Discovery of the Path Prose in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Discovery of the Path

The sunlight streamed into Raga's room and he rolled over wanting to get some more sleep. He sat up remembering that today a Wave Guide had to travel through The Waves and reset the Wards. This was done to ensure the mountains didn't move and happened after every major storm. It would be the first time Raga would do this alone which he wasn't worried about as he knew the mountains well even when they had moved. The most recent Magical Storm had stopped some days ago sparing the town due to the ancient magic that protected it. Even at that rate, the mountains would be similar to what he had known but slightly different. He would have to watch for the sights so new routes could be mapped for mountain travel if needed.   Raga finally got up and dressed by lacing up some light armor that was for traveling and would protect him from some of the dangers in the mountain. Once ready he went downstairs where his mother, Tiutme, had breakfast cooked and served on a table for her and her son.   "Good morning, Raga," Tiutme said smiling as Raga sat down, "did you sleep well last night?"   "Yeah, I did," Raga said taking a plate and filling it with food, "how about you?"   "Could have been better," Tiutme said sitting down with her son and fixing a plate, "I always have a hard time sleeping before and while you enchant the wards. You know I worry about you."   "I know," Raga said eating the well-made food, "there isn't any other way to go about it and there aren't enough guides for someone to come with me this time."   "I know, are the spiders migrating right now?" Tiutme sighed.   "Yes, they don't come on the path that often so I should be fine. Did you worry about..." Raga paused and smirked nervously, "so weird to call him that."   "That's fine, you can still call your father Soül if you want to," Tiutme said with an encouraging smile, "I didn't worry that much about him because well, he is a Dragon."   Raga smiled as he ate more before Tiutme said, "Look Raga, I am sorry you found out about your heritage the way you did. I honestly thought that you knew although looking back I get that you didn't know."   "It's okay Mom. We will figure it out," Raga said as he finished eating and started to help Tiutme clean up.   "I better get going so I can get to the first site by tonight," Raga said gathering up a few things that he and his mother had packed the night before primarily a hunting bow and a quiver of arrows.   "Please, stay on the path and be safe," Tiutme said as she pulled him into her warm embrace.   "I will mom, see you when the camps are anchored," Raga smiled and headed out the door.   The stables were on the other side of town which was unusually busy for the early morning. The few Fey residents had been lighting special lamps in front of their houses with green flames and muttering some words or prayers to the flame. Some of the Humans were protesting and trying to stop the Fey because the ritual was an old one that was in honor of one of the Fa Geinn gods. Raga smirked watching as the groups bickered over this nonsense the last severe storm that required a guide to remap the trails was several hundred years ago. The mortals were not there to remember it or see that the Fey decorated the town the same way then.   The worship of Fa Geinn was illegal in the whole country of Bridt Sche the country that Raga lived in. This ritual was much older than the Dissolvement of Ci Scá Múnt that made the faith illegal. The green flames were in honor of Tialímin the Lord of Roads and the fire was to help the guide, Raga, to find his way home. Raga didn't care seeing it as a fun superstition that helped people not to worry about him. According to some myths in the hard-to-find religious literature, the fire is supposed to go out if the guide dies or when he comes home.   Raga stopped at the stables and placed a saddle on his Jiebo Meelacha and packed a Magical Tent, flares, and food in various saddle bags. Raga mounted the bird and started to ride towards The Waves. As he left the town and started the tour of the mountains noticing some Giant Spiders near the roads.   Raga took a break around the afternoon and ate a small snack giving the bird a break from being ridden. The bird gazed and ate some bugs and grass. He kept his eye on the bird to make sure that he didn't run off. After a while, Raga started to pack up to head out on the trail again when he noticed that the bird was starting to get nervous patting the ground and making nervous cooing sounds. Raga smiled and walked over to the bird.   "What's wrong boy?" Raga asked before he fell to the ground.   The bird ran away squealing and Raga turned to see that he was being pulled towards a giant spider. Raga glanced back at the bird with his hunting bow and realized that magic was the only way to escape this. Raga cast a fire spell at the web that entrapped his legs. Free Raga jumped onto his feet and cast a Barrier around himself before casting another fire spell at the spider. The spider screamed at the fire in its face and it recoiled. Raga used a firewall to herd the spider off the road. Once the spider was out of sight Raga called off the fire and ensured the trees were not badly burnt.   Raga noticed the spider coming back looking angry and Raga took a deep breath and tried to cast an ice spell to make a better wall to protect the trail but nothing came from it. The spider started to bear down on Raga who drew on his strength to run for the bird and the bow on it before an ice wall was cast between him and the spider. Raga looked up and noticed a Drider had cast the spell and they seemed to be focusing on getting the spider back on the migration path.   Raga waved thanks and then went up the path a bit and found his bird unharmed, "Guess there is a first time for everything. I thought that they usually stayed away. We will just have to be more careful."   The rest of the path from town was not as eventful and the path was similar to what Raga had traveled before. As evening started to descend Raga made it to the first Singing Stone marking the first campsite. He dismounted pitched the tent and tethered the bird. Raga approached the stone and could still feel the ward humming with the sound of the wind that blew through the stone.   The ward felt weak but not on the verge of breaking. He took out a Focus Crystal to help channel the magic he needed to strengthen the ward without using his magic and hopefully not causing another storm. Raga cast the spell and he could feel the magic of the ward and anchor strengthening with new notes of the old song only the wind knows. A sense of safety came upon Raga and he was sure that he would be safe tonight which was good as the spiders moved nearby some stopping to look at him in the safety of the camp.   Raga lit a fire and watched the spiders as he prepared one of his rations and fed his bird patting it reassuringly, "It's okay, they can't get us the barrier that will protect us."   The food was fine but was not as good as the breakfast that he had at home with his mother. As night blanketed the mountains Raga put the fire out and made sure that it was out while watching the spiders pass by in the darkness. Once the embers were cold Raga went into the tent and changed into some other clothes before going back to sleep. Thanks to the magic of the tent Raga couldn't hear the clicking of the spiders outside but having heard them most of the day the sound stayed in his mind making sleep difficult.   In the morning Raga changed back to his light armor and ate a small breakfast before breaking the camp and packing everything back up into the packs secured to the saddle of the bird. The spiders from yesterday were in eye shot in the morning light. Raga mounted the bird and looked at the path and followed it further into the mountain. Up a branching path was the nearby mountain that housed the Konn Prünnzu Tradtar or a reactor that powered Tichenfdt Ronnts the nearby town where Raga lived. This was not the path that Raga needed traveled as there weren't any campsites up that way.   As Raga traveled the roads he found the Court of the Spider Queen which he could see from an overlook. The cave was large with ancient runes in a tongue no one understood anymore. Leading up to the cave opening were several singing stones and just in the mouth, Raga saw the iconic hopping of Wallüŋ Ab and the creeping legs of giant spiders. There was something about the cave that felt like a draw like something was calling him.   Raga's bird made an unsure cawing sound that Raga responded with pats encouraging the bird, "Yeah, you're right we shouldn't linger here."   Looking up Raga jumped startled to see a Drider standing on the path which was unusual as they usually watched from a distance. The Drider took up the whole path and there wasn't a clear way around him so Raga took a moment to calm his bird as he watched. The Drider wasn't moving which was annoying since Raga knew he couldn't fight him and win. From what Raga had read and based on what he was taught the Drider can shoot webs that entrap people and can use magic without risking the mountains moving which was why they were ale to cast a massive ice wall yesterday. Raga also didn't pack much in the way of weapons with a short bow and limited arrows that he was saving in case he ran out of rations and needed to hunt.   "Shame you can't speak Seing or I'd ask why you are blocking the path," Raga retorted aloud to himself.   He had never heard a Drider speak only saw their use of Drider Tactical Signals which are hand gestures that he did not understand. Soül had also told Raga that the Drider could not speak and it was about the only thing that Raga believed from his father.   The Drider crossed his arms and said, "Who told you that we can't speak Seing?"   Raga was stunned for a moment before he answered, "Soül Soyla, the Portal Master."   "Tialímin," The Drider spoke the name with disgust and Raga was confused as that was not the name he said.   "Why are you blocking the path? I need to get through," Raga said choosing to ignore that and get to the point.   "There is no need for you to check the wards. They have been checked and they are strong," The Drider answered impatiently.   Raga laughed nervously, "It is my job to check the wards at the campsites. I have to make sure the roads are safe for travelers."   "No, that is our task given to us by the Spider Queen. They have been checked you can go back to the village," The Drider retorted.   "No, I need to check. I have never heard of the Drider checking on the wards before," Raga said crossing his arms. "Let me pass."   "There are more important matters than the wards." The Drider stated, "You have been invited to Spider Queen Solsínabh's Court."   Raga started at the Drider for a moment stunned before looking at the cave and all of the movement within and then started to laugh, "That court?"   Raga pointed at the cave with all of the spiders moving in the darkness and watched as the Drider nodded. Raga laughed again anxiously before saying, "Why? Does the Queen of Spiders need another Drider and has she run out of Fey followers down there to Flesh Warp?"   "No, Lynir her Highness would not do that to you. You are invited to enter the Court and you can leave it if you desire to do so. She will not hold you as a captive," The Drider said confused.   "Lyn... My name is Raga Soyla not Lynir," Raga corrected, "and forgive me if I don't trust your Queen's invitation. Please, step aside or I will find another way around you off the path."   "You are more than welcome to travel the Waves but know that the wards have been checked. Stay on the path."   The Drider stepped off of the path and went to the Court of the Spider Queen. Raga patted his mount and reassured the bird before they continued on their way. As they traveled along they entered into a more forested part of the trail. Raga was happy to be in the shade again and he noticed another cave. This one was smaller and only big enough for a person to crawl through or for a smaller giant spider to come through.   Raga dismounted and walked off of the path towards the cave and peered into the darkness and couldn't see anything moving in it. He went back to his packs to look for a smoke bomb that he could throw into the cave to flush out spiders to protect the path.   "Schwiei," Raga sighed after he checked his gear and wasn't able to find any smoke bombs.   Raga walked back to the cave and placed a tool by the cave that would help Raga find his way back to it. Once the mark was set Raga mounted his bird again and rode to the next campsite which was several miles away. Once at the campsite Raga set up the tent, tethered his bird and fed it. He went to the singing stone and noticed that the magic within the stone was strong and the ward was fine. He still strengthened the ward but it required little to no effort.   "We will be safe here tonight," Raga said patting the bird, "I need to go check on the cave I will be back in a couple of hours."   Raga used some magic to make sure that the barrier was good before leaving the camp and the bird to hike back to the cave. The hike took a few hous on foot walking at a moderate pace. The sun was starting to go down but Raga was not worried about finding his way back to camp since he set up another marker at it. A few Wave Goats played on the trail before teleporting away from him.   He heard a clicking sound and Raga fell on his face turning to see another spider pulling him towards it with its web, "Not again!"   Raga cast a fire spell on the web and was able to get back onto his feet after the fire freed his legs. He reached for his bow and shot an arrow at the spider causing it to scream and recoil, for a moment. It shot another web that Raga was able to avoid easily enough and he shot another arrow at the spider causing it to scream again. Raga knew that the giant spiders were cowards and didn't hunt difficult prey, alone. Raga got ready to continue down the path when he heard the angry clicks of more than one spider. He turned back to face the injured spider and another spider that crept from the shadows.   "Schwiei!" Raga yelled realizing that he didn't have enough arrows to fight the spiders as a third one came.   Even while running from the spiders Raga easily found the cave again thanks to the marker. The cave seemed a bit eerie in the light of the setting sun. Raga looked behind him to see the coming spiders before peering into the cave again. He still couldn't see any movement within and there was a strange stillness within. The clicking from the spiders was coming closer so he dove into the cave hearing the sound of the spider's chelicerae clicking and narrowly missing Raga's foot followed by a web being spun at the entrance.   Raga crawled into the cave and it felt more narrow than what it appeared to be. At some point, he had to crawl until he could stand again and walked into a cave. Instead of the cave being covered in webs and the spider eggs, there was instead a grassy grotto with a pool of water and a waterful at the back of the cave. The smell of flowers and the clean waters from the grotto and Raga was impressed that it didn't seem that dangerous within. He went over to the water and cupped it before taking a timid drink. It tasted clean and magical making Raga think that water was Ley Rich from the spring. This was water with diluted Konn Prünnzu the magical energy that flowed through the ley lines.  
Standing up Raga resumed a posture of reverence holding his hands as though he was praying and closed his eyes feeling the magic of the spring and the grotto. To his surprise, the magic within was stable, unlike the mountains outside that would move at the casting of most advance spells. He opened his eyes and dropped the pose looking around in awe of the cave he lost all the urgency of getting back to camp and the worry of the spiders that were chasing him. A smile came across his face and Raga stretched and magic extended from his fingers.   He started to experiment with magic bending the rules that he read about in the few spell books he could find and were given to him by Schaudteif a man that visits the tavern often enough to be known by Tiutme and Raga. He was a good friend of the family. The Barriers that he cast were strengthened with Alteration magic. He then mixed Restoration magic into the strengthened barrier. The flames from one of his Destruction spells danced around the waterfall changing colors with the casting of Illusion magic. Raga was so distracted with his casting that he didn't hear the sound of a portal opening behind him.   As the fires died down with the sparks landing in the water Raga smiled and extended his hands towards the plants and started to alter their appearance making the grass change into flowers similar to ochriads. He cast an illusion spell that made the plants look like they were glowing making the magical spring look even more so. Raga took a step back to admire the flowers and water and it seemed more beautiful and peaceful.   "How did you get here?" a voice behind him asked.   Raga turned startled to see a Chlai or dark Fey with long white hair with bangs falling over one of his eyes showing his piercing green eye. He was well dressed in a black suit with a low-cut and golden trim on his clothes. The man seemed curious with faint echos of anger leaving his body.   "There was a cave close to the trail in the Waves. I had to make sure there weren't any spiders or other dangers near the path. Who are you?" Raga responded confused.   The man crossed his arms and was quiet for a moment before saying, "I am surprised that you haven't heard of me. Why didn't you use a flare or a smoke bomb like a normal guide?"   "I didn't have any on me. Also, I was being chased by giant spiders," Raga said mimicking the man's pose by crossing his arms, "I don't see many Chlai Fey in Knomm Grähi."   "So, you then climbed into a hole that might have had more giant spiders that would try to kill you," the man said a smile crossing his face. "As for who I am, not a Fey. I only take the appearance of one as I am a Dragon and acquainted with your father, Soül."   "At the time it seemed worth the risk," Raga snapped. "I had no idea that Soül had any friends."   "Makes sense, in the moment decisions can be tricky. You will be happy to know that I am not friends with your father or shocked, I don't care either way. We are more of rivals, we have been for millennia," the man said changing the subject, "I do have to ask do you still know where you are?"   Raga was about to start his answer but took a moment to look around the grotto again. The waterfall and the pool were the same except for the flowers that now bloomed there thanks to Raga's spell. Behind the stranger, where the cave entrance that Raga crawled through. Raga was shocked to see that it was gone. The stranger seemed to chuckle as the reality of being trapped clicked in Raga's mind.   "Where am I?" Raga asked believing that he was no longer in the Waves. He had wandered off the path.   The man smiled and was no longer crossing his arms resting one hand on his hip, "You wandered onto a path that you were not supposed to be traveling. The Waves is home to various Pocket Dimensions connect to Miyla and the other such dimensions that are anchored into the magic of the Waves."   Raga nodded slowly saying, "I have never heard anything like that. I know that Konn Prünnzu flows in strong ley lines through the Waves which is why the mountains move. Are you saying that this cave or path is connected to Konn Prünnzu somehow?"   The man smiled, "You are very clever. Konn Prünnzu does flow through the Waves allowing travel throughout Miyla and pocket dimensions like this one through The Gloom Way. It is a safer and more stable portal system than your father's normal Dragon Portals. I made this pocket dimension that we are currently in."   "Sorry for the flowers," Raga said, realizing they were there because of him and this strange man might not like them.   "No need for that," the man said waving a dispersal and walking over to Raga, "I have been trying to plant Osuchi flowers here for a long time but to no avail. Honestly, I am happy you enchanted the flowers here. Right introductions, Lynir, I am Qaydith."   Raga nodded as he looked around again and noticed that he was still trapped in the pocket dimension with this strange man. He figured that he would have to do whatever the man asked to get out since pocket dimensions are tricky pieces of magic and hard to escape. This realization was something that the stranger noticed and he seemed happy with how uncomfortable Raga was as he took another step closer.   "You know a lot about magic," Qaydith said gesturing to the flowers, "however, I don't think you know much about the physical world."   Qaydith was holding Raga's hand and his heart raced. Raga could guess what was about to happen to him and tried to calm down since there was no way he could escape what was about to happen to him. After all, Raga had never heard of stories where a man was a victim. Taking a look around the cave with the waterfall and the glowing flowers gave Raga some reassurance that the place was at least beautiful. Raga knew that he was in danger but at the moment he was not sure what type of danger it was.   "I understand the world around me well enough, I doubt there is anything that you can teach me. My name is also not Lynir it's Raga. First the Drider now you, this is shaping up to be a weird trip," Raga said doing his best to mask the fear that tried to creep into his speech.   Qaydith smiled as he brushed his thumb across Raga's lips causing his heart to skip beat with the realization that what he feared was going to happen even though that shouldn't happen. Qaydith then brushed a stray hair tucking it back behind Raga's ear as his breath staggered bracing himself.   Qaydith moved his hand to hold Raga's neck as he bent in and kissed Raga which startled him. Raga bit down as hard as he could on Qaydith's lip who pulled away startled touching his lip and seeing blood on his hand. He laughed looking back at Raga with his lip completely healed and reaching for Raga who stepped back almost falling into the pond making him stay where he was. Qaydith grabbed Raga again and pulled him close startling Raga. He was caught off guard as he has never been this close to another person before.   "Seems like Xione left out some things when she told me about her visions," Qaydith said holding Raga close to him.   "Let me go, monster!" Raga growled.   "Sh, firebrand," Qaydith hushed Raga with a laugh.   Qaydith kissed Raga again but before Raga could bite him again he slid his tongue into Raga's mouth. Raga struggled before he gave up which caused Qaydith to retract his tongue and kiss Raga a bit longer. The moment Qaydith pulled away from Raga they were both panting and Raga leaned up against Qaydith for support. Qaydith laughed a bit as Raga tried to come up with ways to escape but he was not coming up with any ideas on how to.   "I will teach you a secret of magic that your father, Tialímin, will not teach you." Qaydith whispered, "I can teach you how to use stilettos, daggers, and swords. You should be allowed to discover the balance between magic and the psychical."   "And what do you get?" Raga asked trying not to squirm away from Qaydith.   "Access to you," Qaydith whispered almost tenderly.   Raga hesitated but took a moment to kick off his shoes as he couldn't find a way out of this, "I..."   The man cut off Raga and said while unbuttoning Raga's shirt who didn't dare move, "I can allow you to tap into my magic. You will be able to cast more spells and access my knowledge of spells with my name."   "What magic?" Raga asked doing his best to relax as his shirt slid off and fell to the ground as Qaydith undid his belt next.   Qaydith laughed quietly whispering, "Ice Destruction magic and other spells that come from being a Warlock."   Raga leaned against him and said, "You are not going to let me leave until I agree and give you what you want."   Qaydith guided Raga's hand which he tried to rip from Qaydith's shoulder, "I don't require you to agree to anything. I will take you and bind you to me regardless if that is not what you want."   Qaydith kissed Raga as he started to lead him to lie down. Raga struggled to remain standing and to squirm away from Qaydith but he couldn't escape Qaydith's grip. Raga's feet sled into the pond causing ripples every time he moved under Qaydith. Raga slowly gave up fighting against the stronger and older Dragon instead he tried to enjoy what was happening since fighting wasn't working.   After some time it stopped and Qaydith played with Raga's hair while Raga did his best to come to terms with what happened to him breathing heavily. His body felt different as though something was taken from him and everything was in agony but his body also felt good. Qaydith lightly kissed Raga who closed his eyes waiting for whatever was going to happen causing Qaydith to laugh a bit.   "I am yours," Raga sighed mournfully.   Qaydith laughed slightly kissing Raga again, "Yes you are. As my Warlock, I am allowing you to cast the spells that are opposite of what is natural to you and other spells that can't be learned outside of a pact."   Raga could feel a surge of magic that washed over him that felt dominating and cold. Raga shivered and drew closer to Qaydith for warmth. The body heat from Qaydith felt so much warmer causing Qaydith to stroke Raga's back and draw Raga closer to him.   "I can start teaching you how to use weapons the next time you come here," Qaydith whispered into Raga's ear cooing at him.   "How will I get back?" Raga asked.   Qaydith grabbed Raga's hand and started to slide a bangle slowly up Raga's arm kissing him, "With this, say, 'd̪vɐsurṣa ūśyā (Cisren for teaching cave)' while wearing the bangle and the Gloom Way will bring you here."   Raga nodded and repeated the phrase while Qaydith smiled and continued, "Now there is a secret that your father doesn't want you to know. There are many paths that you haven't traveled. I will show you another path."   Raga felt something stabbing him through his gut piercing his heart causing his breathing to stagger. His eyes rolled and he saw Qaydith smiling at him as his body fell limp and darkness took him. After a moment Raga opened his eyes again and couldn't find the wound that was given to him. The light was bright but it was nice. He looked up at Qaydith confused but grateful.   "You started to walk the path that your father should be looking after. Simply, you died and I used Necromancy to bring you back before death could claim you," Qaydith said cupping Raga's face.   "When will you teach me again and what do you expect from me?" Raga asked through gritted teeth.   Qaydith smiled and kissed Raga who shifted under him before saying, "I expect this for now as time passes I will find other ways for you to serve me. Until then meditate on what you have learned and when you come back wait and I will come and instruct you again."   Raga blacked out again and woke up at some point in the night back in his tent with the only thing showing that it wasn't a dream was the silver bangle. Raga fingered the bangle noticing that it took the shape of a coiling snake. He was confused as he checked his body which felt injured but there were no scars or open wounds. Raga stepped outside of the tent to check the camp seeing his bird sleeping peacefully. Everything looked normal and the night was eerily peaceful. He went back into the tent and tried to go to sleep running a hand across his body with his mind not shutting off trying to figure out what happened.   He had heard stories of people being taken advantage of but the victims in those stories were all women. Raga had never heard of a man or a boy in those scenarios. Tears pooled in Raga's eyes as he felt safe enough to show emotions as he touched his body feeling the sensitive and sore places reliving what happened and trying to figure out what happened and why. He couldn't figure that out and he turned to his side and hugged the pillow before weeping. At some point in the night, he fell asleep.   In the morning Raga slowly got up and checked his body again as it was feeling a bit better after resting. His hand rested on the bangle and tears came to his eyes again which he did his best to suppress. He couldn't help but want to mourn the loss of who he was as he felt as though he was a different person, perhaps he was this this Lynir. After a moment he stepped outside and set a fire to start cooking breakfast and to feed his bird who nudged him cawing.   Raga wiped his eyes before casting, "Schnue anndt Ifreppsch (Draconic for Speak with Animals)."   "What's wrong Raga?" the bird asked.   "Do you remember that cave near the path yesterday?" Raga asked as he started to cook sausage, hashbrowns, and eggs.   "Yes, I remember that you said you were going to check on it but you never came back. I am happy you made your way back but I am sure you should have woken me up when you got back to the camp," the bird said, "Did something happen?"   Raga nodded as he watched the food cook and was quiet for a moment trying to figure out how to talk about what happened to him. The bird patiently waited while eating some feed and nudging Raga's face. Raga petted the bird in response and took the food off the fire. He sat down and ate the food with the bird and when he finished Raga started to clean and do the dishes.   Raga looked at the bird, "was attacked by some spiders on the trails and was able to hide in the cave which was not a spider nest."   The bird nodded, "I am not surprised that they attacked you and I am happy to hear that the cave wasn't a danger."   "No, that's not it," Raga said, "The cave was dangerous. It was beautiful and stable and so I thought I would practice some magic while I was hiding from the spiders."   "You are good at magic and you might as well do something while waiting for the spiders to move on," the bird said encouragingly.   "I thought I would be safe but a man somehow got in. I guess he used a portal of sorts." Raga said walking out of the camp for a moment and dumping the water that he used to wash the dishes.   He sat down by the fire before he continued, "He..."   Raga started to sob and the bird comforted him allowing Raga to pet him as he continued, "That man... Qaydith, whoever he is or says he is, took advantage of me. I guess you could say that he raped me. I tried to fight but couldn't or wasn't strong enough."   Raga started to cry and buried his face in the feathers of the bird relieved that he was alone in the mountains. As he started to calm down he looked at the fire which was slowly dying. He cast a spell at the fire feeling cold as he drew on the magical power of ice. The ice spike that appeared in the fire pit put the flames out almost instantly. The cold of the spell lingered in Raga's body for several moments and he was happy to hug the bird for warmth.   After a moment the bird spoke, "I am so sorry that this happened to you Raga. This is tragic but it doesn't have to define you and you will heal it will just be hard. I advise that you do not return to that cave and that you avoid that man."   Raga nodded as he stood up and started to break down the camp, "I won't, I don't want to go back."   The bird cuddled Raga and after a moment was grateful for the comfort that the bird provided. Raga then broke the camp and packed everything up before mounting the bird. They continued down the trail and Raga was thankful it was a peaceful day of travel. The next couple of days of travel were peaceful which was welcome after the difficult travel days near the beginning of the trip.   Once all of the camps were checked Raga doubled back and started to head home. While they were traveling Raga was riding by a ravine and they were about two to three days away from the village. Both Raga and the bird were getting tired and were off their guard wanting to get home as fast as they could. Raga heard a warping sound followed by the sequel of his mount as it charged suddenly. He fell off the bird and saw a startled Wave Goat teleporting away. A slit second later Raga rolled and fell into the ravine.   Raga fell hard and in an awkward position and he started to scream at the top of his lungs shattering his leg and seeing the blood that was pouring from his leg. After the moment of pain, Raga looked around to see webs and spider eggs. Fear came into Raga's mind and he placed a hand on the bangle the thought of going back to the cave came into his mind. But Raga couldn't leave his mount alone in the mountains to be eaten by spiders. Seeing the nest of spiders closing in on Raga he cast an ice spell on his broken leg to hold it in place temporarily.   He stood up and started to climb up the nearby web to get out of the ravine wanting to avoid casting more spells. The web was sticky and difficult to climb with a broken leg and Raga got stuck quickly. To free himself he cast a fire spell on the web burning it away and creating a shelf of ice to fall on. Raga screamed again when he fell on the ice and saw one of the spiders climbing the webs ahead of him trying to block his escape.   Raga shot a fireball at the spider since his bow and arrows were with his mount. The spider screamed and shot a web at Raga who limbed to the wall and started to climb on the wall. Another spider from behind Raga bit down on Raga's ice-bound leg. Raga screamed and kicked the spider in the face casting a wall of ice between them. He recast the ice around his leg and shot another fire spell at a scaling spider. The spider blocking the ravine's mouth seemed busy weaving a web to block the mountains above.   Raga cast another ice spell under him to raise the ice so he could take a break from climbing. He sometimes stopped the spell to shoot more fire spells at the spider above him and the web. Another spider scaled the walls and shot a web at Raga, who burned the web before it reached him. Raga then impaled the spider with ice by whispering Qaydith's name just as he did with all the other ice spells. The spider screamed before falling limp under the spike.   As Raga got closer to the top of the ravine and the spider blocking the way he took a moment and whispered Qaydith's name creating an ice wall under him to block off the ravine and the nest and spiders below him. With the spider overhead, Raga cast a massive fire spell at the spider causing it to scream and fall in fiery pieces around him. Raga blocked the fire by ducking and hiding his face casting a Barrier around himself. Once the spider finished falling Raga burned the web and continued the pillar of ice to the top of the ravine.   Once Raga climbed out of the ravine his bird ran over to him and Raga pulled himself onto the bird. Raga patted the bird and looked up at the nearby mountain feeling some rocks fall on them. The mountain was slowly moving down towards them. Raga clicked his tongue and spurred the bird to make him run. The mountains seemed to groan as they were moving and the rocks seemed to shine with a liquid shine. The bird ran as fast as he could and both of their hearts were racing with the sound of trees breaking and falling around them with heavier rocks. The forest was in chaos as all of the native animals went into hiding and the plants did their best to shield them themselves.   They dashed a couple of miles and could see the next campsite was just ahead. The bird made a mad dash and skidded into the camp just as the smaller wave behind them crashed into the Barrier that protected the camp. Raga collapsed off of the bird and checked his leg since they were safe and relieved. It was broken just as he thought. Raga froze the leg and staggeringly stood back up and went ahead with setting up the camp. He tethered the bird and fed him, annoyed to see the tent poorly pitched. He felt exhausted as though his magic was drained. The only magic that he had left was the bangle and the ward focus crystals.   Raga stumbled into the tent and looked for a first aid kit or some way to use magic but couldn't find anything that would heal his leg. His hand rested on the bangle. Raga slumped onto the cot seeing the choice ahead of him. He couldn't leave his leg untreated and without magic, there was no way that the half-Fey and Half-Dragon could heal or repair the broken leg. This is because Raga doesn't naturally know how to do self-surgery like the Humans who live in the village. The only other option that he could think of was to go back to the grotto and seek Qaydith for healing.   Raga sighed and touched the bangle before whispering, "d̪vɐsurṣa ūśyā."   When he opened his eyes he was back in the grotto surrounded by flowers. Raga crawled to the edge of the pond and waited using the last bit of his magic to thaw his leg. The leg felt cold and Raga could see the veins of his leg were green with the spider's venom coursing through him. He felt cold from using so much magic and Raga's eyes were dropping trying to close ushering him into sleep. Raga knew he needed to sleep to replenish his magic. However, he didn't want to be asleep in the cave worried about what else Qaydith would do to him. He tried casting a Restoration spell on his leg but nothing happened. To stay awake Raga spoke to himself about the stories and myths of the Waves.   The sound of the strange portal opened behind Raga followed by the footfall of Qaydith, "Not in the mood to practice magic?"   "I can't, I cast too many spells," Raga moaned as Qaydith sat behind Him and drew him in causing pain to Raga's leg.   "You do know that casting magic in the Waves is dangerous," Qaydith cooed teasingly he didn't notice the injury yet.   "Yes," Raga groaned as he tried to move by bending his broken leg before yelping in pain.   "I barely touched you," Qaydith hissed before looking down at Raga's leg.   Qaydith moved to Raga's side and laid him down on the grass. Raga flinched when Qaydith started to mess with his leg by setting the bone. Raga tried to squirm but was stopped by Qaydith holding him down. Qaydith hushed Raga as he channeled Restoration magic into Raga's leg setting the bone with a snap that was almost as painful as the fall that broke it. Raga screamed as he tried to kick Qaydith with his good leg which Qaydith caught.   "This will be much easier if you stopped moving!" Qaydith growled squeezing Raga's leg.   "It... hurts," Raga whispered.   Qaydith placed Raga's leg back down smiling somewhat, "Sorry, I left the morphine and the drip bags back at work. It's old-fashioned healing for you."   "Wait... what?" Raga asked.   "I work at a hospital for the Army," Qaydith said using another spell to draw the venom out of Raga.   "Schaudteif?" Raga asked weakly as the venom pooled around Qaydith in sickly globes.   "You really are clever, Lynir," Qaydith mused as he continued to channel the venom out of Raga.   "That's not my name," Raga protested.   "Schaudteif may be one of the names I have used but it is not the name I prefer," Qaydith said taking the venom and crystalizing it so it won't poison the cave.   Raga sat up a bit and moved his leg happy that it was whole again, "Somehow it makes sense, everything you did as Schaudteif led up to that day in the cave. You just wanted to..."   Qaydith smiled and cut off Raga, "Your father helped by never caring for you, Ionsia."   Raga started to sit up more moving his leg to a more supportive position seeing that his leg was completely healed, "What does 'ionsia' mean?"   "I never tire of hearing about Tialímin's failures." Qaydith said with a smile, "It was supposed to be custom within our house to learn Dark Wave an older version of Seing. If he bothered to teach you anything about the house you have learned it. So, I will add teaching you Dark Wave and Cisren to the lesson plans."   "Fine, then teach me what ionsia means," Raga sighed.   "Nephew," Qaydith said playfully with a smile.   Raga took a moment as he processed this information. It didn't add up with what he knew other families didn't seem to do this. He looked up at Qaydith who was waiting for the pieces to click in Raga's mind. He seemed amused and for several moments Raga wondered if he would force himself on top of Raga.   "Why did you...?" Raga trailed off not sure how to finish the question.   "It will not be a satisfying answer," Qaydith said with a shrug, "I wanted to."   "You took..." Raga trailed off still struggling to put words to what happened.   "Yes, I did but honestly the mortals place too much value in virginity," Qaydith said playing with Raga's hair.   "Qaydith, Tialímin, Xione, and Lynir..." Raga mused aloud as his mind ran through a list of names.   Raga looked back at Qaydith who had come closer to Raga as he listed off the names and the realization dawned on Raga, "Fa Geinn isn't real those were just stories."   "Every story has a grain of truth in it," Qaydith said creasing Raga's cheek.   "You said our house," Raga said looking away from Qaydith and moving his face away from him, "This can't be. I can't be Lynir."   "But you are," Qaydith said moving Raga's face to look at him again.   "How about being your Warlock is that real?" Raga asked as Qaydith directed him to lean against him.   "Yes, Ionsia, you are pact to me and I plan on giving you more useful gifts than virginity," Qaydith whispered into Raga's ear.   "These gifts had better be better than your company," Raga muttered.   Qaydith laughed, "Did you not enjoy my company? I remember you did although it took you some time to ease into it."   Raga hissed as Qaydith pressed him against his body, "What do you want from me?"   Qaydith kissed Raga's ear and whispered, "Simple, I want access to your body. Later I might find other uses for you."   Qaydith's hand reached down and groped Raga causing him to gasp for a moment as Qaydith laughed, "In exchange I have given you access to the magic of my realm of Ell Brich to cast ice magic, I have offered weapons training, and I will teach you about our House."   "Didn't you say you would train me the next time I came here?" Raga asked.   "So, you were paying attention. I just healed your leg and exposed my brother's secret that he tried to hide you from your family. What else do you expect me to teach you now," Qaydith whispered.   "Then are you going to send me back to the Waves?" Raga asked.   "Not just yet," Qaydith whispered as he kept touching Raga.   Raga squirmed trying to get away from Qaydith but was pulled back towards him. Raga yelped as Qaydith laughed softly continuing to touch Raga and play with him. After what felt like forever Raga broke free of Qaydith panting and dreading his touch. While breathing heavily it dawned on him that he still couldn't leave the cave without Qaydith's permission. Raga flinched when Qaydith's hand brushed his back and Raga started to cry. Qaydith took Raga and cuddled him in his lap comforting him by humming some lullaby that Raga had never heard before. After a moment Raga was able to calm down and Qaydith kissed Raga gently wiping tears from Raga's face.   "Don't worry Ionsia you will get used to it," Qaydith cooed.   "I don't want to get used to this," Raga whimpered.   "Shh," Qaydith hushed, "you will and you will come to enjoy every moment of these encounters."   "Fine," Raga whispered giving up for now.   "Try, 'Yes, Stongia Quompu (Dark Wave for Lord Uncle)," Qaydith said.   Raga groaned in protest before repeating after Qaydith unsure of what he was saying. He could guess that one of the words was uncle which made Raga's skin crawl as he spoke. Qaydith on the other hand seemed pleased as he kissed Raga again which he didn't fight and a new wave of tears quietly escaped his eyes. Qaydith wiped the tears away and smiled at Raga who did his best to stay calm but was waiting for Qaydith to do something. To Raga's surprise, Qaydith released him.   Timidly Raga got away from Qaydith and sat on the grass looking at him confused. Qaydith still seemed amused smiling with a hungry and piercing eye. Anger flushed over Raga as he felt he was being toyed with, waiting to be ripped apart and discarded.   "Why?" Raga asked between clenched teeth.   "Life is so much simpler without such questions," Qaydith said with a shrug, "I do believe that it is time to set some rules for being a Warlock and what I expect."   "Sure, why not?" Raga asked rolling his eyes.   "By my nature, I am chaotic don't expect anything to be set," Qaydith said sitting across from Raga and not drawing close to him.   "I think I know what to expect from you," Raga said crossing his arms.   Qaydith smiled almost sweetly, "I am glad that is established and you know what I want from you. I will teach you how to use weapons and the languages you need to know. In time I will introduce you to the rest of the family."   Raga nodded, "Some of that was discussed last time. Meeting the family is everyone in this family from Fa Geinn?"   "Yes, honestly did you think those were just stories?" Qaydith asked.   "After hearing some of those stories I was hoping they were just that," Raga stated.   "Sorry to disappoint," Qaydith said with a shrug, "As a Warlock, I expect that you will do as I say, and if I need something done you will do it."   Raga rolled his eyes again, "Like what you did last time?"   Qaydith laughed and looked Raga up and down, "Well, yes I will be asking that of you but I was thinking of other things. For example, I may ask you to run errands that I can't and to spread the influence of our family."   "Why would I want to do that?" Raga muttered.   "To undermine your father, of course," Qaydith mused, "You don't like him and everyone in the family doesn't like him. Honestly, I thought you would be happy about working against him."   "Fair enough," Raga said waving a dismissal, "How often do you want me to come here?"   "I would like you to come as often as you can. Besides that would be for your benefit because you will learn more. However, I will leave the pace of our meetings to you, for now," Qaydith said almost threateningly.   "So, I can choose not to come back," Raga said resting his arms on his legs.   "If that is what you want," Qaydith looking away almost aloof, "I doubt you will stay away long though."   "Wanna bet?" Raga asked.   Qaydith laughed, "Sure, you will lay with me when you come here next. After some weapons training."   "Not going to happen," Raga snapped.   Qaydith smiled, "We will see after all you did come back."   "My leg was broken," Raga stated.   "It was and now it is better now, your welcome," Qaydith said with a smile.   "Can I take the bangle off?" Raga asked.   "I don't know why you would, but yes you can, at the moment. The bangle is a symbol of my power you will not be able to use ice magic without it or use other gifts," Qaydith said annoyed.   "I am not coming back here," Raga stated.   Qaydith smiled, "We will see. After all, I as Schaudteif have been there for you for a long time."   "Can you send me back to my camp now?" Raga asked leaning back on his hands.   "Sure, I can send you back. After all, you have a lot to think about," Qaydith said leaning forward, "But first."   Qaydith gestured towards his lips and Raga tensed as he realized what Qaydith was wanting. Seeing no other way out Raga crawled over to Qaydith and timidly kissed him. Before Raga could pull away Qaydith drew him into an embrace and held Raga in place for a moment. Raga closed his eyes and allowed Qaydith to keep him for what felt like an uncomfortable long time. Once Qaydith let Raga go he slowly crawled away from Qaydith breathing heavily. The hungry look in Qaydith's eye seemed sated for the moment.   "Will you send me back now or..." Raga trailed off finishing that sentence felt like an invitation.   Qaydith laughed obviously reading into what he was hoping Raga would say before finally saying, "Unless you want to stay."   Raga could feel his face grow hot and the sweet and terrifying laugh of Qaydith made him feel hotter. He dropped his gaze from Qaydith and clutched the grass wondering if he should undress now. Save some time and teasing from Qaydith. Qaydith's hand was holding Raga's chin and cupping one of his cheeks. His thumb creased Raga's lips before resting on his jawline causing Raga's breathing to stagger as he debated biting Qaydith's thumb but decided not to. Raga felt his eyes narrow as he glared at Qaydith and his unnervingly kind face but did his best to relax his face and try to appear indifferent.   Qaydith had the hair that was in front of his eye brushed back revealing a golden eye. It felt like the last nail in the coffin that Schaudteif and Qaydith were the same. Raga was caught off guard looking at Qaydith fully with both the gold and the green eyes which was more disarming than Qaydith's disarming smile. Qaydith twisted the bangle making the snake's face forward and visible.   "Stongia Quompu, may I please go back to the Waves?" Raga asked a bit strained with Qaydith holding his throat.   Qaydith smiled and released Raga's throat saying, "That's better, Ionsia. Of course, you can go back. I will wait for your return."   Raga blinked and found himself back in his tent once again still in the night and quiet of the now still mountains. In the dark of the night, Raga couldn't tell how bad the storm was he would have to wait for the morning to figure out how bad it was. Raga changed into his camp clothes and turned in for the night confused about the conversation. In the morning Raga changed into his light armor that he cleaned and repaired with magic. In the now morning light of the mountains, Raga was happy to see that the mountains didn't move that much so the trails should still be similar.   The bird cocked his head curious about Raga's now-healed leg to which Raga said, "Don't worry about it, please."   Raga packed up camp and they took to the trail again. The spiders have moved further North into the Schnuch region to complete their migration. In the now safer region of the Waves, the next two days of travel were uneventful. It felt like forever since he was in Tichenfdt Ronnts. He dressed down his bird put the stadle away and brushed down the bird giving him treats and feed. He put away the tent and other such tools in the tact room before heading into the village.   As Raga was walking home the green lights in honor of Tialímin the Lord of Roads went out. It felt like the flames were ashamed of him if it wasn't for the fact this was the traditional end of the ceremony that started several weeks ago. He was home and no longer needed to be guided back. The flames though felt cold as though the magic knew he was with the brother and enemy of that old god. As he approached his house the flame went out as he opened the door. Tiutme was washing dishes singing a now familiar lullaby. It was the same song that Qaydith hummed now hearing the words it was about the traveling roads.   "Gwwb (Wild Elven for mother or mom) I'm home," Raga said as he approached adjusting his armor to hide the bangle that he didn't have when he left.   She put the dishes in the sink and turned around with a huge smile on her face as she walked over to her son with outstretched arms, "vɨ cwos sainyrdeys (Wild Elven for my little flame)! Welcome home, I missed you so much!"   Raga embraced her happy to feel warm and safe back within his house where nothing bad in recent memory has happened. Even now after everything this place still felt safe and warm with the smell of baking bread and a clean house. The floral perfume of his mother and her grip around him was the safest he felt in days and within her arms he felt like nothing else could hurt him. After too brief of a moment she let go of him and cupped his face tenderly, lovingly into her hands wiping stray tears from his face.   "Raga! I didn't think that you missed me that much. Did everything go alright? Did something go wrong?" Tiutme asked.   Raga nodded resolved to tell her everything that happened to him while traveling. Everything was on the tip of his tongue and he was ready to say it but what came out of his mouth was not his words which shocked and terrified him. Even home wasn't safe.   "Everything was fine, it went well. Nothing noteworthy happened," Raga's voice sounded raspy near the end.   "Are you sure? There was a storm in the mountains and it looked like it was crashing into each other," Tiutme stated as she walked away from him and resumed washing the dishes.   "A giant spider attacked me and it took more magic than I thought to get rid of it," Raga stated as he hung his coat on a peg and started to walk up the stairs.   "Oh, I guess that makes sense, did you forget your bow?" Tiutme asked.   "No, I left it on the stadle and I wasn't mounted at the time," Raga said stopping at the foot of the stairs.   "You need to have that on you when you are in the mountains they are dangerous," Tiutme called.   "More so than you think," Raga muttered before calling, "I am really tired Mom and I haven't showered in a few days."   "Alright Raga, I will have dinner ready in about an hour. I am cooking your favorite!" Tiutme called happily.   Raga nodded as he walked up the stairs and into his room which felt cold. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. He placed his hand on the bangle and could feel the magic in it surging. With some effort, Raga took the bangle off and threw it into a drawer. Guilt washed over Raga and his hand almost opened the drawer to place the bangle back on. The room still felt cold and he didn't feel any different now than how he did while wearing the bangle.