major organizations

Encompassed species
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