Emperor Valerian Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Emperor Valerian

Imperator Publius Licinius Valerianus (a.k.a. Valerian)

Publius Licinius Valerianus Augustus is the current Emperor of Rome. He was born about 50 years ago, and rose to prominence during the reign of Empress Atratina in the AUC 2080s. He was twice chosen to be one of her Consuls, and also served as one of the leaders of the Roman Senate. After serving in these capacities for more than a decade, Atratina appointed him Imperial Legate, i.e., commander of the Roman Army. Unfortunately for Atratina, she sent Valerian east in an attempt to beat back the Orcs and Goblins in the Letalis Verge, who had been raiding the towns along the border. While he was gone, one of the other generals raised an army to attempt a coup against her. She summoned Valerian back to Rome, but by the time he had arrived in Latium, Atratina's forces had turned on her, and she had been murdered. When Valerian arrived, he delivered a sound drubbing to the rebels, after which his men proclaimed him Emperor. Since Valerian was well known to them, the Senators confirmed him as Imperator Augustus in the fall of AUC 2097.   As Emperor, Valerian shared Atratina's plan to expand Rome's territory. However, his experience against the Orcs taught him that Rome needed to shore up its current holdings first. His plan was to fully incorporate the existing vassal states and tributaries one at a time to become full Roman provinces. Toward that end, he sent orders northward to the Prefect of Lugdunum to prepare for the expansion of that town. However, before any of this could happen, tragedy befell the Empire, and Lugdunum was destroyed by unknown forces. Following this event, the Empire has suffered repeated defeats, as first the Legions sent north to reclaim Lugdunum have failed to return, and the entire force in Ageyptus was wiped out by yet another unknown enemy. Faced with the possibility of a two-front war against mysterious threats, Valerian has ordered all forces back behind the borders of the Empire's core provinces, leaving Troichtir, Aegyptus, and the other tributary states to fend for themselves, while he tries to rebuild the army.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Imperator Caesar Augustus (August Emperor)
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
2050 AUC 53 Years old
Brown, narrow
Curly brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
146 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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