Domination's Snow Fall Physical / Metaphysical Law in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Domination's Snow Fall

The suddenly started to turn cold. Raga heard his friends commiting on the strange weather. Raga was starting to fell a surge of power. With a smile Raga muttered to himself, "Praise Qaydith."
Sometimes around The Waves there will be a snow fall. This snow fall is not like any other snow though. The snow from this storm is said to come from Ell Brich the home of Qaydith. This storm seems to only happen in spring, summer, or fall. With a high chance of it happing in summer.   Witches and Warlocks that are bound to an oath to Qaydith also as a boost in their ice magic during the storm. They can also more easily open a portal to their lord's realm. It is also believed that anything that they whisper will be heard by their lord and master. Many followers of Qaydith seek this storm to gain the favor of the fickle god.   Also during this time Ell Riescher can be found in the place the storm happened. If steps are not taken to remove Ell Riescher it is rumored to be able to teleport a person to Ell Brich. But the gas can also be harvest from the storm. Witches of Qaydith can use this gas in their potions and rituals to please their god.


First, the clouds look like normal rain clouds. Then it starts to have a light shower of snow. As the storm picks up the clouds start to turn blue and green. The snow itself looks like frosted crystals. These crystals shimmer with different colors that make them seem other worldly. The wind will also pick up and start to make eerie howling sounds. When the snow does touch the ground it looks like odd glass. A glass that is a blend of white, blue, and green. With many shades between. Snow shows become useless, because it is very slippery.


The area round The Waves.