Secret Inscription XVI Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Secret Inscription XVI

In a secret chamber under the Temple of the Sun and the Moon in Lugdunum , Kleeck found a carving of a woman in ancient armor, with her finger to her bound lips, and her other hand pointing down toward her feet. Two paragraphs of writing had been carved into the stone below her feet, and a smashed marble stela, or cover stone, was lying on the floor, which had apparently covered up the writing previously.   The carved text was in Latin. Kleeck translated it as reading:
This was why, in his final days, the prayers of King Maagog fell on deaf ears. For as he begged the Reptile-gods for aid, they were fighting a losing war against the younger gods. Desperate for their own defense, the Titans could spare no power for their worshippers. And so, when the Romans conquered Haurach, the Old Ones were finally defeated, slain one and all by their former subjects. And as he died, Maagog bellowed to the high heavens, cursing the men who drove their swords through his heart, and vowing to seek revenge against Rome. And legend has it that at that very moment, just as the Titans were being hurled into Tartarus, Eurybia, Titaness of Storms and Betrayal, heard this vow, and expended the last of her might to grant Maagog an enduring Undeath -- allowing him to remain in the mortal world until such time as he could exact his ultimate vengeance upon Rome.

And so Maagog arose in power and wrath, with a sword still piercing him, and slaughtered those about him. He wrought great destruction against the Roman soldiers until Rome's few wizards joined together. Unable to kill him, they imprisoned him in a vault under the ruins of Haurach. Then, with the Old Ones finally extinct, the Romans leveled Haurach, and replaced it, creating a stronghold to protect their northwestern border, which they named Lugdunum. And in a chamber deep beneath it, trapped forever by an interdiction spell, Maagog the Slaughterer remains for all eternity.
  Kleeck also pieced together the stela, and discovered a single letter carved into the lower right corner: the letter "R." (Pictured right)


This inscription appears to contain the secret, undocumented history of pre-Imperial Rome.
Text, Religious
by DM-Steven

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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