Session 21 - The Road Back Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 21 - The Road Back

General Summary

From Hassan's Journal, XXIII Martius   Lugdunum
We're almost done with this gods-forsaken place. After taking a few things from the wyvern stash, we headed back to the praetorium to see if there was any more information that might be found. The only thing of significance was encountering another Yuan-Ti wraith spirit that didn't want to pass on to the Underworld. There's nothing that makes the skin crawl more than a vengeful ghost that hisses in your ear while your back is turned. It kept raving about how it was our fault that its master returned and destroyed them all for failing, though I'm not clear exactly what their failure was, or why their master would punish them that harshly for it. At least we all lived to tell the tale.   On the road back to Nemasus
We finally gathered together all of the survivors we freed from the Yuan-Ti, and traveled as far as we could from Lugdunum before camping for the night. Kleeck, Laura, Bandua, and I settled on escorting the rest back to Nemasus, and seeking an audience with the prefecta to relate, in more detail, everything we discovered. I couldn't help but notice Kemit, the River Folk woman, while we rested. Every time I glanced her way, I caught her gazing at me before she quickly turned away. I thought it might be flirtation at first, but it started to seem like something else. Eventually, I talked with her to see how she and others were holding up. She was understandably grateful for being rescued, something I was glad to have assisted. She was also rather pretty, despite everything she endured. But that wasn't what struck me most -- it was what she said about my eyes... "some of the people at court, back in Aegyptos, have eyes like yours. There were rumors that they practiced strange magic." People like me...with golden eyes...of a high station...? I was astonished. I didn't think there was anyone like me, except for maybe my mother. There are more who can do what I do, whatever this really is?? Unfortunately, Kemit was much like me in the more mundane way in that she was poor in her youth. She had never met any of these people. I wanted to know so much more, but she couldn't tell me.   Nemasus at last
It was a long journey along the road to Nemasus, but we finally arrived. We were surprised in a couple of ways. There were many more soldiers stationed in the town -- the 25th cohort legion or something, I can never keep track, there was just a lot. Apparently, they were there to guard the western border of the empire thanks to the new invasions. Suits me fine as I don't want to deal with fighting another zombie incursion, or a lizard creature strike with just me and the others. Kleeck recognized one of the soldiers, and was really happy to see her. I thought, at last Kleeck might finally get some action! Alas, it was just his sister, which was a nice event on its own. I've always wondered what it would be like to have siblings.   We arrived too late in the day to seek an audience with the prefecta, so we decided to take our rest at the Pilgrim's Perch inn. I couldn't wait to put my feet up, and spend some more time with Kemit (did I mention she was pretty?), but the Kleeck and Laura were feeling a bit strange about the prefecta not responding to Kleeck's sendings. Honestly, I felt the same -- she had promptly responded before we left Lugdunum, but hadn't said anything since. We visited Ianthe at the Third Eye to see if she noticed anything odd about the prefecta, or any strange happenings in town, but nothing seemed amiss. Ah well, we'd find out tomorrow.   Evening
Kemit told me more about her life, sailing from Ostia to Port Voltur and back. After a few glasses of wine, a few smiles, and her fascination with my eyes, I thought for sure that....what in the stars was Kleeck doing barging into the Inn's common room in only his bedclothes...from the outside?? He had an almost manic look in his eye before bolting upstairs. I'll never forget how his feathers pointed in every direction. Of course, the moment was ruined. Kleeck has some explaining to do.

Rewards Granted

250 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

Minor Milestone - Return to Nemasus

Character(s) interacted with

Kemit Jeb-As
Report Date
02 Jan 2021

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