Svirfneblin Ethnicity in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Far beneath the surface of the earth dwell the Svirfneblin, the Deep Gnomes, a race related to the Gnomes of the surface world. Small parties of these Gnomes explore the passageways found deep underground, always in search of gems and minerals. Their realm is in a region unknown, but thought to consist of a closely connected series of vast caverns in which thousands of these creatures live. Few surface-dwellers have seen a Svirfneblin, and those only in very deep places beneath the ground. Svirfneblin have grey or grey-brown skin, and the males tend to be bald. Females have whitish hair.   These small and agile creatures are able to move very quietly, and when underground, will only be discerned if they wish it. If they choose to remain unseen, the Svirfneblin are unlikely to be detected by any observer, even the Kuo-Toa with their ability to sense pressure. They know the passages and secret tunnels of the underground better than any others who dwell there, and can often find paths to safety that no surface-dweller would be able to follow.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bimpnottin, Breena, Caramip, Carlin, Donella, Duvamil, Ella, Ellyjobell, Ellywick, Lilli, Loopmottin, Lorilla, Mardnab, Nissa, Nyx, Oda, Orla, Roywyn, Shamil, Tana, Waywocket, Zanna

Masculine names

Alston, Alvyn, Boddynock, Brocc, Burgell, Dimble, Eldon, Erky, Fonkin, Frug, Gerbo, Gimble, Glim, Jebeddo, Kellen, Namfoodle, Orryn, Roondar, Seebo, Sindri, Trosli, Warryn, Wrenn, Zook

Family names

Garnetgetter, Amethystgetter, Diamondgatherer, Rubyfinder


Major language groups and dialects

Gnomish; whether they know any other languages is unknown. They do not appear to speak Common or Dwarvish.

Major organizations

Encompassed species
Related Locations

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