Siege of Olbat: Games 13 and 14

General Summary

The Party stands victorious, which was hard fought having slain more than two hundred orcs, an ettin, an owl bear, a dozen orogs and more than two dozen worgs.   The Celtic inhabitants of Olbat all stand alive after the battle, including their injured leader Tarran Ó Banain and the mage from Northern Fultar, Myrs Krayts. In contrast, Cormac, Trystan, the majority of the Celtic guards, and potentially all the caravan overseers, workers, muleteers and the religious pilgrims are dead. All but one of the mules and their cargo may be lost (the Party found the mule with the Ranger's goods). However, no effort has yet been made to search to find any human or animal survivors. There is a greater likelihood that the mules and their cargo survived (rather than any missing humans) because the orcs largely ignored the mules and their cargo, but ruthlessly attacked and slew the humans.

Game 13

  Angharad Fawr was sent with a fake scimitar to draw the orcs off and gain time. The ploy was successful, and it is clear that a lower level non-player character would not have survived. The time gained allowed the Party to complete much of their defenses.   Built/prepared fire traps. Between the town wall and orchard is a clearing extends out about 50 yards down the hill's 20 degree slope. The Party built wooden combustable thingamabobs that the Party intends to light at some point to bring light to the battle field and deprive the orcs of their night vision advantage. These were successfully used in the battle.   Repaired 5 suits of chain mail, 4 of which are provided to a unit of Celtic warriors and one to Monell.   Obliterated a group of worg and worg riders outside the town walls, killing all but one worg, which fled in a western direction.   Prepared two pit traps behind the main and back gates.   Used the extra dirt to fortify the main and back gates.   Killed an orc ambassador who approached the village with a peace offering and a white flag.   Stopped the catapult, slaying the ogre and orcs.

Game 14

  The Party raced back into Olbat, successfully avoiding the orcs besiegers.   The orcs attacked Olbat, with the Party stopping all efforts to batter down the walls forcing the orcs to use ladders to scale the walls where fierce fighting unfolded.   While a few orcs were able to gain entry into Olbat, they were ultimately slain.

Carvan Members


  There are four clear survivors, four Celtic warriors and the astronomer Odium Moulim, who has been with the Party since Fairy Rescue: Game 4, the Celtic warriors are from Bondar and Buntar and are in the employ of Rhodri Fawr and his family's trading company, who were meet in Rat Treasure and Back Down River: Game 7.  
  • Angharad Fawr
  • Isolde, near white skin, black hair woman short sword
  • Kane, a handsome, brown haired man
  • Bryn a tall man, who is hunched over with long blond hair covering scarred face

Dead or Missing

  There are 25 dead or missing caravan members  
by By Rabax63
  Celtic warriors.  
  • Eria, near white skin, black hair, short bow (DEAD)
  • Idris the son of a petty chief, lordly (DEAD)
  • Maddox, the scout who wore leather. A short, red hair man (DEAD)
  • Caethwas, the guard’s cook and servant (DEAD)
  Caravan Members, who were picked up in Harmarthen in Forest Ambush, or the Battle of Albae Forest: Game 9.  
  • Andrea (Fult) Captain of arms, retired solider and jack of all trades (DEAD)
  • Ticonder (Fult) Male Cook (DEAD)
  • Jeriviah (Fult) Male Muleteer, camp aide (DEAD)
  • Spanti (Fult) Male Muleteer, camp aide (DEAD)
  • Andalia (Fult) (FM Muleteer, camp aide (DEAD)
  • Vincetrix (Celt) (M) Muleteer, camp aide (DEAD)
  • Parker Maron (Fult) Caravan Master, short, always red toad like face
  • Gregory (Fult) Caravan animal master, club foot
  • Logaz (Fult) Male Camp aide, dog master
  • Taxter (Fult) Male Muleteer, camp aide, stinky
  • Roga (Celt) (FM) Muleteer, camp aide, grumpy
  • Segomaros (Celt)(M) Muleteer, camp aide
  • Finnian (Celt) (M) Muleteer, camp aide
    Pilgrims from Bevil fleeing to Fultar to worship the great mother goddess Tya Nehru according to the tentents of their faith, who mere meet in Rat Treasure and Back Down River: Game 7. They hope that Fultonian Religion will be more open minded than the Bevilian priesthood.  
  • Callinicus short, round, and red faced (DEAD)
  • Sophia tall and scrawny, warts all over (DEAD)
  • Antonia regal, haughty, piercing eyes, powerful and intense personality of a religious fanatic
  • Basil portly, bald, pox scarred
  • Thekla, attractive, slow minded always gazing into the distance
  • Manuel boxer face, scars on arms from fighting
  July 18, YR 908
by P. L. Wolf
In cold blood, the Party killed the orc ambassador before he could reach the gates.
Report Date
03 Sep 2023
Primary Location
by M. E. Winge
by Knut Ekwall

Cover image: by P. L. Wolf