Desert Folk Ethnicity in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Desert Folk

Desert Folk are the tallest of humans, averaging 5'9" for males and 5'6" for females. They tend to have dark skin and black or brown hair, as well as dark brown eyes. Desert Folk began along the southern side of the Sundered Sea, on the coast of Northern Africa. They occasionally clashed with the River Folk of the Nile Valley, but mostly spread their way westward, eventually conquering the entire north coast of the continent, along with some of the islands. They formed the great kingdom of Kartago (Carthage) and built a vast and powerful navy to rule the waves. Their advances brought them into contact with the Roman Republic, and eventually the two sides clashed in three brutal wars, the last of which saw Kartago absorbed into the Roman Republic. It has been more than a thousand years and dozens of human generations Desert Folk are now nearly as Roman as the Hill Folk.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alissa, Anath, Arishat, Asherah, Astarte, Athirat, Ayzebel, Balaat, Batnoam, Dido, Elissa, Jezebel, Melita, Nikkal, Shapash, Similce, Sophoniba, Sophonisba, Sophonsba, Tanit, Tanath, Umma, Yzebel

Masculine names

Abdeshmun , Abdi-Milki, Abdmelqart , Abdosir , Aderbaal , Adonibaal , Ahiram, Akbar , Aqhat , Ashtartyaton , Ashtzaph , Baalhanno , Baalshillek , Bodashtart , Bodeshmun , Bodinelqart , Bodmelqart , Danel , Eshmunamash , Eshmunazar, Germelqart , Hanno, Hasdrubal , Himilco, Hiram, Kanmi , Khilletzbaal , Maharbaal , Melqartpilles , Milkherem , Milkpilles , Milkyaton , Philosir , Rib-Addi, Sakarbaal , Tabnit, Yehawwielon , Yutpan , Zimrida

Family names

Barca, Gisgon, Rhodanus


Major language groups and dialects

The Desert Folk typically speak Common, and many also, having been fully Romanized, learn Latin. In the distant past, there was a Kartagonian language, but it has long since fallen out of use. No one living knows how to speak it.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Desert Folk are known for their tendency to travel, which perhaps has its roots in their nomadic beginnings. Although few records survived the three Kartagonian Wars between Rome and Carthage, legends assert that the Desert Folk were originally nomadic, before their first great ruler, Queen Dido, founded the city of Carthage nearly 100 years before Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Although they settled first in one city, and eventually in a number of colonies across North Africa, the Desert Folk still traveled by land and sea, ranging far and wide. In particular many of them love to sail, and they remain the best sailors and navigators in the known world. This same wanderlust has led many modern Desert Folk to join the Roman Army, so as to see more of the world as the military carries out campaigns in the uncharted wilds.

Average technological level

Kartago in many ways reached the same level of technology as the Romans until the nation was conquered. In fact, the Romans swiped several technological inventions from the Desert Folk, perfecting them rather than coming up with these inventions themselves. In particular, the Kartagonians are known for:  
  • Naval warfare: Many modern water-borne tactics were originally developed by the Desert Folk.
  • Navigation: The ability to accurately plot a course by the stars.
  • Galleys: Sailing ships with two or more rows of oars per size, such as biremes and triremes.
  • Winding bathing channels: Bath houses through which running water flows in channels, ensuring clean water for the bathers.
  • Alphabet: The Desert Folk were the first humans to abandon pictographs and hieroglyphics in favor of letters and words.

Common Dress code

Desert Folk wear clothing reflective of the hot climate in which they ordinarily live. Desert Men typically wear a single tunic that covers the torso and ends a little above the knee. Desert Women usually wear something slightly longer, akin to a sleeveless dress that extends to nearly the ankles. Both men and women tend to wear sandals on their feet.

Historical figures

Dido Elishat (foundress of Carthage)
Hannibal Barca (greatest general)
Encompassed species

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