Gwenus' Crannog and Down the Kozar River: Game 2

General Summary

Key Events

  • The Party arrived at the hamlet of Glan Elin, were welcomed by the sisters Emer Mor Emer, Emer the Boatwoman and Ciara Mor Emer (the leaders), and secured passage south along the Kozar River to the towns of Bondar and Buntar along the border of Bevil and the Celtic lands and the Nation of Galletica.
  • The Party attacked a the half-orc Crannog, slaying their leaders the brothers Cymderig Gwenu and Torig Gwenu, and most of their guards, and rescuing captured gnomes.
  • The Party has taken one of the half-orc mercenary warriors as a slave, promising him freedom after one year of service.
  • The Party traveled south along the Kozar River that drains from Kozar Steep, staying at the hamlet Caernarfon and the village Ponciau.

Key Learnings

  • Numerous gnomes are being captured and smuggled south.
  • The kidnappers are working with or at least smuggling their victims to followers of the Order of the Necromantia and the goddess of chaos and magic, Hecate.
  • The gnomes were being transported, at least as a temporary weigh station, to a secret Invisible Fairy Island in the middle of the River Kozar. The Isle was previously a sacred fairy home, but it recently was captured by the priests of the Order of the Necromania. There was a dispute, which lead to the destruction of the Necromantic Temple and trapped the priests on the Isle with limited supplies. It is possible that the sacred lute Tar Eneemena is or was on the island and/or that there are more kidnapped gnomes imprisoned (assuming they have not been eaten by the potentially starving priests). The Party has obtained the secret password to land on the Invisible Isle.

Glan Elin

  Prior to arriving at the hamlet, the Party passed a woodsman and two sons, and three hunting dogs.   As the Party approached the hamlet coming down a small hill, they walked through fields of wheat and oats. There were no orchards, but herds of goats and dogs. The Party was seen by a farmer in the fields, who runs back to the hamlet. The river was a 100 yards away, and they saw someone running to the River.   When the Party arrived, they were meet by Ciara Mor Emer, a tall, blond woman with strong blue eyes, a loud voice, and wearing a beautiful golden torc (Ciara Mor Eme's Torc).   The accompanying Ciara, were some farmers who are also fighting men Fionn the Red (a strong man who likes to walk around with no shirt showing off his impressive pectorals), Shay Mac Sean, and Dara the Halfwit. Everyone is wearing colorful plaids.   The total named farm husbands are Fionn the Red, Daral the Halfwit, Shay Mac Sean, Crag, and Collin, and the farmwives Roisin, Aisling, Emme, Cafran and Afa (Cormac's latest conquest).   There were numerous children running around   The Party was brought into Ciara’s hut.   According to the customs of the Celts and Sinann, Ciara did not ask for any personal information before proceeding with the proper welcome rituals for hosts to provide their guests, which included being provided food and wine, having their hands washed by Daral, and Ciara poured a libation to the Celtic god of Death, Arawn. Ciara discussed the weather, crops, and her pride in their dwarven smith Egil.   Emer Mor Emer and Enid Ni Cuhail show up.   Once they arrived, they were washed, provided food, and, once all the food is gone, mead and sweet cakes were brought out. Emer explains that she is leaving the day after tomorrow.   Finally, Ciara asked the Party where they are from, who they are.   There was a clear difference between the sisters regarding the half-orcs. Ciara is more hostile, less trusting because of murder and weregild paid. They are a threat. In contrast, Emer trades with them and sees their value. The Party convinced the sisters to assist them to investigate and potentially fight the half-orc brothers, and provided them with boats up river to ease the travel time and allow for an expeditious retreat if necessary.   The Party was also introduced to Jeremy's Viking Skald or Bard, Eyvind Skaldaspillir. Everyone immediately hit it off wonderfully as if he was an old friend.   The Viking Skald had been rescued by Celts from orcs that were holding him in a box. Eyvind is traveling south to Northern Fultar along the coast. However, he had to stop over in the Kingdom of Bevil due to a flair up in a hot and cold maritime war between Bevil on one side and the Gildam Confederacy and the people of Henarria on the other side. Unable to continue via ship, Eyvind decided to go overland, and joined a group of traveling merchants, who were ambushed by orcs.

Gwenus' Crannog

  The Party developed an elaborate plan to sell the gnome to the half-orcs, which broke down when they attempted to put the gnome into a box, and a bloody fight erupted. The Party killed all the half-orcs and their hirelings, with the exception of Trystan a mercenary from the Tarvish tribe in Galletica. Trystan surrendered and given the choice to serve as a slave for one year in exchange for his life.   The defeated Celts included:   The two guards outside of the Crannog:
  • the fighter Harl (armed with a spear and shield)
  • the thief Conn (armed with sling and short sword)
The six fighters inside the Crannog all armed with spears and shields
  • Garth, with the following possessions: seashells, small bone knife carved as a wolf head and a bag of seeds;
  • Trystan, who was captured
  • Evan, with the following possessions: feathers, hankerchief, hair bands, gold earning;
  • Gleen, with the following possessions: skipping stones, needle and thread, flask of whiskey;
  • Jareth, with the following possessions: chalk, jerky, canine teeth, candles; and
  • Aidan, with the following possessions: a wooden box with 20 Fultonia Royals and 15 silver coins).
  The guards hut is filthy with nothing of value (clothes, sleeping materials, food, eating utensils, dice, weapons, whetstones, etc.).   The two half-orcs, were the priest Cymderig Gwenu wearing chain mail armor and shield, and Torig Gwenu, wearing studded leather, shield and a long sword.   The Gwenus' hut included beds, clothing a box with 120 Fultonian Royals (GP), bag with 2 moonstones (50 gp each), 5 lapis luzuli (10 gp each) and 1 amber with a fly (200 gp). (Emer estimated the value later).   There were the following books in Fultonian:
  • Religious book of the Order of the Necromantia
  • A book about poisons, and herbs with three names and locations: The town of Saltmarsh with the names Rocco Vergal and Adia Long, the town of Immersea with the name Crispin Jared, the village of Orlane and the name Zakarias Ormond, and the town of Buntar with the name Gravon Pitt. The name Cripin Jared has a skull written next to it while the other names have drawings of paired torches next to each name.
  • Anatomy and dissection
  • Journal, with information about an island “Inys Segredig” a mile south of the hamlet of Ponciau. Story about a conflict with the current priests of the Necromantia who are greater followers of Hecate
  There was also dissection equipment, with vats, beakers, animals and pieces of chopped up people and various body parts.   There was also a box with two forest gnomes tied up lacking memory. Old man and teen girl. They were left in Glan Ellin when the party left.  

South Down the Kozar River

  The Party left south with Emer the Boatwoman and her daughter Enid Ni Cuhail. Emer takes two boats, with her trading goods, the Party, and her boaters: Sinead Mac Tiar (short, strong, broad shoulders, red hair) and Aiden Mac Cuhalin (tall, black hair with an Adam’s apple). The Party, especially Monell, is expected to help with working the boat, as much as can be expected.   The trip is expected to be quick downriver as the boats can travel about 50-60 miles per day.   Here are the details for the overall trip:   It is about 150 miles from Glen Ellin to Bondar. The plan is to stop the first night in Caernarfon, the second night in Ponciau, and arrive in Bondar at the end of the third day.   Next, there is an about around a 160 mile trip from Bondar to a small Celtic hamlet of Harmarthen in the tribal territory of the Venebones. This trip can be taken via the South Kozar River.   The Party will then travel about 200 miles overland starting with a 70 mile trip to the Celtic village of Olbat, and another 50 miles to the Celtic village of Mawatt, both of which are in the land of the Celtic tribe of Albae.   Finally, there is a 75 mile trip to Immersea, in the Empire of Fultar, and one of the main towns of Northern Fultar.   From Immersea, the party can travel down the Tesser River Valley. As explained in Tar Eneemena: Preface to Game 1, Monell is expected to return to the village Hommlett to report back to the Druid Ashstaff of the village of Hommlett of the good news regarding the oracle's direction that the people of Hommlett should not molest Temple of Elemental Evil. The Party has also learned the names of individuals related to the kidnapping of the gnomes in the town of Immersea, and the villages of Orlane and Saltmarsh.  


  A description of the hamlet can be seen here: Caernarfon. The Party learned from Edwyn the merchant that the half-orcs would often stop in the hamlet on visits to Bondar and Bundar. They were not the most pleasant visitors and less than honest, but they never caused enough concerns that Edwyn refused to trade with them.   From talking with Druidess Ceri, Ankili mac Aevyrn learned little about the sacred lute or the invisible fairy island. There are legends of such an island inhabited by fairies that men will disappear to and return decades later despite only aging only a few years or less. However, she has no concrete information.   Soon after the lute was stolen, and about the time in which it could have made it down river to Caernafon, there was a small group of a half dozen Fultonian travelers that came down river. They stayed outside of the town, kept to themselves, and only the Chief's daughter Betha talked to them. She remembers little, except they had an acid, miasmal smell to them.   The Party suspects that Cormac seduced a farmer's daughter, after failing with Betha.  


  A description of the village can be seen here: Ponciau.   The Party learned similar and inconclusive information about the small group of Fultonian travelers, the Gwenus brothers and the legend of the Invisible Fairy Island, primarily from the trader Gruffydd and the traveling harp player, Morgan. Cormac almost missed the boats leaving south after spending the night with chief's daughter, Avalon.   July 8, YR 908
Emer's river boat.

by By Wolfgang Sauber

The Gwenus Crannog.

The broch at Ponciau, a Venebones settlement.
Report Date
23 Feb 2022