The Feast of the Crows and Vampiric Mist: Game 15

General Summary

After a couple days of terror, fear and constant fighting on knif's eedge between life and death, the Party spent a few days helping the people of Olbat repair their damaged village, putting the remaining injured orcs out of their misery, ensuring that there were no orcs hiding and spying upon the village, burning the orc and wolf bodies, and allowing Angharad Fawr to retrive some of missing mules. During this rest and recupiration, Antonia, the flagellant priestess of Tya Nehru returned on the third day with some of her missing followers and a member of the caravan, and Angharad was able to retrive 30 of his mules and even more goods. The Party then left toward Mawatt, which was to be a five day journey over 50 miles of rough hills and woodlands. After Mawatt, the Party then plans another five days travel a total of 75 miles to the town of Immersea before the final journey to Orlane, which where the Party believes the forest gnomes are being trafficked. Prior to reaching Mawatt, the Party was ambused by Vampric Mist, which killed a number of the Celtic caravan members and flagellants. The game ended with the Party arriving in Mawatt.

Feast for the Crows

After battle, the crows arrived in their droves to feed upon the flesh of the dead. Different members of the Party felt, sometimes experiecing all emotions, a sense of relief, exalutation and final recognition of the terror, fear, and horror of the flight from and ultimate battle with the orcs. No member of the Party had seen such death, carnage and destruction. Ivand the Skald let a shout of trimph. You all feel like you are different people and will never see the world the same.   The Party carefully searched the bodies, killing those orcs that were injured and dying. The Party amassed the valuable loot and plunder, while piling the non-magical orc weapons and armor for the villages. The loot can be viewed here: Olbat Loot: Game 15.5.   On the third day after the battle, Antonia the flagellant priestess of Tya Nehru returned, in her normal regal and haughty attitude, with two of her followers and one Fultonian camp aide. Thekla, the attractive, slow minded woman that is always gazing into the distance and Manuel with boxer face, scars on arms from fighting were rescued along with Logaz the Fultonian camp aide and dog master.   Angaharad retrived 30 of his 50 mules, each with 175 pounds of goods, primarily finely made cloth. Due to the death of the muleteers, the Party recruited four male Celtic warrios with animal handling skills from Olbat to join, mange the mules and provide camp services. They are:  
  • Duncan (name menas brown hair warrior) Skills: Agriculture, Fishing, Animal Handling, Rope Use, Fultonian
  • Enna (name means bird) Skills: Agriculture, Animal Handling, Leather working, Cooking
  • Fergal (name means man of valor) Skills: Agriculture, Animal Handling, Swimming, Rope Use, Fultonian
  • Gallchobhar (name means lover of strangers) Skills: Agriculture, Animal Handling, Swimming, Rope Use, Fultonian

Vampiric Mist

On the second night from Olbat, the Party was attacked in the night by a number of vampiric mists, which were summoned or otherwise allied to the last remaining witchdoctor, who had not been slain the Siege of Olbat.  The battle was tough and intense with the mists killing four non-player characters, and the gnome and Bardavendous the Ranger almost dying.  Baradavenous jumped into the campfire in a creative, but ultimately futile attempt to escape the mist that rendered him unconscious.  Another brutal battle in which those unlucky enough to accompany the Party were killed.  The scimitar leaves a trail of death and destruction in its wake.   The mists killed:
  • Two flagellants Thekla and Manuel
  • Two of the Celtic warrriors Enna and Duncan
  The nonplayer characters now include:
  • Angharad
  • Antonia
  • Odium Moulim
  • Fergal (Celtic warrior)
  • Gallchobhar (Celtic warrior)
  • Logaz (Fultonian dog handler)

Déithe Dyffryn or the Canyon of the Gods

The last day of travel to Mawatt, the Party traveled through the beautiful Déithe Dyffryn, or Canyon of the Gods, . The Canyon is a combination of the two videos below.  


The Party arrived in the village of Mawatt. Mawatt is well fortified, built on a hill, and has an impressive keep, for Celts that is. They are met by Cadfan, tattooed barrel chested Celtic soldier with a two handed Fultonian battle ax, escorted throught the village to be introduced to the Chief Harl Wartooth. Cadfan is the Chief's right hand man. The village has a number of Henarrian soldiers, and there appears to be an uneasiness between them and the Celtic warriors, who may be outnumbered by the Hennarians. The Party asks Angarad if this is normal, and he remarks that there always were Hennarians serving in the employ of the Chief, but there seems to be more than normal.   Chief Harl Wartooth, who is a 7’ tall, yellowish skin man with giant shoulders and a ugly face with scars and jutting teeth. Accompanying the chief, is a Druidess, Bridgit, with firery red hair and that is distantly related to Ankili mac Aevyrn, a Hennarian warrior, Eslas, and Cadfan. The Party has met many Celtic leaders on their trip down the Kozar river, and this is the first time in which a group of warriors or armed body guards were close to and observing the Party's greeting. The initial introduction is consistent with typical Celtic fashsion with a libation to the gods and small talk before asking about the reason for the Party's arrival. Unusually though, in the small talk, Chief Harl Wartooth half jokingly asks if the Party wishes to sell him the gnome because he might be able to get a good price for the short, big nosed forest man.
Report Date
02 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Einar, Boldvalour or the Ogress of War
by Andrew Butko