The Crossing
"The herd may graze where it pleases and stampede where it must."Situated between the east and west plateaus of the Steppe, The Crossing is the only way to move to and between the internal reaches of Hakgu territory. Its geographic location makes it the only place for a variety of migratory creatures, including megafauna like Giant Buffalo (pictured above), to pass between grazing sites. The area is highly volatile and prone to stampedes in addition to gargantuan predator ambushes. Attacks against the Horde often fail to account for the wild creatures of the Steppe- a stampede has been known to wipe out an entire legion. Skilled trackers and survivalists can take advantage of this area for hunting purposes, as felling just Giant Buffalo can feed the entire Horde. The most dangerous known creature at The Crossing is the Storm Colossus, rumored to be capable of rendering an entire city to dust. The Hakgu Horde tracks its movements and gives it wide berth, choosing to completely avoid any interaction with the being.
The Crossing Theme
Location under
Owning Organization