Mysterious Map from Lugdunum Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Mysterious Map from Lugdunum

While in the ruins of Lugdunum, the party happened upon some colored toad-creatures (one red, one blue, and one green) in the building that once functioned as the Praetorium, or the home of the Prefect. In what had been the former meeting-room of the Praetorium, they found a parchment on which was drawn a map of the Roman Empire, with some lines and squares drawn upon them. The party took the map with them, and reviewed it later. Kleeck used his knowledge of the Empire to match up the squares with individual cities (or former cities which are now outside the Empire and have been destroyed). Kleeck and Laura were able to identify the probable city locations (parenthetical ones have been destroyed and are no longer part of the Empire).   The map with the city identifications is below:


The map's purpose is not currently known.

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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