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War Chief

"wer Throdenilti Gix ias Coliar" when translated to Common, means "the Sharpest Claw in/among Coliar/Us."*   This title is given to the chief of the Houses' military. As with other titles given to individuals of authority among the Coliaran lizardfolk, the title is used after the name of the holder, and is spoken in full when the addresser means to communicate a respect for the individual.    
Rinta, wer Throdenilti Gix ias Coliar, I ask your permission to accompany the hunters on their expedition. I have a personal stake in seeing their quarry dead.
-lizardfolk woman asking the War Chief for leave to seek revenge for her fallen brother
        * The lizardfolk of the Houses on the Marsh often identify themselves (especially in formal language, such as in titles) simply as Coliar, after the island on which they make their home. Despite the fact that there are other factions of beings living on the island, the lizardfolk's speech identifies them as the absolute owners of the land. Perhaps this sense of territorialism built into their naming conventions stems from their Draconic ancestry. Dragons typically are known to be quite possessive of places and things, after all.


In order to gain this title, a hunter must distinguish themselves on expeditions into the jungles and marshes of Coliar. There is limited social mobility in the Houses on the Marsh societal structure. In general, young lizardfolk are trained in a certain position as an apprentice and then eventually ascend to their adult role in that job.    To get really technical, any candidate hoping to be selected as War Chief must be able to effectively navigate the trails around the island. They should be strong swimmers and capable fighters. In general none of these traits are considered to be proven until they have led a hunt on their own, or dealt the final blow on the target of a hunt.


A candidate must be at least 16 years of age. They must have trained as a hunter's apprentice, and proven their ability in both combat and navigation.    They must be selected as a candidate by both the current War Chief and the current Shaman.


There is no special ritual for the appointment of a war chief. The community will often celebrate the advancement of one of its members by delivering gifts and good tidings to the appointee, and this is no different. Since the new war chief is selected beforehand by the previous war chief, they are often bequeathed a collection of useful items or recorded knowledge.


Maintaining the peace of mind of the non-combatant members of lizardfolk society is an important part of the duty of the war chief. When large festivals, such as the one following The Rite of Passing, are to be held it falls to the war chief to organize efforts to hunt enough food beforehand for the event. Also, the war chief will generally try to publicize the successful hunting of a large beast, in order to increase confidence in the House hunting parties.


The war chief must manage the appointment and deployment of war parties to routes around Coliar. It is their responsibility to manage the security of the village, as well as curbing the growth of Kamungora.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The war chief can be dismissed from their duties if the Shaman of the Houses declares them unfit for duty. These roles serve as checks on one another, so there is very little a presiding war chief can do to dispute this declaration. If the Houses are not in a time of crisis, the war chief is given one week to dissuade the shaman of their decision. If this is not done, the Shaman and the leaders of the war parties confer to choose a new war chief.
Civic, Military, Generic
Equates to
General, Admiral
Length of Term
Lifetime, or until retirement
Reports directly to
Related Locations
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