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Demglasi ("Dem - glassy")

Live free and strong...

The citizens of Demglasi are a simple folk with two things on their mind, their family and their desire for competition. Harboring a extremely libertarian view of their land, many of the citizens of Demglasi simply wish to live their lives and will only interact in the pursuit of bettering the land of Demglasi and themselves. Demglasi culture asks to be best of your individual self, perfecting yourself to be independent almost entirely in every aspect of your life. Your average Demglasi citizen is hardened, stressed, and traditional; with garments that flaunt their greatest strengths.  Many citizens will happily play you in any game, from cards to tournaments of strength. When living thier daily life, The Demglasi look to pursue a job where they can be the most useful to their family and to their country. While many Demglasi choose to be farmers, some choose to use their strength to be miners, or their intellegence to innovate and create incredible inventions.   What you cant get in socialization though you can achieve in the field of competition. The Demglasi are famous for their cultural love of game. From hand to hand combat to the game of wits, Demglasi if they deem it fair will play and hold a great deal of honor into the respect of the game. Ruling the Demglasi is the Conclave, who idealize the best of what it means to be a Demglasi, being the greatest in their respective fields.   When visiting Demglasi, be sure to try the small shops that hold the greatest quality of fruits and vegetables in all of Kaliss, or watch some of the greatest games of "Demglasgus" ever seen, as demglasi's culture has perfected the art of sport in the greatest sport Ulsai has ever seen. Due to the culture that the Demglasi hold, There is little to no xenophobia within Demglasi. Any person's worth is directly tied to their ability as the individual; where it originates from is meaningless. Those who are seen as possessing of skill are often disregarded by the culture as they are unable to care for themselves.
Demglasi Politics   The Demglasi hold themselves to the views of the conclave, each of the conclave hold a male and female member of their committee. Each member of the committee is voted in by the citizens as the apex of what it means to be in that Category. The Categories of the conclave are Military strategy, Athletic skill, Financial Prowess, Charisma, and Scholastic skill. With ten members of the committee, its often that ties occur... This is when a citizen of Demglasi will be chosen at total random, regardless of age or disability to settle the dispute as the decider.
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"Demglasgus"   With a ball, three raised boxes and a small hoop Demglasgus has been the game created to best settle desputes by combinding both brain and brawn. With at least three players and at least one commander, a matching team will attempt to knock out all players or score the most points in time. The commander has a overhead view of the game and can manipulate parts of the field while the players must traverse the field and use the ball to score points. Many Demglasi hold this game at the highest of standards using some of the most important choices of Demglasi up to the game.

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Recent desire of Jaumstar between the two countries have greatly soured relations.


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