Emperor Rank/Title in Tyllus | World Anvil
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The Emperor (Imperator) is the highest political office in the Roman Empire, and serves as its supreme commander. Other titles for this office include Augustus (August) and First Citizen (Princeps). The first person to be declared Emperor was Gaius Octavius Rufus, commonly known as Caesar Augustus, a thousand years ago. Augustus attempted to found a dynasty, which lasted for several generations, but over the years, the family (gens) in control of the throne has changed hands many times. Often, the army will proclaim its Legate (equivalent to a general) Emperor, and march on Rome to install him. Sometimes such a move is successful; sometimes it is not.   The current Imperator, Emperor Valerian, put down a rebellion against his predecessor, Empress Atratina, after her assassination, and the army demanded that he be installed as the new Emperor. The Senate complied in AUC 2097.


Must be proclaimed by the Roman Senate .


Must be of the Patrician class. Usually, named as heir by a preceding Emperor.


By Senate proclamation.


Administers the Empire. Directly controls, or controls through a delegate, the bordering provinces of the Empire. Presides over the Senate. Commands the army. Judges important criminal appeals cases.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Emperors serve for life; the only way to remove them is to kill them, either on the battlefield, or by assassination.

Notable Holders

  • Gaius Octavius Rufus (Ocavian)
  • Tiberius Claudius Caesar (Claudius)
  • Tiberius Claudius Nero (Tiberius)
  • Titus Flavius Vespasianus (Vespasian)
  • Titus Flavius Domitianus (Domitian)
  • Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius)
  • Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus (Trajan)
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus (Hadrian)
  • Maxima Sempronia Atratina (Atratina)
Civic, Political
In effect
Created by Senate proclamation in AUC 1049
Alternative Naming
Equates to
Emperor, King
Source of Authority
The Senate and the People of Rome
Length of Term
Current Holders
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