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Kingdom of Súmina

Súmina is a Kingdom east of Alandor and south of Garmark.


The Súminans are a very secretive and secluded people. They live in the tropical forests of the Súminan peninsula. They are not very welcoming of strangers, and their capital, Mélamar, is completely closed to foreginers.


Súmina's history is dominated by clashes with the Garmark Theocracy. Garmark has on several occasions attempted to conquer the Súminan lands, but the outcome has always been failure. They are practically at perpetual war with each other.

Demography and Population

The population of Súmina consists almost entirely of (wood) elves. Though there are some instances of individual immigrants, it is very uncommon.


The Kingdom of Súmina contains the surrounding lands around the Súminan sea, with the northwest Súminan peninsula as the main territory.   The Súminan Desert is in theory contested by Garmark, but there are no permanent settlements there.


Súminan military doctrine is a defensive one, and relies on choosing their battles and fighting in known territory. Relying heavily on stealth and their skill at moving quickly and unnoticed in their native forests, they utilize hit-and-run tactics to harass enemy forces and minimize their own losses.   Each adult Súminan is expected to take up arms whenever the security of their own is challenged, and they do this gladly.   A Súminan military unit is trained to fight autonomously, and its members are usually inhabitants of the same village or town district. More often than not, they fight alongside their friends and siblings. These units normally defend their native region, and don't move far from familiar lands. They are called the Varyando.   Apart from the regular regional guard, there are elite units that consist of proven warriors. These units move to reinforce areas that are overwhelmed. As fighting is these warriors' permanent occupation, they have a tradition of covering their bodies with ceremonial tattoos. These tattoos blend well into the forest, forming a kind of camouflage. They are called the Thalion.   If an area is expected to be attacked by an enemy, the Súminans prepare it with traps, and fortifications in the form of tunnels and tree-bridges.   The individual warriors themself have no uniform equipment or fighting style, and their weapons come in a wide range of melee and ranged types. Some even use elven magic to harm, protect, or trick the enemy.   See: Súminan Sunset in Short Stories from the World of Umbaron


The common belief is that there is a finite amount of elven souls. When an elf dies, their soul travels to a newborn elf. Instead of sleeping, they enter a trance where they re-experience their former lives through dream-like vision.   This strong connection with their ancestors forms a tight bond with nature and the flow of life. They are grateful for their people's historical sacrifices, and feel a strong duty to provide for coming generations.

Foreign Relations

Súmina is at perpetual war with the Garmark Theocracy. The elves have no interest in fighting in foreign lands, but they consistently force Garmark off their own.   They are very isolationist, and have no real communication with other nations.


Each Súminan is expected to serve in the guard for a time. How long depends on the need at the time, but the minimum is one year, during which they receive military training.

Agriculture & Industry

The forest provides a great amount of opportunities for hunting and gathering, so the Súminans have never had any reason to develop advanced agriculture. They do however have skilled smiths, and mine metals from the swamps.   Apart from food and metal, the forest's flora and fauna provide exotic herbs and substances, and the Súminan sea provides fish and other resources as well.

Trade & Transport

Some elves are traders who travel between the villages with food and trade goods. The terrain is seldom suited for carts, so they usually utilize nimble pack animals to carry the load.   A limited amount of international trade exists, mainly with the dwarves of Zigilgathol, for precious gems and metals the elves use in their arts and crafts.


Each village educates its children as a community. The theoretical education consists mostly of oral tradition—story telling—which teaches everything from morals to skills. The students practice different tasks and trades that are needed in the community, and start specializing in those that suits them. A teacher is chosen from those who are deemed best suited for a particular subject, and then another individual will take over when it's time for another.


If you know how to find and follow the leads, there are several travel routes between villages, but they are often not as obvious as roads are. The routes may lead up a tree, to use the branches to cross a river, or into a cave that leads up and through a cliff.


Because of the long life-span of elves and the limited amount of individuals, elves have great veneration for life. The Súminan elves are mainly concerned with the life of other elves however, and their compassion does not carry over to other creatures.
Garmark Theocracy and Kingdom of Súmina Base Map Image
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Economic System
Súmina doesn't recognize any currency. The economy is trade based, and they use charters to keep track of debt if the need would appear.
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