Köllpsdt Sörsch

Sister Cannon

Mounted on the defending wall of Nuivurze was the mazzive cannon called Köllpsdt Sörsch pointing vigilantly to the North where many of Bridt Sche's enemies were located. The cannon hadn't been shot since the last war.


As a massive cannon, Köllpsdt Sörsch draws Konn Prünnzu from the Konn Prünnzu Tradtar that it is anchored to underneath the waves in the old harbor ruins of Nuivurze. Once enough is drawn into the cannon it fires a massive laser blast that was used to skink many airships, Airplanes, and ships. Many believe that is one reason the Black Flight won the war because of this weapon.

Social Impact

Many Nuivurze locals believe that the Köllpsdt Sörsch is why they won the war. They love the weapon, will call it Köllpsdt endearingly, and see it in their city as a point of pride and identity. Others in the city do not like the cannon, believing that it makes the city even more of a military target. They believe that if war comes to Nuivurze they will die in the assault and be buried under the massive cannon. Furthermore, these people see the cannon as a massive decoration which is a few that the citizens of Nyiltokti hold because the Golden Wing Flight was able to get around it to lay their Siege of Nyiltokti Valley. Those people are often hushed in Nuivurze as the majority of people in the city love the cannon.   The eco-terrorist group Kezedfrunch does not like Köllpsdt Sörsch saying that the cannon is hurting the planet by drawing its power straight from Konn Prünnzu. Many of the local fishers who live under the main city in the ruins of Nuivurze believe the same adding to the believe that the Konn Prünnzu Tradtar under the cove has been polluting the ocean and driving fish away.   To House Pfussäwinn Köllpsdt Sörsch is a massive achievement as it solidified them among the other Dragons of the Black Flight. Since the cannon helped them gain a seat in the how disbanded Bridt Schtricksüker many members of the house see it as a member of the family thus the cannon's name.   The enemies of Bridt Sche do not like the cannon and see it as a front to the natural power and strength of Dragons and using it is considered underhanded. Due to this with the signing of the Black and White Treaty it was clearly stated by the Pearl Flight and Tuzæk Tuɦegasa that the cannon should not be fired and if it war will rage across Miyla again.
Access & Availability
The cannon's construction is a closely guarded secret within the Black Wing Army due to how dangerous the cannon is. Many in the army have questioned why there isn't more than one in other cities leading to rumors that another cannon might be mounted onto the walls of Nyiltokti.
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