Heehk Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Former Optio Heehk Aurelius Buteus (a.k.a. Uncle Heehk)

Heehk is a traveling Aarakocra merchant who carries goods and a folding stall in a Portable Hole. He travels around the Empire selling his wares to the Romans. He's an ex-scout from the army who collected treasures and trinkets during his years of service and turned this into a business. He sells rare and exotic goods from all over the Empire, and his travels would make him aware of news and rumors. He still has contacts in the army. He is loud, boisterous, cheerful, and full of old war stories. Kleeck, the party's cleric, is his favorite nephew.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Heehk spent a number of years as a scout in the Roman army. Eventually he rose in rank to be Optio (second-in-command) of his Century. He saw action in various places, and most famously was with then-Imperial Legate and future Emperor Valerian. After Valerian became emperor in 2097, Heehk retired from the army, and has spent the last 6 years as a traveling salesman. He used to fly south to Aegyptus for the winter, but when Egypt fell, he started visiting Carthage instead. He returns each spring to sell the exotic trinkets of Africa to Roman Plebians and Patricians.


Heehk is self-employed as a traveling merchant.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Heehk rose to the rank of Optio in his Century  while serving under future Emperor Valerian. This is the second-highest rank in a Century. He retired with honors after Valerian was installed as Emperor.

Personality Characteristics


Heehk enjoys seeing the world and socializing with people from different places. He likes trading in both items and rumors. He thrives on a hard-fought negotiation and making a good deal on a sale or trade.


Family Ties

Uncle to Kleeck, the party's Cleric.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2079 AUC 24 Years old
The Eyrie
Current Residence
Varies - traveling salesman
Brown, white, and black feathers.
95 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That'll put feathers on your chest."

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