
Raga looked up from his journaling to see Aligioni next to him in a rather cozy matter by the fire. She was reading her Bible but stopped forr a moment to look up at him smiling while whispering a prayer as she turned back to her reading. Raga smiled too and his heart ached to join her in her study.   As though accompying the crackling camp fire Raga could here the music from Kiki's Ocarina as she played random melodies at the edge of camp somewhere in the darkness. This was probably the quietest she had been all day. Aùshe was cleaning the camp kitchen bobbing her head to the music and her lips quietly uttering something in Jade that seemed meaningful to her. Her eyes caught Raga's and she smiled a bit a they moved to look at Nyesi.   Raga's eyes followed her eyes and rested on Nyesi who had his Gatling Gun detached from his arm. He was tinkering with it can checking in ammo getting ready for whatever it the day will bring tomorrow. He looked up a bit to see the dying fire and that it was getting late then attached his weapon back to his arm before leaving the fire to go find Kiki.   Raga looked back down at the page he was writing and wrote about the cozy scene with his friends and for once in several hundred years felt safe. 
Resting in Miyla can sometimes be rare on the roads to adventures and other travelers since they can be dangerous. In the moments of peace, travelers have many things at their disposal that they can do related to their professions, hobbies, or interests. While resting people will usually have a meal and pitch their Tents or Magical Tents. Most will change out of their armor into more casual attire or just change into comfier clothes for the evening. During the meal, there is usually a conversation about the day's events or other such casual topics. Afterward, the travelers will play a game together or will break off on their own to do whatever they want before going to bed. In a world of Dragons and magic, it is nice to have a routine to fall back on to feel safe and rested for another day's travel.   The Witch will have to perform small rituals to honor their patron when they are resting. Clerics and Paladins will read text related to their religion or oath to focus and ground themselves in their beliefs before going to bed. Resting is often personal and there are many ways that the people of Miyla will spend their time.


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