Clawed Heraldry

The prominent families of Ell Brich each rule over different regions of the islands. The heraldry that they use always typically has different claws in them and the emblem signifies their allegiance to the Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods and is important to the realm's harmony.   The Clawed Heraldry is a set of symbols and designs used to represent the noble families that rule over the regions instead of the gods. They also represent the allegiance to the gods in Ell Brich so the realm is unified. Each of the different heraldry includes a stylized claw motif, often adapted to reflect the unique characteristics and history of the family that it represents.   These Clawed Heraldry designs serve not only as symbols of noble families but also as a testament to the realm's diversity and the unique strengths each family contributes to Ell Brich.

Mechanics & Inner Workings


The creation of Clawed Heraldry was done meticulously by skilled artisans and artists who collaborated to develop a unique emblem for the noble families. The designs typically incorporate claw motifs in ways that reflect the family histories, achievements, and characteristics. Each design has rich symbolism, colors, shapes, and patterns that are all highly intentional.
Frozen Talon, belongs to a prominent family. The emblem consists of a frost-covered claw with intricate ice patterns etched into the design. The claw appears to emerge from a backdrop of swirling snowflakes, symbolizing the family's connection to the icy magic of Ell Brich.
Obsidian Claw belonging to another noble family features a sleek, obsidian-black claw with edges that seem to shimmer with dark, otherworldly energy. For the family, it represents their connection to the powerful obsidian of Oppo Strafuirma and their role in maintaining the realm's strength.
Glacial Claw belongs to a noble family with a history of service to the Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods and their community is represented by a glacial claw is adorned with intricate crystal shards that are similar to the Frozen Memory Shards. The emblem signifies the family's commitment to unity and protection.
Whisp-Enveloped Claw belongs to a family that is known for their close relationship with the mischievous Wisps that haunt the glowing rivers. This heraldry includes a claw that is partially obscured by ethereal wisps and plumage of the Wisp-Winged Hummingbirds. This design reflects their worship of their patron Goddess Xione the Lady of Fate.
The Claw of Unity is an emblem that unites several noble families under one banner and features multiple claws interlocking forming a circular design. This symbolizes their commitment to upholding Ell Brich's harmony through their collective strength. This heraldry is the flag that flies across Ell Brich and unifies all of the people in the realm.
Icy Rose Claw belongs to a family with a history of producing great poets and artists. The emblem is adorned with delicate, icy roses called Lachajñē. This design showcases their creative spirit and dedication to the realm's cultural heritage.
Clawed Glacier Heraldry belongs to a family that rules over the tall mountain ranges. The claw they use is imposing and appears to be a massive glacier that symbolizes their strong connection to the rugged mountains.
Claw of the Tundra Heraldry belongs to a family with a reputation for their bravery in facing the harsh tundra that lies beyond Geogefi Ubu. The claw incorporates the rugged terrain of the icy plains. creating an emblem of resilience.
Aurora Claw is the emblem of a family that possesses a deep understanding of the realm's enchantments like the iridescent glow of The Aurora Dome. This reflects the family's mastery of magic and the unique energy of Ell Brich.
Clawed Key Heraldry belongs to a family with a long history of unlocking Ell Brich's secrets and maintaining its stability. They use an emblem that depicts a claw gripping a key. This design signifies their role as the keepers of ancient knowledge and guardians of the realm's balance. They also fund Guprudvā Vedvu who are the secret police of the realm.

Symbolic Elements & Enchanted Materials

For the noble houses, the claw motif within their heraldry is symbolic and shows their connection to the Dā Е̄tyū Kacī the gods of Ell Brich. The other elements of the design of the heraldry will have regional symbols and symbols from mythology. Most have nature-inspired imagery that represents the family's unique attributes and contributions to the realm.   The Clawed Heraldry is built of various enchanted materials such as magically infused ice, Ell Riescher, crystal, and Obsidian to give the emblem a distinct, shimmering appearance. These enchantments are placed on the heraldry with an Enchanter done by an Artificer giving the heraldry protective or enhancing qualities.

Hereditary Traditions

The Clawed Heraldry is typically hereditary, passed down from one head of family to the next in a formal ceremony. The transfer of the emblem represents the continuity of the family's legacy and their ongoing commitment to the realm. It is not uncommon for one of the gods to be present during these ceremonies as a reminder of the family's place under the gods.   The designs and histories of the various Clawed Heraldry are meticulously documented in the archives of Oppo Strafuirma the castle in Geogefi Ubu the capital of Ell Brich where the gods live. These records serve as historical records of each family's contributions, obligations, and significance of their emblems. These records record the genealogies of the noble families and various other records like territories, assets, and the people who lived in the regions under the noble families. Every normal citizen reports which noble house they live under when they have to do things like travel and taxes.   The Heraldry is used in various ceremonies in their home regions including rites of passage for members of the noble house and overseeing some rites of passage of the normal people that the nobles rule over. The Heraldry is potentially used in official proclamations, possessions, feasts, and other matters of state. Since the Clawed Heraldry represents agreement with Hetu Kɑnabe and the gods that the nobles will rule the common people on behalf of the gods. Due to this some religious holidays, events, and rituals require a Clawed Heraldry these are often rites that the nobility need to do as part of their duties to the gods. Overall this further symbolizes the family's dedication and spiritual connection.   Furthermore, the Clawed Heraldry serves as a symbol of recognition and protection for the noble families. Those bearing these emblems are often afforded special privileges and responsibilities within the communities and regions that the nobles live in. The presence of the heraldry on a noble family's property, various documents, and personal belongings indicate their noble status. For the nobility, the Clawed Heraldry contributes to the unity of all of the families by fostering a sense of collective responsibility. The recognition of a shared purpose in protecting and preserving Ell Brich has been the cause of strengthened alliances and strained rivalries among the families. After all not all of the houses agree on what is best for Ell Brich.   The Clawed Heraldry is often integrated into the architecture and decor of the noble families' residences and various public buildings. The heraldry is often on the gates of cities, banners, and facades as a visible reminder of the families' commitment to the gods and their territories. The members of the noble families with Claed Heraldry often have a deep personal connection to their emblem. The visual representation of their family history and the responsibility they bear maintaining the well-being of Ell Brich.

Manufacturing process

Offerings to the various Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods that rule over Ell Brich are an important part of making the Clawed Heraldry. These offerings do vary from god to god but most involve sacred herbs or flowers such as Osuchi, incense, and prayers to infuse the gods' blessings into the Heraldry. These offerings honor the gods and invoke their favor upon the noble family and the realm. Beyond that, not much known because of how carefully guarded the process is.


The history of Clawed Heraldry in Ell Brich is deeply intertwined with the origins of the Hetu Kɑnabe people, their relationship with the Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods, and the noble families who have played pivotal roles in the realm's development. In Ell Brich, Clawed Heraldry is more than just symbols; it's a living testament to their history, gods, and commitment of noble families to protect the prosperity of the realm.

Founding of Ell Brich

Ell Brich is strongly believed to have been created by Qaydith as the home of his family line from the greater Fa Geinn pantheon. There are myths that say that the world was created from the frozen void that surrounds the floating shattered island giving it a unique environment and magic. The Clawed Heraldry has its roots in the recognition of the divine presence of their gods.   They also believe that the first Clawed Heraldry designs were considered gifts from the gods themselves such as Niolmopio the Goddess of the Forge. These symbols represent the gods' favor and protection over the chosen noble Zapriu Ussa families. This has established their divine connection to the realm and accountability with these families.

Role in the Community

As the population grew, those noble families stepped in as leaders who played significant roles in maintaining the realm's unity and safeguarding its magical balance and The Dream. The Clawed Heraldry designs were awarded to these families once again as a testament to their responsibility and importance in the community.   As time passed the Clawed Heraldry served as a unifying symbol, bringing noble families together in their common mission to protect and preserve the realm even though they each go about it differentially in their territories. It emphasized the collaborative effort needed to maintain Ell Brich's harmony.

Historical Records & Cultural Significance

Over the centuries, the history and the achievements of noble families were chronicled symbolically in the form of heraldic records in addition to Frozen Memory Shards. The heraldic records are kept in the extensive libraries of Oppo Strafuirma serving as a testament to the families' contributions to the realm and their bloodlines. If a noble family line dies their library doesn't get any new books in it and a new library will be built for the new noble house.   Clawed Heraldry designs became deeply embedded in the culture of Ell Brich, influencing art, architecture, and even the realm's festivals and ceremonies. They were seen as representations of the realm's past and its future.   As the noble families took up governmental roles they became known as Guardians and believed to have been trusted with significant secrets, including the knowledge of Ell Brich's magic. The heraldry became a symbol of preserving these secrets. One of the things that they are entrusted with is direct access to Dā Е̄tyū Kacī.   The heraldry has become a symbol of the noble families' dedication and service so the designs remain relatively rare. Those who had made significant contributions and demonstrated a deep commitment to Ell Brich were granted the privilege of bearing a unique emblem.


The designs of the Clawed Heraldry were passed down from one generation to the next, reinforcing the continuity and legacy of the noble families. The inheriting generation will have the responsibility to uphold the family's traditions as they continue their service to Ell Brich. Now in the present day, the Clawed Heraldry remains a symbol of honor and prestige, serving as a testament to the noble families' historical roles and their ongoing dedication to the realm's well-being.


The Clawed Heraldry in Ell Brich carries profound significance on various levels, encompassing both the cultural and spiritual aspects of the real. They are multifaceted symbols within Ell Brich representing the families' spiritual connections, historical legacies, and their collective commitment to unify and protect the realm's culture and heritage. The heraldry is a symbol of great prestige, honor, and responsibility within the community.

Spiritual Connection

The Clawed Heraldry serves as a symbol of the noble families' spiritual connection to the Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods, particularly Qaydith. The heraldry signifies the favor and protection of the gods over the family, enhancing their spiritual significance. The Clawed Heraldry represents the family's role in protecting and maintaining the unity of Ell Brich. It emphasizes the collective effort needed to safeguard the realm from external threats and to uphold the delicate balance.

Historical Legacy

The designs are steeped in history, often tracing back to the founding of Ell Brich. Each emblem is a visual record of a family's long-standing commitment and contributions to Ell Brich, forming a historical legacy. The families possessing the Clawed Heraldry are a matter of prestige and honor. It's a recognition of a family's significance in the community and their dedication to the realm and are respected for their services to Ell Brich and the people therein.   The Clawed Heraldry designs are associated with families entrusted with safeguarding the realm's deepest secrets and maintaining its magical balance. This symbolic responsibility underscores their significance as protectors of Ell Brich's integrity. The heraldry has had a profound impact on Ell Brich's culture, influencing its art, architecture, and traditions. These symbols are woven into the fabric of daily life, from festivals to rituals, preserving the realm's heritage. While each family's emblem is unique, they each contribute to the realm's collective identity and reinforce the idea that the diverse noble families are united in their purpose which is to ensure the harmony and protection of Ell Brich.   The heraldry signifies the family's role as stewards of the realm. It's a visual reminder that these families have accepted the responsibility of safeguarding Ell Brich's magical environment and ensuring its continued existence. The passing down of Clawed Heraldry from one generation to the next ensures the continuity of the noble families' traditions and commitments. It underscores the enduring legacy and ongoing service of these families. The significance of Clawed Heraldry goes beyond the practical and spiritual; it has a deep emotional resonance for the families who bear these emblems. They feel a profound attachment to their roles and responsibilities within the realm.
Item type
Related ethnicities
Raw materials & Components
  • Enchanted Ice or Ell Riescher to enhance its durability, clarity, and brilliance. The enchantments are imbued with protective spells or infused with subtle colors to create visually striking effects.
  • Crystal is a prevalent material that symbolizes purity, and clarity, and the realm's magical essence is known as Ell Riescher. Crystals incorporated into Clawed Heraldry have reflective properties and the ability to refract, light which adds depth and dimension to the emblem.
  • Obsidian is valued for its dark yet reflective surface and is associated with strength, protection, and mythicism. Obsidian is featured as elements of inlays, carvings, or borders, to add contrast and symbolism to the various designs.
  • Precious metals such as gold, silver Nuerune, and Giostralia Nuerune, and other precious metals which add luster, value, and prestige to the emblem. These metals are often employed for intricate filigree work, borders, or embellishments, symbolizing wealth, power, and nobility.
  • Gemstones such as sapphires, diamonds, and emeralds make them more beautiful and enhance their rarity and symbolic significance. The gemstone accents represent various celestial bodies, elemental energies, or specific virtues associated with the noble families.
  • Magical Runes and Symbols such as magical runes and symbols are integrated into the designs imbuing the emblem with additional layers of meaning and potency. These runes may have various magical enchantments such as different blessings from the Dā Е̄tyū Kacī gods, Warding runes for protection, or ancestral wisdom from Frozen Memory Shards that reinforces the families spiritual connection and magical heritage. Most Clawed Heraldry have a combination of these enchantments.
  • Whisp Essence is incorporated in some Clawed Heraldry giving a playful and whimsical feel that is inspired by the various whisps and ghosts that roam Ell Brich. The Whisps are believed to possess magical properties such as enhancing clarity of thought which fosters creativity or warding off malevolent forces.
  • Rare Woods and other Plants in the designs of Clawed Heraldry may feature components crafted from the wood from Annsch Hannsch trees or other such plants. These natural materials symbolize resilience, adaptability, and Ell Brich's rich biodiversity.
  • Enchanted Inks and Pigments used by artisans are made of formulated inks and pigments infused with magical properties to embellish the Clased Heraldry. These enchantments are the same ones from the magical runes as they are written with ink. In the dim light of evenings and night the color appears to change to respond to the emotions of the day or the emotions. The inks help to ensure the longevity and vibrancy of the emblem.


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