The Edgelands Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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The Edgelands

"If you cannot move a mountain, let it move you."
Whether it be the chill of temperature or the chill of magic, visitors to the Edge often talk of feeling of electricity on skin and hair-raising energy from the mountains. By day, the high altitude sunlight is blinding, and by night, stunning auroras glitter the sky with iridescent displays. Glaciers, avalanches, predators, dragons and the risk of death by exposure make The Edge a difficult, yet beautiful place to live.
Hot Springs
Though the region is extremely cold, hot springs still pool up in certain locations. Wildlife and settlers alike seek them out to enjoy their warmth.
Death of an Explorer
by AlexanderExorcist
Region Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)
Included Locations

Articles under The Edgelands

Cover image: by Noah Bradley


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