Gallowspire Organization in Tyras | World Anvil
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"People are like stone- you but need a chisel and you may have whatever you desire."
A lone tower standing in the valleys is an unasuming site at first glance, but it covers the extensive subteranean city of Gallowspire. Deep gnomes and duergar call the caves their home, lead by the Tyrant Queen Kedara Greymane. Gallowspire offers its denizens year round comfortable temperatures, though its darkness and population density make it difficult to manage. Excavation and construction are a constant necessity here, and the sound of mining and breaking rock is audible throughout the entire hold.
Gallowspire, The Edge
by Unknown

Mine Away Your Discontent

Gallowspire Theme
Founding Date
211 CF
Alternative Names
The Tyrant's Cave
Deep Ones
Ruling Organization

Cover image: by Gilles Ketting
Character flag image: Necromunda Orlock by Total War: WARHAMMER


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