Session 2 - Auguries and Portents Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 2 - Auguries and Portents

General Summary

Excerpted from Kleeck's journal.   23 Februarius AUC 2103. Early morning.   This morning I flew to the circus that sits outside the city walls. The sun was not yet risen when I arrived; but its rays, Apollo’s blessing, were already lightening the eastern sky. I lit on the branch of a great oak that stood at the edge of the woods, and waited.   As the sun began to break over the horizon, I cleared my mind. I allowed my eyes and my focus to drift, letting my attention follow to whatever the dawning light revealed. There was a gentle but persistent wind coming in from the north, and the branches of trees swayed and rocked gently, leaves rustling softly. I noticed that it was unusually quiet, the normal morning sounds of insects and birds all but muted, the silence of a herald’s inward breath before they raise their voice.   Now it comes, I thought. The portent.   I felt their presence even before I heard the flapping. Four ravens, black and glossy, taking wing and flying just above the treeline. They formed a ragged line, heading due west as straight as an arrow’s flight. I watched them until they were naught but black specks in the distance, and their course never wavered.   I waited a few more minutes, though after the ravens’ departure the moment of stillness had passed and the morning now seemed full of the chirping and scratching noises of a normal forest dawn. I contemplated what I had seen, and what it could mean. Four ravens flying west, four adventurers heading in the same direction on black business.   Is our purpose as true as the arrow-straight path those ravens plotted? For surely though we intend to travel together we could hardly be said to share a purpose. Bandua seems to seek only wealth, though I wonder if his hunger for gold hides another kind of yearning for something lost that can never be bought back. Hassan seeks answers that I fear he may find just as troubling as the questions that drive him, when he is not seeking distraction in wine and women. What Laura seeks is still a mystery to me, though her good heart suggests that she is looking more for a way to give to the world than take from it.   But who am I to judge any of them? I came here seeking a quiet apprenticeship, and instead find myself bound on a journey that I imagine will be anything but quiet. Uttering a silent and heartfelt prayer of thanks to Apollo , I took flight myself and headed back to Nemasus, to three strangers with whom I would soon be winging swiftly towards an unknown future.

Rewards Granted

50 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor Milestone - Arrive at Nemasus Cemetery
  • Minor Milestone - Defeat the Skeletons

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gaia - A 17-year old pauper girl who danced with Hassan the first night at the inn. She agreed to dance with him the next night (of the 23rd) at the Foamy Mug.
  • Ianthe Kentavros - A centaur woman who practices Cartomancy (diviniation by means of cards). She has done readings for Kleeck and Hassan.


After Kleeck saw his augury in the birds, the four companions traveled west to Nemasus Cemetery. Upon arrival, they fought 3 animated skeletons. They destroyed the skeletons, and Bandua took an arrow to the shoulder. They then investigated two of the smaller, house-sized tombs, and discovered empty sarcophagi in the rooms below them. Upon returning to the outside, a pair of unknown, gnome-sized reptilian humanoids with slings attacked the party, and Laura took a small rock to the forehead, slightly injuring her.
Report Date
04 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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