Grub Wine Item in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Grub Wine

The Romans are famous for their love of (diluted) wine. There are many varieties enjoyed from white to blush to red wine throughout the Roman Empire, but perhaps the most unusual wine was developed quite by chance: Grub Wine.   Grub wine was first invented by accident, when a vintner had to leave his vineyard unexpectedly and delegated the harvest to his inexperienced and rather irresponsible son. The son, being more interested in wooing his beloved than tending the vineyards, carelessly allowed grubs to infest the grapes. The grubs got into the batch, resulting in an entire vintage of wine with a strange 'grubby' taste. Rather than throw away the batch, and lose his entire investment, the vintner tried to pawn the bad wine off on a passing Legion rather than sell it to his regular customers and ruin his reputation among the wine connoisseurs of southern Latium.    However, not even the rough and tumble legionaries would drink the grubby wine - except for the Aarakocra scouts, who loved it and couldn't get enough of it. When the vintner ran out, but the Aarakocra continued to request more, he had to admit to the scouts that the batch was made by accident and that there was no more of the delicious grub wine to be had.   Upon returning home, some of the scouts whose families owned vineyards began experimenting, deliberately infecting batches of grapes with grubs. Over time, they improved and refined the process to make something even more palatable for Aarakocra. Thus, the first Grub Wine wineries were born. After it hit the wider market, grub wine was even briefly in vogue in Rome among the Senatorial class, though it was, for non-Aarakocra, very much an acquired taste, and was never truly popular with any of the other humanoid lineages.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Common in areas with many Aarakocra, Uncommon elsewhere

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