Arrival at Fairy Island: Game 3

General Summary

Key Events

  • For centuries, Invisible Fairy Island has been a home to the fair folk, and place in which a person could be taken to the fairies elfin grottos, eat roots of sweet relish, honey wild and manna dew, enjoy the fairy kisses, and be lulled asleep with the fairest dreams. One would only have one day in the fair land, and then awake and be found on a cold hill's side, sometimes after decades had passed back in the land of their home.
  • At some point in the recent past, smugglers discovered the Island, and with the assistance of the Order of the Necromantia took over the Island. The details and duration of this are unknown to the party.
  • Within the last couple months prior to the party's arrival the Island suffered some sort of great seismic and volcanic upheaval.
  • The party arrived at the Invisible Fairy Island, finding only visible landing spot in the south of the island.
  • Accessing the beach required careful boating to avoid rocks and to fight or outrace water zombies.
  • The party fought skeletons on the dunes beach, which is populated with dozens of skeletons, but the party discovered the secret path to avoid the skeletons.
  • After escaping the dunes, the party was greeted by an about one foot tall, elf like woman with silver wings like a mouth, pointed shoes and bright clothes. some of which appear to be made of flowers.


  The party left the villages of Caernarfon (the last village in Sinann before passing into the lands of Venebones in the Nation of Galletica) and Ponciau. The Invisible Fairy Island is about half way between Ponciau and Buntar, the Bevilian town that makes up the twin cities of Bondar and Buntar.   The magic to gain entrance to the Invisible Fairy Island was to incant “Inys Segredig” in a repetitious manner, which means "Corrupted Island" in Celtic, and burn mistletoe that had been steeped in fish oil.   The island has rocky cliffs and jagged rocks in water that made landing impossible, except on the southern most point. There as some great seismic destruction, with broken fissures like a giant ripped open, ground blackened, burnt trees, and sulfur smell. The party had never seen the destruction after an earthquake, volcanic eruption and lava flows with its strange beauty and horror. Small trees and bushes, both burnt and still alive can be seen on the tops of the cliffs, but no birds or the other familiar sounds of nature, with the exception of buzzing flies.   The island itself is about one mile wide east to west, and by two miles long, north to south.    


  Landing was made difficult by the need to navigate through dangerous rocks, and, more serious, undead drowned ones, or water zombies. The drowned ones look like human corpses that have been underwater for months if not years: bloated and discolored flesh dripping with foul water, empty eye sockets, and tongues often protruding from blackened lips. Their visage and stench of decay was so disgusting that anyones smelling them would need to make a save vs poison or be nauseated suffering combat penalties. They were far stronger and harder to kill than the skeletons.   While forbidding with gravestones falling into the water, the beach itself was safe without any encounters. The Party left Emer Mor Emer, Emer the Boatwoman, Enid Ni Cuhail, Trystan, and the other boaters to guard the boats.  

Skull Dunes

  The sand dunes are almost small hills some of which rise to over 20 feet and covered 1,800 feet north to south, and 2,700 feet east to west at its widest point and only 450 feet at the landing spot. Through the use of Ankili mac Aevyrn's skills as a tracker, luck and hand to hand combat the party destroyed skeletons and found a safe passage through the Skull Dunes.   After exiting the Skull Dunes, the party reached a summit to enter what was once a lush and verdant fairly land. A deep sense of melancholy greets the party as you can see a once beautiful land of the fairies destroyed by volcanic fires and the earth being torn asunder with smoke and stench a land that is becoming a desert. Even before the cataclysm, damage had been done by the forces of chaos, as the party can see the stumps of what must have been great ancient oaks.   The party was immediately greeted by a small elf like woman one foot tall, with silver wings like a moth, pointed shoes, cap, and bright clothes. She looked haggard, with a tiny bow and arrows. She reminded the party of the similar fairy like creatures that watched them peacefully during their travel through the Forbidden Grove, Toir Garran the Forbidden Grove: Game 1.   July 9, YR 908      
Report Date
26 Mar 2022