The Avalanche of the Yetis: Game 7

General Summary

The Avalanche of the Yetis began in the burning ruins of the town Julkoun and ended amidst bloody death of slaughtered yetis mixed with the snow and rocks caused by an avalanche on the party’s camp sight. The Yeti attack occurred on the third night heading into the Nearer Reaches.   The party slew the yetis, but lost the young punk Henri and a number of mules and horses are dead, with some lost forever off the cliff face.

  At the end of the session, wind and snow bit into the party as they stood in their damaged campsite or on the narrow path heading further into the desolate and dangerous Inner Reaches.    

Key events:

  • Attempted to capture and/or kill the second necromancer, who escaped into Julkoun. The party then learned that the second necromancer died.

  • Failed to obtain the holy relic.
  • On the third night from the Dryad Daphne, the party was ambushed by over thirty Yetis and an avalanche.

Key learnings:

  • From the necromancer’s Book of the Daemonium, Squamata’s diary, notes and pigeon messages, the party learned more complete information about their mission and Order of the Necromantia.
    • The Necromancers write in Fultonian (the human common language in these parts), Demonic and Drow. This suggests strong links with the evil elves. The party already knew about the connections with demons. The bard’s language abilities help with this understanding.

  • Dragon Calastryx and his Necromancer master Yarlzedd have returned. Yarlzedd is a necromancer lich.

  • The plan is to rally all the forces of the robber baron, Sir Wren Arundel, gnolls, giants and ogres and to attack villages destroying them one by one before sieging Kidwell. Kidwell as to be kept under a slow siege over the winter drawing out whatever help can arrive from surrounding areas. This includes:

  • o Messages sent by both Kidwell as well as fake messages from the necromancers to the dwarven towns of Thunderdelve, Hammerholme and Hammerfast. Dwarves are organizing a small army.
    o Messages sent to Sentinel Fortress, which may be sending the half-orc warriors of Grahluk.
    o The party already knew that Prince Darfin Floshin has left to gather the Aebietus elves.
  • Plan was then draw toward Kidwell forces from Eastpoint Castle, Sentinel Fortress, and the Aebietus elves under Queen Ghilanna, and then attack them from behind with a Frost Giant and orc army coming from Glacial Rift. A passage was opened about a decade ago that allowed Frost Giants to return an ancient cavern from outside. Connected with an now active volcano, which has reopened the passage. An alliance was recently made with other giants and orcs. An army of thousands of orcs should arrive in two to three weeks. Other giants and monsters have arrived. Frost giant Chief Narl’s son Skarde disagrees with his father and fears that he may overthrown his father and close the passage, which is only precariously held open and can be easily closed.

  • Information was learned about Rynn the Necormancer with the club foot who was at the Julkoun Sacked: Game 6.
    o Rynn: Mage of the Necromantia was a member of the Order of the Necromantia and disagreed with plan to not kill Etienne Ilios, but instead try to bring him over to the evil side and impregnate Pencheska Natyssa.
    o Rynn disagrees with legend that Etienne and a succubus child will bring the end of times.
    o Rynn agrees with legend that the Ilios brother or sister will be responsible for the final death of Calastryx and Yarlzedd.

  • The Necromancers at the sack of Julkoun exchanged pigeon messages exchanged with
    o Carthain: Prospector, but leads a bandit group between Seeker's Reach and Sentinel Fortress.
    o Ground Silverstar: Dwarven priest of Moradin.
    o Gerrek: Dwarven priest of Moradin.
    o Ugluk Ironfist: Chief of Grahluk.
    o Pencheska Natyssa the Succubus.
    o Traxter: Mage of the Necromantia. Chaotic evil mage that imprisoned the devil with his mage comrades, Lestor: Mage of the Necromantia, Berill: Mage of the Necromantia and Davos: Mage of the Necromantia.
    o Sir Wren Arundel. Son of Gregory Arundel, considers himself the rightful heir to Kidwell, and operates as a bandit lord in the hills and mountains of eastern Mabon.
    o Constance, a merchant in Khyber.
  • The party later learned that this Frost Giant and orc army would be joined by a Fire Giant army as well.

Rewards Granted

Treasure Obtained:


The Company was able to stay over night in the humble woodland glade of the Dryad  Daphne and avoid traveling through Castle Kidwell.

Report Date
07 Sep 2020

The last Game Session was: Dryad Respite and Julkoun Sacked: Game 6
The next Game Session was: Death of Joan: Game 8
Eastpoint Castle to Sentinel Fortress

Cover image: by By Михайло Пецкович - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,