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Noroa Valentine

The Mute Murderess of Serinadi

Noroa Valentine (a.k.a. Mute)

Noroa is a sun elf from Serinadi, best known for being the most infamous sniper of the Forgotten Rogues, and one of the founding four of the group. She started her career in assassinations for Serinadi's government, however she gave up her allegiance to be second in command for the Forgotten Rogues, working under Morgan Aestra. Noroa is a very cold, pragmatic, and precise killer with no hint of true emotion left in her. She has been known as "mute," due to her tongue being cut out by the archduchess of Old Thabes, Madame Arquess, and as such began to wear a mask and took up the pseudonym for secrecy and simplicity. Overall her life has been one of cruelty and cold, hard reality, and it's effected her as such– she feels no remorse or empathy, gets truly close and personal with no one, and makes the hard decisions others can not– primarily those for Morgan Aestra, who, if he is the judge, she acts as the executioner for.
Noroa is most infamous for assassinating Alastair Yumael on behalf of Morgan Aestra who could not bring himself to do or see the death of the man he loved most specially within the Forgotten Rogues. She also is known for assassinating Ryze Comécia while technically being in service to him as he was the contemporary leader of the Forgotten Rogues, shooting him through the left eye in a sudden coup. She has come close to murdering Fox Yumael Linnor in the same way as his father, claiming Morgan Aestra was too weak, guilty, and sentimental to do so and get what she wanted from him. She's killed many more in her career and only recently has become somewhat less active, due to the Forgotten Rogues being sought after by the government for their crimes more than before.


Noroa Valentine

Colleague/Ally (Important)

Towards Morgan Aestra



Morgan Aestra

Colleague/Ally (Important)

Towards Noroa Valentine




The two met when Noroa, as an assassin for Serinadi, was tasked with killing Morgan, who was an agent of Laimani at the time. Morgan asked Noroa upon her encountering him to fake his death, and the two made an agreement. They exchanged information and decided it the best plan of action to go solo, dropping all allegiances and doing high tier criminal work for far more money and gain. Noroa and Morgan met Alastair Yumael and Anza Jubel due to overlapping interests in an assassination case, and the four became the founding four of the Forgotten Rogues
After the death of Alastair, and the initiation of Fox, Noroa became slowly more worn from Morgan's guilt and fatherly progression with Fox, bluffing and lying his way around any actual harm and going so far as to help the boy generously when he found himself in particularly tough or dangerous spots. Noroa ended up betraying Morgan's trust to threaten Fox with murder for the sake of a Gaia Slate, and since then hasn't addressed the splintering. 
Currently the whereabouts of both are unknown, due to rising tensions against the Forgotten Rogues with the royal government.

Shared Acquaintances

Alastair Yumael, Fox Yumael Linnor, Anza Jubel, Ryze ComéciaNoma, Madeline Linnor, Balmung, Gallo, Marvin, Inoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard

Legal Status


Noroa Valentine

Ally (Important)

Towards Alastair Yumael



Alastair Yumael

Ally (Important)

Towards Noroa Valentine



Shared Acquaintances

Morgan Aestra, Fox Yumael Linnor, Anza Jubel, Ryze Comécia, Noma, Madeline Linnor, Balmung, Gallo, Marvin, Inoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard

Legal Status


Fox Yumael Linnor

Colleague (Important)

Towards Noroa Valentine



Noroa Valentine

Colleague (Important)

Towards Fox Yumael Linnor




Among many others, Noroa is known to have murdered Alastair Yumael and Ryze ComéciaFox's father in 1754 and then his boyfriend 41 years later. Needless to say Fox doesn't really like or trust her very much, even after his father (resurrected) has forgiven her and worked alongside her in the battle against Oroborous. He hasn't seen her show any real care or reasoning for the murder, and as for Ryze, she seems more prideful than anything, using it as a taunt a few times to threaten him or for other malicious reasons. Noroa seems to show no real liking for Fox either, but not so much due to his actions towards her or against her, but more so out of not seeing him as cooperative and seeing him as very narcissistic (which, to be fair, he is). It seems to be much more of an apathy for Fox than anything, but he can be an annoyance when not allowing her what she wants.  The two are colleagues under the Forgotten Rogues, both following command of Morgan Aestra. Both are assassins in their own right– Fox more of a violent hitman, and Noroa more of a genuine assassin as she is far more silent and stealth oriented.

Shared Acquaintances

Morgan Aestra, Alastair Yumael, Ryze Comécia, Anza, Gallo, Marvin, Balmung, NomaThorin Redbeard, Madeline Linnor, Inoor Velenin

Legal Status


Ryze Comécia

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Noroa Valentine



Noroa Valentine

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Ryze Comécia




Noroa was Ryze's right hand for the time that he was in control of the Forgotten Rogues. She more or less tolerated him for a year before patiently waiting for him to get into a vulnerable enough position to assassinate him. Essentially, Noroa wasn't particularly fond of Ryze's "no killing allowed" regime, her having been an assassin for a hundred years give or take, and she favored far more Morgan, the previous leader of the Rogues and the founder along with Noroa herself. Her intentions were to eliminate Ryze so that the remaining Rogues could begin working on a plan to free Morgan from his imprisonment and re-establish him as leader.
She succeeded. Well, partially. She did kill Ryze, and Morgan was freed soon after, however Ryze didn't stay dead. He did not attempt to come back to the Rogues, and between his own ordeals he avoided them– mostly instigated by Fox insisting on doing in the hopes he wouldn't die a second time. Ryze still has a disconnect with the Rogues (with the exception of Fox, who is an outlier and should not be counted) and the Rogues, though sharing animosity with him, don't have reason to go after him or concern themselves with him. Especially due to the Rogues having much, much bigger fish to fry.

Shared Acquaintances

Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
1560 ACE
Serinadi, Ybele
Pale blonde, straight, lower-back kept up in ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale yellow
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Morgan won't kill you. I know what he said, but he never would– he's weak. He feels some kind of... Fatherly guilt about you and even more about Alastair. Like he has an obligation towards raising you. Now, me on the other hand... I have no problem with killing you. In fact, it'd be preferable. You're a nuisance. But I want what I want so I'll give you five days, Fox, to give me the slate. A second too late and I will kill you just like I killed your father. Understand?"
Fox: It's cute that you assume threatening my life is gonna make me do anything. I don't give a fuck about if I die or not. I don't really give too much of a fuck about the slates either. I'm constantly a few seconds from being killed from anyone in any given direction– what makes you so special, Noroa?
Noroa: I won't just kill you. I know how you Shadar Kai work, and I know what you care about, Kaedriel. Like your father, you take a handful– maybe even less than a handful of people and keep them close and the rest of the world, including yourself, is dead to you. So here's what I'll do; I'll go after that little handful that you love, exterminating them one by one.
Fox: Again, cute. The group isn't really the best bargaining chip– 'cause, now, you've tried to take on the group before and how did that end? Oh yeah– you ended up in prison. Nice try though.
Noroa: Oh no– my first target isn't them. It's Ryze. You've grown quite a liking to him– it'd be a shame if I had to kill him again, wouldn't it? In front of you, maybe, just like Alastair...
Fox: ... Fuck you.
Noroa: Five days, Linnor.
Aligned Organization

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