Human Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Humans are the youngest of the "humanoid" races in the world of Tyllus, appearing after Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, and the other races had already appeared. Unlike most of the other races, who have historically lived in loose associations such as the Elven city-state alliances, humans have a tendency to build large nations with strong central governments founded on either conquest or trade. Humans are also the most adaptable of the sentient races of Tyllus, seeming able to live just about anywhere, and having a wide variety of customs and cultures. More than any other race, humans build to last: some of their cities, such as Rome, have persisted for thousands of years.   All sentient races on Tyllus claim to have been created by a single god, and humans are no different. However, whereas most of the other races unanimously agree on which god created them, humans may disagree. There is dispute among scholars and priests as to whether Jupiter or Venus is the true creator of the human race. Some legends claim that Jupiter gave the creation order to all gods, and then Venus made humans. Others insist that Jupiter gave the order and also made humans. As Jupiter is the patron deity of Rome, most Romans consider him to be their creator. The Empire takes no official position on this, so as not to anger the wrong god or goddess.   There are three ethnic groups of humans in the known world: Hill Folk, whose origins come from the hills and low mountains of Latium; River Folk, whose origins are found in the Nile River valley; and Desert Folk, whose origins are along the southern rim of the Sundered Sea.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans reach adulthood in their late teens, and live about 75 to 80 years on average.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans can live just about anywhere, but all three ethnic groups originated in the warm climate of the Sundered Sea coastline.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have no special senses or perception, instead forming the "baseline" to which all other races are compared.
75 years
Average Height
5' to 7'
Average Weight
100 to 200 lbs.
Related Ethnicities

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