Apollo Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Odur, Belenus, Horus)

Apollo is the Roman god of light and prophecy. Seen primarily as a sun god, Apollo also is depicted as having great foresight into the future. He is also known as a great lover of dance and music, and is consequently frequently depicted as holding a lyre. Apollo is the son of Jupiter and Venus, from whom he is said to have obtained supreme handsomeness, and is the twin brother of Diana, goddess of the hunt. Apollo is known to the Dwarves as Belenus, to the Elves as Odur, and to the Egyptians as Horus.   Apollo is one of the primary gods of Roman culture, and there are many temples to him throughout the Empire. A massive statue of Apollo stands outside the Flavian Amphitheater in the city of Rome, and there are many shrines and statues to Apollo in many of the Roman cities. Apollo is strongly worshiped particularly in the regions of Collandra and Euxinia. Among the gods, Apollo is said to get along best with Diana, his twin sister, and as a result, their worshipers will sometimes combine rituals and prayers, appealing to both gods at the same time.   Apollo's paladins and clerics often wear leaves of laurel, or have images of such leaves emblazoned on their shields or armor. Wooden articles are preferred to be made out of laurel, if possible.   Apollo has been known to lend his aid in several ways: giving his archery skill to mortals for special battles; giving his arrows as gifts; healing heroes in the thick of battle; and using his prophetic power to advise.  

Main Temple

Apollo's main temple is the Temple of Apollo the Bringer of Light, located in Rome.  

College of Priests

The priestly college that oversees worship of Apollo and his temples is the Collegium Pontificum Apollonis (the College of Priests of Apollo).

Divine Domains

Light, Life, Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Lyre or a Laurel Wreath

Tenets of Faith

  • Apollo is Neutral Good. He accepts worshipers who are Neutral Good, Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, or Neutral.
  • Apollo follows the tenets of the golden rule -- that one should treat others as one wishes to be treated. He expects his followers to abide by this rule.
  • Apollo accepts animal sacrifices as well as votive offerings (the leaving of valuable objects without the intention of recovering them), and rewards followers who make such offerings.


The second day of the Roman week, Sun Day, is dedicated to Apollo.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Apollo typically wears a laurel wreath upon his head, and carries a golden lyre in one hand. He is also depicted as carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows.


Family Ties

Twin brother of Diana . Son of Jupiter and Venus.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Venus with twin sister Diana.
Long, curly, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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