Senator Rank/Title in Tyllus | World Anvil
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The Roman Senate is the highest legislative body in the Roman Empire, and has existed since Rome's inception. The Latin word Senatus is derived from senex, which means "old man," because initially the Senate was constituted as a "council of elders." According to legend, the first Senate of 100 older members was instituted by Rome's founder and first king, Romulus. Later, during the Republic and then the Empire, the number expanded to 600 individuals. All Senators must come from the Patrician class (i.e., the aristocracy), and they are appointed by Consuls, who are Patricians chosen by the Emperor to serve as presiders over the senate. Senators serve for life, once appointed.


Although technically any Patrician is eligible to serve in the Senate, those with a history of exhibiting strong oratorical skills or good management are usually chosen.


A person must be of Patrician rank to be appointed a Senator.


Senators are appointed for a life term by mutual agreement of the two currently-serving Consuls.


Senators are expected to meet in regular session to discuss matters, pass laws, and render decisions that have consequences throughout the Empire.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Senators, like all serving political officers, wear pure white togas with a purple border. As members of the highest legislative body in the Empire, the purple border is the thickest of all.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Ordinarily, unless the Senator commits a capital crime such as murder or treason, or in some way angers the Emperor sufficiently to warrant removal, only death can remove a sitting Senator from office.


The Senate has been a part of Rome since it became a Republic in AUC 298. Although its size has varied (presently, there are 600 Senators serving from all over the core of the Empire), the Senate has remained in place for the 1,800-plus years since. Even the most authoritarian or dictatorial Emperors have not dared to disband the Senate, for it has been revered by the people almost since its inception. It was the senate which proclaimed Octavian "Imperator Augustus" in AUC 1049, and the Senate has confirmed each subsequent Emperor ever since. Attempts at coups which have not involved Senate confirmation have failed, because those usurpers were not able to get the general public to go along without Senate approval.

Cultural Significance

The Senate is Rome's most venerable institution, and Senators are highly respected. It is not a coincidence that the Romans do not generally call their nation Imperium Romanum (the Roman Empire) as outsiders do, but rather, Senatus Populusque Romanum (the Senate and People of Rome). People revere the Senate and trust it to act in the best interests of the whole Empire, even more than they trust the Emperor.

Notable Holders

  • Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (Sulla)
  • Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis (Cato)
  • Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey)
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero (Cicero)
Civic, Political
Source of Authority
The People of Rome
Length of Term
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