Mountainfolk Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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"“The night presents its most magnificent gifts to the Frontiersmen who endure the biggest troubles."

Fiercely protective of their way of life, yet generally welcoming and playful, the people of The Edge understand that while independence is a virtue, community is necessary to flourish in the mountains. Though considered to be outgoing and gregarious, the daily hardships of mountain life often prevent the locals from thinking at a larger scale than their own struggles.
Hermit of the Edgelands
Some individuals of sufficient talent have opted to live in seclusion as a hermit. The mountains are the perfect place to hide away, and some powerful mages and survival experts have opted to live on their own instead of join a settlement.
Culture Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

Articles under Mountainfolk

Cover image: by Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (WotC, 2020)


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