Session 5 - Farmers' Blues Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 5 - Farmers' Blues

General Summary

From Hassan's journal:   A previous entry -
"Such a pretty mouth..." she'd always say just before kissing me, or before I had to talk ourselves out of yet another crazy altercation she'd instigated. She didn't have a diplomatic bone in her body. When she was in trouble, she'd just stroke my chin, mention some silly thing about how much she loved my lips or whatever, and then I knew it was up to me to say something desperately brilliant to get her, or us, out of it. She was chaos, and I..I think I *bent* it...   So, when Kleeck, Laura, Bandua, and I arrived at the farmsteads, it was I who spoke up to introduce ourselves and soothe the farmers' tensions. I'm the mouthpiece, I guess. From the way those farmers looked when they opened their doors, you'd think they were ready to fight for their lives. They were definitely spooked, and I guess I can't blame them. They work their whole lives out here with no protection from the militia. Goblins just come and take people they love or care about. That's why we're here: to stop that, find any survivors, and bring them back. At least, I think that's why. Bandua and Laura seem to be in it for the coin; Kleeck may just be "seeing the world", and me...I don't like when helpless people are exploited. But, if I'm honest with myself, I think I might just be drawn to the danger. Because that's how she was....     Most recent entry -
Not much time to write anything down. Just found a mine entrance, and fought off some goblin sentries. They had tripwires and crossbows. We had Kleeck. I'm still getting over what he did. Didn't think he had it in him, and maybe he didn't either.   The damn caves are dark, can barely see anything. Found some sleeping goblins. Woke them up and interrogated them. These are a tribe holed up in these caves to mine whatever's valuable. They've been kidnapping the farmers for slaves to do their work. At least they're not killing them; might be hope to get them back safely.   Thiala, the elf woman, might be behind these barricades. Goblins said she was dangerous, and they erected this to keep her inside when they couldn't kill her. Damn, we can't get in without making too much noise. Going to have to come back for her. I'm not leaving without her. Laura spotted the main mine shaft ahead. We're going in...

Rewards Granted

150 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor milestone - Encounter with Wolves
  • Minor milestone - Talk with the Farmers/Obtain clues
  • Minor milestone - Reach the goblin mine
Report Date
23 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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