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House of Loss Level 0: Entryway

The entryway to the House of Loss is visible from the outside of the structure. A large 20 foot tall archway juts from the stone walls, prominently decorated with faded terra cotta patterns around the outside. The long since rotted remains of a few pieces of scaffolding hang from the top of the arch, dangling some ancient ropes. Beside the entryway, a large stone circle roughly 10 feet in diameter rests against the outer wall of the structure. The circle has an unfinished mural made of thousands of small colored tiles. There is a prominent crack running down the center of the mural, and it is sufficiently weathered that it is impossible to tell what it may have been intended to depict.   In front of the archway, there are a number of wooden totems depicting a feminine form and painted green. The totems are position so that they appear to be beckoning towards the entrance. The archway is filled with a an undulating brown and orange mist, which flows a few inches out of the archway and dissipates quickly. The mist is opaque, so the chambers beyond the arch cannot be seen from outside.   The archway leads into an unadorned 20 foot long corridor, which is filled with the magical mist.   Beyond the archway, there is a wide entrance hall. The hall is 30 feet wide and 50 feet long, with a 60 foot ceiling. At the center of it, there is an enormous statue of a robed human holding a massive metal staff. (This is a statue of   DC 18 History or Arcana Check
Grizwold, The Master of Many
.)   The chamber is lit in a blue tone by strips embedded in the wall.


The entryway is defined by the massive archway that acts as the main thoroughfare into the House of Loss. Currently, the entryway is protected by a magical mist. At the far side of the room from the archway, there are a number of booths and doors where the staff of the House would assist people in the retrieval of lost items. Each of the doorways at the backs of the booths lead into the Room of Communication and Truth (House of Loss Level 0: Room of Communication and Truth). Nearby to each doorway are some desks and file storage cabinets where records of the House's use would be contained. Looking through these ledgers would reveal them to all be blank.


The room is patrolled by a pair of Loss Guardians. Meant to act as stewards and greeters, they now murder any who make it through the magical mist that wreathes the entryway.
Architectural Element, Entrance / Entryway
Parent Location


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