Fox Yumael Linnor Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Fox Yumael Linnor

Hitman Casanova

Kaedriel Kouta Yumael Linnor (a.k.a. Fox)

Fox Linnor. A name decently well known around Thabes and a good amount outside the city as well. A handsome, gunslinging Shadar Kai hitman with a constant cocky smirk on his lips and a notorious reputation for having either pissed off or slept with (or both) every other person in town. There's many terms to name him, but out of them all he truly defines the word casanova.   From the day he was born he was a strange contradiction to the world he was thrown into. Fox grew up very close and idolizing of his father, Alastair Yumael, and for almost 50 years was an only child, not fitting in with the town of Elewyn, Ybele in the slightest and causing occasional skirmishes. He is the older brother of Madeline Linnor, who he tried to be as beneficial to as possible, but due to the circumstances that separated him from his immediate family, they ended up more distant than intended until adulthood. When his father was killed, he spiraled into criminal activity, and in cruel irony went in the same direction as his father did, the very direction that got his father killed.
Fox has been a hitman and bounty hunter for a good portion of his life from the time he was kicked out and put in Thabes, Ybele, to the current day. He is notoriously slutty, suave, and seems to almost completely lack in the empathy department. This could be attributed to the nature of the typical Shadar Kai– however he causes far more dominos to fall in his wake than the average, pragmatic, stealthy Shadar Kai. Though his behavior as a criminal casanova causes problems and consequences, he absolutely thrives off of any and all attention on him as well as the feeling of living life on the edge. 
Fox is currently a hitman for the Raven Queen, and kills for a living by night. During the day he helps Noma with her studies and accompanies Ryze Comécia in his activities, among other lowkey things. By night he is far more vicious than he comes off in the day, and as if an outlet for psychopathic tendencies, he doesn't feel nearly as frustrated or reckless during the day anymore because of his night excursions. Even though he is brutal and violent, he believes that those he kills are justly taken care of, as the Raven Queen is death herself and the targets have it coming and are affirmed by fate itself as dead men walking. However, he is far more prone to mutilation and sadistic ways of going about his work than other more pragmatic and to-the-point Shadar Kai who are neutral rather than taking pleasure in their work.
Fox a psychopath plain and simple– though he doesn't go out of his way to be malevolent per se, and though he is bound by his word to the Raven Queen and as such carries out her will as a convenient outlet for this tendencies, he still tends to be very keen at manipulation and deception, and feels no qualms with killing when he sees it fit. Fox is very charming and uses his words to get what he wants. He is also prone to anger, nymphomania, recklessness, substance abuse, and self destructive behaviors. Despite this, he is decently intelligent and in better states will study arcana and other things that interest him; particularly more obscure lore, abnormal planar theories, and arcane mechanics.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fox is a tall man who appears to be around the age of 23-24, though he has somewhat elven features such as slightly pointed ears he appears much more human than the average elf with obvious Shadar Kai traits strewn in as well, such as long raven hair, lighter olive skin without many red/warm tones, and sharp, angular features such as high cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and narrow monolidded eyes. He has a muscled, athletic build with a thinner waistline in comparison to his body, and his skin is covered in symbolic shadar kai tattoos along with other tattoos mostly completely monochrome. His arm is a segmented arcane-mechanical prosthetic that stands out in stark contrast when he is not wearing a shirt due to it being golden and complex.

Body Features

Fox is a tall, built figure, with a natural height of 6 foot four. Though he is quite tall, he has balanced proportions for his height, as he is not very lanky and is generally more muscular than not. Tattoos cover a good portion of his body; his chest, torso, left arm, lines down the side of his legs, and the entirety of his back. Most of these tattoos are very specific to Shadar Kai and the Shadowfell in general, appearing as monochrome runes, sigils , and shapes on the right side of his upper chest, shoulder, his back, and some on the left arm. The rest of these tattoos are arcane and are meant for protection, durability, and other self preserving attributes- Rune of Protection on the left of his torso and Cain’s Mark covering the left arm. The only color amongst these is from Cain’s Mark which is mainly black but has accents of red which glow upon use. His right arm is completely amputated and replaced with a magic golden prosthetic called the Ophiucus Gauntlet. It reaches up to his shoulder joint and it appears intricate and advanced for the time period, functioning just as dexterously as a natural arm with the exception of its hardness/sharpness.

Facial Features

Abnormally more human in appearance than the average Shadar Kai; Fox, being born on the material plane rather than the Shadowfell, has a human olive skin tone, and possesses hardly any of the sunken, pale features of most Shadowfell born Shadar Kai. However he still has the typical raven black hair and strong angular features. His eyes are bright yellow, which is unusual for his race, however his father also possesses this strange trait and it is not solely unique to him. Thick, slightly wavy hair falls almost to his mid back, and typically he keeps it either in a ponytail or half tied back. On the left side of his head there is a portion of his hair kept short as a side undercut. Fox's eyes are narrow and piercing, monolidded and naturally darkly lined.

Identifying Characteristics

• Tattoos cover his body, mostly unique to Shadar Kai.
• Piercing yellow eyes.
• Very tall.
• Long, thick black hair, tied up about half the time.
• Ophiucus Gauntlet; a complex, gold toned, metal arcane prosthetic.
• Insanely attractive and very charming.

Physical quirks

• Compulsive smoker.
• Large lightning scar on his left side with cascading thin tendrils down to his thigh and up to his neck.
• Despite the weight and metallic nature of his prosthetic, he seems so attuned to it that it acts perfectly as part of his body.
• High cold tolerance; Shadar Kai traits cause him to be used to the cold naturally, so he can be seen wearing short sleeves in winter and only wearing jackets as a way to hide his arsenal of guns and weaponry.
• High pain tolerance; Fox can take a lot of consistent pain before he starts showing it in his expression.
• Often wears a black marksman's glove over his metallic hand as a way to hide it in certain situations, or a thermal one to protect it against the cold in freezing temperatures where the metal would give the flesh attaching it to his body frostbite.

Special abilities

• Teleportation; as a blessing from the Raven Queen as part of his genetics, he can teleport once per day at will.
• Darkvision 60ft, can't be put to sleep by magic, advantage on being charmed.
• Various Hexblade Invocations.
• Insane charisma.

Apparel & Accessories

In casual situations he is seen wearing a white button-down dress shirt with typically two or three buttons undone. He likes to show off, so whenever its socially acceptable he'll wear less, never sleeping with a shirt for example. However upon visits to the raven queen or any formal event, he’d more often than not appear in either a suit or with a an elegant navy jacket. Either way gun holsters are a constant and are usually around either thigh, on his belt, over the shoulder, or strapped to his back. If he is carrying a rifle, then he will have a large holster slung across his back.

Specialized Equipment

• See the Ophiucus Gauntlet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Fox grew up very close to his father, Alastair Yumael, especially due to his father being the only other Shadar Kai he really knew, and therefore the only person who understood him, his morals, and his genetic limitations/attributes. When he was murdered, Fox went quickly off the rails with no guidance and subconsciously he followed in the footsteps of young Alastair in his crime record and overall behavior as a emotionally detached urban bounty hunter.

Hot Child in the City | Thabes Delinquent

He was kicked out at the age of about 60 (somewhere between 16-18 as an elf) soon after his father died. Persephone veiled this underneath the excuse of enrolling him in a boarding school in Thabes, Ybele. The reason for this being half-justified in that, well, he was off the rails and hard to handle, he went out of his way to disobey and challenge authority for fun and out of suppressed anger, and he didn’t fit in within the town of Elewyn, Ybele at all both in personality and race. The other half of his mother’s mindset was more related to having no idea how to raise a Shadar Kai child as the moral, biological, and planar opposite of an Eladrin like herself. That, as well as a haunting dread and mourning often upon seeing him, as he is the spitting image of his father– that reminder also motivated the expulsion because with Fox’s reckless and unpredictable nature, she didn’t want Maddie going through what she herself had to with Alastair when Fox inevitably gets himself hurt, endangered, or killed. She made the decision to spare Madeline the trauma by distancing her physically and emotionally from her brother for her own good.
Though he was allowed to come home on school designated holidays or other specific events that she clarified, for most of them he decided not to, as he felt betrayed and isolated and didn’t really ever forgive his mother. Despite this he had no problems particularly with Madeline other than petty sibling squabbles and whenever he did appear it was primarily for her sake. Generally, he'd avoid seeing his mother all together and simply see Maddie instead– taking her places she'd ask to go most of the time without visiting the house. Though their relationship faded over the 40 year period in which Fox lived in Thabes alone, due to being relatively close before their father’s death they maintained some form of trust. Fox is cold and unforgiving towards her, but due to that maintained underlying protectiveness he has, and Maddie still associating herself with him, she allows his presence more openly than in the past.

While Fox was at the Academy, he found it quite fun despite the circumstances– he did everything in his power to mess with the administration, constantly broke the rules, and slept around relentlessly both on and off campus. This is the period he started his common lifestyle; parties, alcohol, sex, crimes of various sorts, etc. All for fun, generally. This is the time in which he started smoking as well, which is decently early for an elf, being the equivalent of 16 years old when he started, and 18 by the time it became consistent. Fox stopped attending school in about three or four years give or take. Well, more like he was expelled in about three or four years give or take. Nonetheless this was around the age when students graduated anyway, and he already had criminal contacts who could get him into some money to survive outside of a dorm. Very shady money mind you, but when he did come across this money upon completing jobs, it paid decently well. Not many people tend to be okay with carrying out the kinds of jobs that he did, and not having proper empathy was a great asset in situations like this. He bounced around from city to city but generally remained in Thabes in order to carry out jobs. After a while he was a decently well-known contact for jobs like such as assassinations and other unsavory tasks within Thabes’ criminal circles.
By 1800, Fox was just beginning to truly follow in his father's footsteps; an avid criminal and bounty hunting hitman for hire, as well as an attractive playboy with no real morals in tact. Persephone contacted him early on in the year and asked that he accompany Madeline for a while, as she wanted to go to Thabes for the first time and leave her hometown for some adventure in the form of a small getaway. Fox did not want to agree, however it was his mother talking and he couldn't easily decline. So, as requested, he showed up to the train station in Elewyn and left back to Thabes from there with Madeline beside him.

Prince of the Thabes Underground | the Forgotten Five

Fox met Ryze Comécia on a roadside in Thabes one evening, as Ryze propositioned him to a fight upon seeing the pistols strapped to his thighs. Fox, of course, agreed immediately and a duel was set nearby in an alley– they were evenly matched, Fox maybe even being a bit more skillful in his aim– but Ryze happened to have Devil Trigger at the time and with the effects of the magic weapon, downed Fox upon pulling it. After Fox was healed and conscious, he found an odd, yet deep interest in Ryze, and persued him to the point of joining the Forgotten Rogues; at the time lead by Ryze. After Ryze's sudden death, Fox inherited Devil Trigger and Ryze revived himself with a Gaiadan Lotus, quickly disappearing.
Fox ended up in an organization without a leader, as Ryze had gone MIA, the previous leader of the Rogues was imprisoned, and Noroa Valentine, the second in command and murderer of Ryze, was also imprisoned. Fox was called to free the two from prison with Gallo and Marvin, and he did so, Gallo ending up being a casualty in the affair. The moment he freed the ex-leader, known to him at the time as simply Morgan, he was met with a pained stare and a confused, "Alastair?" before escaping with the man and denying the question. As soon as the two were outside in relative safety Fox pointed a gun to his head and asked if Morgan was responsible for killing his father. Not realizing the Rogues' complete allegiance to Morgan, Fox was trapped the moment he threatened Morgan, surrounded by loyal followers of Morgan. Morgan admitted to ordering Alastair's death, though Noroa had actually killed him. He went on to blackmail Fox into continuing his work for the Forgotten Rogues and putting him in a position of significance within the group.

Adverse Amorato | The Skeptic and the Pariah

His relationship with Ryze became more complicated upon finding Ryze living in an alleyway and having him live in the Manoir Forét instead. Ryze was very against every aspect of Fox's philosophies on life and death, and disagreed with his very being a Shadar Kai– which he couldn't change nor account for. Fox continued attempting to converse and hear his side of life, maintaining a strange interest in the young man, but Ryze refused to budge, staying stubborn and isolated even under Fox and Maddie's own roof. To prove himself in one way or another, he went after Gallahaut, Ryze's enemy, and exposed him for corruption after a rough fight. He also continuously checked in on Ryze as he got more paranoid about the lotus and it's effect on his body and how long they'd last, and checking in on him to be sure he stayed safe and hidden from both the Forgotten Rogues and the authorities of the Ybeli Empire. Still ungrateful and lashing out at Fox, Madeline stepped in and called Ryze out for his behavior in a sudden snap into pure Eladrin frustration. After her outburst, Ryze gave in to walking through Gaiadan with the group the next day and for the first time he spoke to Fox like a person, considering him from a more objective standpoint. A pleasant surprise, Ryze found himself more than tolerating– but actually, to an extent, enjoying Fox's presence.

The Throgengard Prison Break | Fox, Incapacitated

During the search for the seven slates of the Gaia Staff, Fox accompanied on a trip to Throgengard to find a target on his hitlist as given to him by Morgan Aestra. The target was Yorheim, who happened to have attempted a takeover of the city-state during their presence in Throgengard, and fought with the party. During the ordeal, after putting up a very intense fight, Yorheim was apprehended and was to be taken to the maximum security prison of Throgengard– however with a hit on the man, Fox shot him through the head while tied up and safely incapacitated. With the group in shock and appall by the rash action, Thorin Redbeard revivified the man and he was taken to the prison as previously planned. In extreme anger Fox took direct action, making his way to the prison on his own, charming and deceiving his way inside, and finally finding the imprisoned Yorheim and shooting him dead through the slot in the cell door. Fox disappeared before the guards could find him, however upon calling in reinforcements and the party showing up and blocking his way, his exit plan was compromised. He warped in front of the group and nearly made it out before being trampled by Inoor, rushing down the hallway and morphing himself into a warhorse. Before he could be completely taken out of commission, Fox contacted the Forgotten Rogues, informing them that the hit was successful, however he'd be needing backup at the prison as soon as possible. Fox was knocked out, and woke up imprisoned in an antimagic cell with all his weapons and possessions taken from him.
Fox was approached by Noma, who had been assigned by Morgan Aestra to help him out of his tough situation. Noma dropped him a small bag of items through a small hole in the ceiling of his cell; containing a retractable 10 foot pole, a kit of thieves tools including a few lock picks, an arcane focus, and a mysterious crystal. Fox successfully broke out of the cell, seducing his way out of suspicion making the guard walk off without any investigation of him, and then breaking the lock and swinging the door open. Without his guns his options were mostly limited to magic, shadar kai/pact traits such as teleportation and disappearing in shadows, and sheer smart stealth. Luckily to help him out with the latter, a small kenku girl named Noma, the one who'd been assigned by Morgan to be here, guided him towards the exit and helped distract the guards, plunging them into darkness and causing other stirs to allow him to dart from place to place, going invisible in every possible spot he could. The two successfully made it out, Fox cockily stopping in front of the main guard of the prison blocking the door, ready to take him down if he tried running for the door, and then simply winking taking a step forwards, and flickering out of existence, leaving the guard confused and scrambling. He reappeared outside the building behind some bushes and looked up to see that the Rogues had in fact sent back up, that being "Freedombird", a lackey of the Rogues and known arms dealing aarakocra stationed in Throgengard, and the group he lead, perched on a nearby rooftop and shooting at any guards causing inconvenience.
All the while, Madeline Linnor was within the walls of the prison as well, unbeknownst to Fox, helping her brother get back his weapons from the vault they were stored in. With the help of a friendly half-orc named Maggie, who'd been trying to escape using the ruckus as a cover, Maddie successfully broke through the vault and distracted the guards long enough to retrieve Fox's mini-arsenal of guns, as well as the other items taken from him when being taken prisoner. She made it out without issue and, though frustrated with him and knowing guiltily she was doing something legally and probably morally wrong, gave Fox back his weapons. He was ecstatic, not even knowing she was there in the first place, and thanked her significantly.
Morgan contacted Fox later on and reprimanded him for getting in such a situation and told him he may not get such help in the future if he got himself imprisoned again. Fox, thinking this was a threat of some kind, brushed it off and called him out for hypocricy, as Morgan only had his position back within the Rogues due to Fox breaking him out of the Royal Maximum Security Prison in Ybele's capital. Later it dawned on him that Morgan, though terrible at showing it, seemed worried for him and reprimanded him in a similar way to his father for his reckless behavior. The ordeal was quickly blown over, however Madeline kept it deeply rooted for quite some time, as her care for her brother despite his reckless and homicidal tendencies made her do something she felt was deeply wrong– or at least something she never thought she'd have to be involved with.

The Arm

After the slaying of Lanzal, the Ophiucus Gauntlet was up for grabs. However, no one known to the group had a missing arm of Lanzal's stature. The issue was resolved by way of ridiculous recklessness; Fox insisted on having his entire right arm chopped off with an axe in order to replace it with the arcane mechanical masterpiece of a weapon and appendage. After struggling to keep the coveted piece and find enough knowledge and skill to amputate and then replace an entire arm, Fox settled in for an extremely painful event with Doriinth, a blacksmith, with an axe at the ready, and Inoor, with his prior anatomical knowledge and books at his side. His right arm was chopped off in two swings, the first one not cutting all the way through and waking him up in the process– not for long, of course, as the next swing made him go unconscious again due to the sheer amount of pain in the amputation. The operation was a general success, however the arm did not yet work as an arm. It was weak and heavy, not yet attuned, and most certainly was not casting the spells Fox knew it could cast quite yet. It took a few weeks of adjustments and attuning to get the arm to function properly, but to great avail. The Ophiucus Gauntlet is now an important part of Fox, and after having it for two and a half years, it moves and reacts just as a flesh arm would on Fox.

The Resurrection of Alastair Yumael | Unreal Confrontation

Alastair Yumael was resurrected in the summer of 1800 by Madeline Linnor, shadowed by Thorin Redbeard. The event was extremely surreal to Fox, who had up until that point defined most of his life choices by his father's death and making up for the loss of his father's identity– becoming who he ended up becoming in the Ybeli crime world, in his identity as a shadar kai, and to top it off– ending up in the Forgotten Rogues. Having been on a downward spiral in the last month before the resurrection as well, he was hit with the way he'd look and the reputation he'd have to admit to. Knowing his father had a similar one and knowing the way his father was in life generally non-judgemental, the issue to him wasn't being reprimanded so much as knowing and realizing that all in all he was a disappointment. The entire situation was so unreal to him that it didn't truly hit him, and hit him hard, until the resurrection was happening. He didn't agree too much with the idea to begin with due to shadar kai ideals of fate and the permanence of death, but when it actually happened his mind simply broke.
Alastair confronted Fox at the end of the day, stopping him at the Manoir Forét dining table. Being cornered so to speak, Fox ended up having to spill the details of his life, his criminal record, who he's associated himself with, and his general psychopathy to his father– needless to say, Alastair, normally quite levelheaded and neutral at all costs, found this a ridiculous amount to take in and tried his best to dispel the energy in the room and keep a clear head. However, after that failed, he did snap– not for Fox's criminality or associates particularly, but mostly for Fox's recklessness leading him to a place of complete and utter malfunction. Fox, admitting to this, was faced with the stripped down, bare truth of the matter, which was that he did what he did and was as reckless as he is due to a complete lack of care for his own wellbeing and a tendency towards self destructivity, not feeling like he has a place on this earth and that he'd be better off getting himself "out of commission" for the sake of anyone around him and himself. This is what Alastair jumped on. As someone who'd done things in his day just as bad, if not worse than Fox himself– and as someone who'd gotten himself killed as an eventual consequence for his own recklessness, Alastair told him off for not knowing that there are people around him who want and need him to be here, and that his recklessness only makes things murkier. That all a person can do to be content is to try and be the best they can from a feasible standpoint; make up for your mistakes by at least coming to terms with them or doing things of equal or better value to the world to at least make steps in the direction of being a respectable person. Fox took what he could from that, but in the moment couldn't fully process much of it, beginning to be overrun with emotions he doesn't understand and not knowing as such how to deal with them. Noticing his shoulders shaking, knowing what he was hiding, Alastair hugged him for the first time since being resurrected and settled the conversation with an, "it's okay". Fox cried for the first time in 41 years.
After the confrontation, sitting in the dining hall alone for a bit before heading up to bed, Fox ran into Maddie on the stairs of the estate, who had been listening in on the whole thing. He instantly reacted with a quick snap of aggravation, feeling violated that she'd eavesdrop on something so important, but before he could get very deep into reprimanding her for it, she looked up at him having been crying for quite some time. In a half hurt, half pitying tone she told him that he wasn't seeing the people right in front of him. That, though he claimed to be alone and that the world didn't need or want him, she was and had been there the whole time for him, and that she wouldn't be if she didn't care about him. He couldn't get any sort of response in before she got up and ran upstairs to Jazz's room, far out of reach. Fox, with alot to think about, sighed, lit a cigarette, and walked up the two flights of stairs to his room.

Holy Hitman | Lifetime Career of the Shadar Kai

The Raven Queen had been asked by Alastair, upon his death, to hold back on Fox's assignments. Due to putting his close friends in the Rogues in lethal danger before he fled and hid, and then the eventual way that it came back to get him when he was murdered, Alastair felt as if any more interference by him and his line of work– Shadar Kai work and Rogues work alike– would cause the downfall of his son. Seeing as Fox was growing up to be much like him, even at the young age of his early 60s which Alastair last saw him at, he took all precaution, even if that meant cutting him off from his own culture and identity as a shadar kai indefinitely. The Raven Queen, having worked very closely with him as a right hand man who she trusted, and who she had trusted for so long, agreed to his sentiment and signed a contract with him vowing her withholding of legitimate work to give to Fox.
Having spent over 100 years of his life wondering constantly why the Raven Queen never contacted him or gave him any work that amounted to anything, Fox's approaches came to be more and more direct. That with the fact that Fox was a pretty acclaimed hitman by early to mid 1800, the Raven Queen couldn't avoid speaking to him and instead tried to give him impossible or medial tasks to make it so that he avoided real work and the contract was honored. When Fox brought in Anza, who Alastair had failed to bring in or kill, the Raven Queen was faced with a dilemma in which she couldn't lie to him anymore– he'd done work that, in her eyes, was pivotal in proving himself a viable worker with much potential, and now she couldn't avoid giving him real tasks as he'd just proven himself worthy of them. He asked to go after Aratus on top of that, and had found his father's hitlist and gun. Nothing could really stop him from continuing to kill, and at this point controlling who he killed seemed like an incredibly important thing to do. Fox asked her about the contract after Alastair's resurrection, as Alastair had mentioned the reasoning behind Fox's severed connection to the Raven Queen. Livid by not having free will in the matter as an independent adult, Fox petitioned the Raven Queen to make him a full time hitman for her as he was supposed to be by birth. He made a compelling argument– stating the reasons she already had considered when he began crossing off big ticket targets, and a few more with the reasoning of free will being a large component, and moral belief being that the Raven Queen, as death herself, should have a direct say in who he kills and why. As a shadar kai with his soul promised to the Raven Queen, and as an adult with his own say, pledging complete allegiance to her, the contract was destroyed and Alastair's original agreement was decommissioned. Fox became a full time hitman for the Raven Queen, filling a similar place to his father as he was quickly growing in strength, his killcount, and overall skill in his field.

The Trial | Truth in Sacrifice

In the wake of mass destruction by Aratus upon the country of Ybele, the party ventured into the Feywild with the intent of finding the Gaia staff and wielding it to save the nation and possibly the world. When finally finding the gateway to the staff, the group was paused in time by Ryze, administering a great illusion administrated a great illusion individualized to each member of the group: Fox, Maddie, Inoor, and Thorin, to test their eligibility for the staff and it's massive withheld power. Each member made a near impossible choice, and from there, through Ryze's eyes, Gaius decided which members chose the correct answers to deserve the staff. Only one in particular had to do with Ryze himself, that being Fox's.
Gaius' tests were designed personally by the great fey himself to show an illusion of each person's hardest choice and biggest potential sacrifice. Showing to him and Ryze what or who they considered so incredibly important that sacrifice for the sake of the many would be an excruciating decision, and if they could do so. Fox's personal mirage was that of Ryze's death, ripped apart by Gaius as Gaius stepped out as if showing Ryze as but a puppet for him to get to this point. Gaius offered a reward for helping him get to this point, and Fox immediately stated, "I want him back," with absolutely no hesitation. Gaius' test then began; he offered to make that wish come true in exchange for the souls of just under 10% of the country's populous. Fox pondered it, obviously distraught, and came to the question of how these people would die, and if anyone would know it was him who did it– simple, painless heart attacks, and no one would be aware of his actions. And he pondered again before, to Ryze's combined shock and disappointment at the same time struck with affection, shaking the premonition of Gaius' hand and sacrificing it all for Ryze's sake, failing the test. He chose to instantaneously eliminate the lives of 10% of the population for Ryze. He didn't realize the illusion until after the staff was claimed by Maddie and Thorin, who had passed the test, and upon the illusion breaking immediately went to Ryze and collapsed in thankfulness that he was still alive. Not knowing Ryze saw the entire thing, he said nothing of his sacrifice– but he knew, as he administered it all. He didn't reciprocate at that moment, still processing how great those feelings were and how great the sacrifice he was ready to make was in comparison to his one, singular life. It took him time and deep thought to come to terms with those feelings and accept them as mutual, only doing so after Fox confronted him with a confession later on, when the group returned from the Feywild. Calling him out for his self centeredness and stubbornness, and at the same time calling himself out for his overzealousness and for not previously acknowledging his instability, Fox confessed formally and addressed some of the deep set issues causing Ryze to be as withheld and isolated as he was.

Night and Day | In the Present

Fox currently lives at the Manoir Forét with Ryze Comécia and Noma and works as a hitman by night. During the day he does various things as he sees fit; helping Noma learn to read and speak, accompanying Ryze on trips to Gaiadan or wherever else he ventures on occasion, studying up on lore and training his skills, and going on his own set of ventures across Ybele to visit people, track down leads, or whatever else he sees as necessary. Fox isn't a stable and stagnant individual, so he prefers to keep moving around and going after whatever interests him or whatever is of importance. Having a home base, though seeming like it counters this constant need for activity and mobility, helps him a bit with his travels, as he can keep things at home and know that the people who care about him are there to fall back on/come back to.

By night he continues working for the Raven Queen as a hitman, killing targets on his list or tracking down said targets over a period of time to get to the point of killing them. He's quite adept at his job, and uses it as a sort-of coping mechanism, as by day he's more docile than he's been historically and needs an outlet for his psychopathic/sadistic tendencies. As such, he is far more vicious and violent at night and almost flips entirely to a different set of personality traits– still his own personality traits, but separated to night and day. He works alone, and because of this is not subject to any judgement for being far more sadistic and prone to unnecessary bouts of morbid playfulness. He returns before sun-up almost every morning in a routine, and most of the time succeeds in being home early enough to be in bed like he never left when Ryze gets up. *(However, Ryze is an insomniac, and as such he does tend to notice when Fox leaves and returns due to being an extremely light sleeper or not sleeping at all as his disorder permits. He doesn't comment on it, knowing Fox's job and choosing not to acknowledge it except for the occasional outlier if Fox returns suspiciously covered in blood or badly injured or things of that sort).

Gender Identity

Male; He | Him


Bisexual (Male Preference) | Homoromantic


Fox attended school in Elewyn, Ybele in his early life and overall did very poorly, as his behavior was abhorrent, especially as the only shadar kai in a town of eladrin massively different in temperament than himself. Upon being kicked out, in his late 60s-early 70s he attended the Capitol Academy of Thabes, an esteemed all-boys private school with room and board, where he essentially lived for two years. His behavior got increasingly worse, and he got more and more punishments for such, but because he could never be controlled he always tended to come out on top and considered himself king of the place– sleeping with about half the school as the equivalent of an older teenager, given many penalties for indecency with other students in washrooms and supply closets, constantly breaking dresscode, getting in fights, smoking, drinking and other recurring problems.
Fox currently prefers to study alone, and if he does so he is actually successful and very clever. He will read books on things he has a special interest in and will experiment with certain things through trial and error– mostly with mechanical ordeals and arcane theories.


When his father made his arrangement upon being resurrected, Fox jumped on his retirement and took his open spot as a close hitman to the Raven Queen. He finds and kills targets on her list for a living, typically by night– most of these targets being people who have overstayed their welcome on earth by means of taboo life extension magics or beings who have toyed with death and life to the point of it upsetting balance or having the potential to do so.
Fox believes his job to be justified, and that its a good fit for him as someone who needs this kind of violence as an outlet. He does, however, enjoy it a bit too much as a Shadar Kai not native to the Shadowfell and thus without as much suppression of his impulses– He is sadistic and unorthodox in the methods and circumstances of his job.

Mental Trauma

When his father, who he was extremely close to and idolizing of, was shot before his eyes as the equivalent of a teenager, Fox spiralled more and more into criminal activity and isolation. He had already naturally had hints of psychopathic tendencies here and there, but they worsened. He is prone to violence and self destructive behavior; getting into fights, violent anger, substance abuse, alcoholism, isolation, etc.
Borderline Personality Disorder (Bipolar 1)  

• Antisocial Personality Disorder (also known as the sociopathy/psychopathy spectrum)
• Compulsive Smoker
• Hypersexuality

Morality & Philosophy

  • Everyone's going to die. Whether it be now, later, whatever– I'm going to die, and whether that be sooner or later I feel no fear or resentment for it, because it's been expected all my life, as it should be.
  • I don't really care about the wellbeing of the general public, but I'll protect the tiny handful I care about to my fucking deathbed.
  • If my job is killing people who are already going to die anyway, why should it be a crime? If I don't do it someone else will, and I'm carrying out the will of literal fate. The only part about what I do that's morally questionable is the fact that I take pleasure in it.
  • I've killed alot of people but that number will never weigh out to be heavier than the number I've saved or helped to save in the long run, and frankly if some of those casualties didn't happen, there wouldn't be as many saved, happy, alive today. Sometimes people are sacrifices for a greater purpose. It shouldn't matter too much anyway– people stigmatize death far too much in the first place. Don't fear it and you won't have as much of a problem with what I do.
  • I know I'm attractive and I make sure I'm attractive and maintained in order to get what I want when I want it, and because I like being looked at. I like the attention and the sexual tension that comes with being charismatic and attractive.
  • Sex, like death, is overly stigmatized. Am I a slut? Yes. Do I feel guilty about it? No– because why would I? What's the shame in saying I get laid more than you? None. You're just sad.
  • Governments are generally not to be trusted. If any one entity has that amount of indisputable power, money, and resources they are most definitely greedy and corrupt. No one needs that much, no one should be in charge of that much, unless it's literally something of the divine no one human can do on their own– i.e. the Raven Queen. Is she indisputably in charge of my organization? Yes! Because she's literally the goddess of death and mortal beings can't comprehend the amount she does and controls. An emperor or something? Corrupt. They're entitled.

Personality Characteristics


  • Whatever he wants in the moment (hedonistic things most of the time)
  • Protecting his found family unit and the dynamic between them/lifestyle they have (Noma and Ryze Comécia being his primary family unit, but Madeline Linnor also being on the protection list)
  • Fulfilling the Raven Queen's orders
  • Fulfilling the tasks given to him by those who hire him or the Forgotten Rogues (usually hits, as he is a hitman)

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Dislikes
Guns The Feywild / Elewyn
Sex, in general Stagnation
Hard liquor Laws/being controlled
Parties/clubs Bees
Vejanacci Conformity/Mediocrity
Winter weather Ignorance
High quality cigarettes When people reprimand him for the cigarettes
General athletics Emotions
Slow dances (he will not admit this out loud) Meditation

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Compulsive smoker. This worsens when he is in tough situations or in a more depressive state.
  • Reckless endangerment of himself or others. He finds this fun most of the time.
  • High functioning alcoholic.
  • Bipolar and psychopathic.
  • Doesn’t possess the full ability to feel empathy. He has learned to cope and find loopholes on occasion, but it is a genetic constant that will cause issues from time to time.
  • Has trouble fully trusting anyone. Let alone ever being vulnerable or emotional around someone.
  • High functioning nymphomaniac.
  • Doesn’t fear death. Why should he? Death is his boss.
  • Self-decimating.
  • Nihilistic and pessimistic.
  • Very good at hiding intentions or deceiving people into thinking he is one way when really he’s not.
  • Anger issues; short temper and low tolerance for certain comments or topics. Once he’s angry he is easily volatile and violent.
  • Sadistic. Very sadistic. This is partly why he’s good at his job.
  • Commitment issues. He’s trying very hard to get better in this area.
  • Selfish; values himself and those he cares about over the rest of the world.
  • Social

    Contacts & Relations

    Forgotten Rogues; Morgan Aestra, Noroa Valentine, Balmung.
    Defenders of the Lotus; Ryze Comécia, Gallo, Lanzal, Yorheim.
    Neon Tieflings; Vel.

    Family Ties

    • Madeline Linnor ;
    Sister. Always on fluctuating terms with one another, but generally trusting of one another and despite never admitting it, Fox would consider them close. She is one of only a few people he would consider as especially close.

    Ryze Comécia ;
    Boyfriend. They have been together for two years and though Ryze was hesitant with him for quite a while, they are solidly together at this point and live together. They have extremely opposite worldviews and as such are simultaneously prone to debates and prone to questioning one another in a strange infatuated interest.

    Noma Yumael-Comécia ;
    Legal Dependent/Adoptive Child. Noma incidentally became Fox and Ryze's child when she decided to stay in the mansion with the both of them, learning from them and studying, eventually Fox and Ryze were acting as her guardians and claiming her as their responsibility.

    Alastair Yumael;
    Father. Fox idolized him as a kid, and upon his resurrection realized how similar his life had become to the one that got Alastair murdered in the first place. Fox still goes to him above anyone else when needing any sort of wisdom, and trains with him in the area of Shadar Kai and warlock abilities. They are very close, and appear quite facially similar.


      • Persephone Linnor ; Mother. They do not tend to get along, and are very, very isolated from oneanother. They see the world very differently and have a complicated, rough past in which neither forgive each other for parts. They are on neutral grounds at the moment, but are not emotionally close.
    Fox is hit with "la chancla," upon arriving to Elewyn, Ybele ;

    Morgan Aestra* ; Strange father figure-esque relationship due to Fox's lack of a father figure in his life at the time they met, and Morgan's feelings of responsibility over Fox due to his guilt and closeness to Alastair.

    Religious Views

    Knight of the Raven Queen. Of the major seven gods, he most worships Noctis, though not partaking in many religious activities as such.

    Social Aptitude

    Extremely extroverted and charismatic. Fox's ego is insanely high, as he is a narcissist who relies on his charm and attractiveness to get his way and manipulate people to his advantage. He is smooth with his words and how he uses them and tends to be flirty and seductive above all else. On top of that, he's extremely intent on keeping his appearance in tip top condition at all times in order to stay toned and physically attractive to the nth degree.
    He tends to know the etiquette of most situations, but at times chooses to ignore it in either apathy or rebellion.


    Rough with most of the things he does and very reckless. As a Shadar Kai, he is lacking in empathy and takes a while to realize situations in which he should feel empathetic.

    Hobbies & Pets

    • "Marksmanship"
    • Arcane Mechanics
    • Parties/Nightclubs/Casinos
    • Social (or otherwise) Drinking
    • Gambling
    • Guitar/Singing
    • Cooking (though he will not admit this)
    • Hunting


    A somewhat rough, lower baritone that becomes more eloquent in serious situations. His vocabulary and grammar are both surprisingly good, though he tends to downplay it as he doesn't like giving off any implication of having a childhood in Elewyn. His voice tends to be smooth in it's flow without any kind of squeakiness or whininess to it. Fox tends to curse a lot, especially when angry, bloodthirsty, or turned on.


    Alastair Yumael

    Father (Vital)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Son (Vital)

    Towards Alastair Yumael




    Fox was raised primarily by Alastair for over sixty years, and due to this and the fact that Alastair was the only shadar kai he knew and that he could connect to, Fox took on an extreme idolization of him at a young age. Fox grew up to accidentally follow in his footsteps after he died, making alot of the same mistakes and doing many things his father would have advised him against if he was given the time in life. Upon being resurrected, Alastair found out about Fox's spiral into criminality and psychopathy and though extremely disappointed and regretful, forgave him, seeing Fox break down in front of him and realizing that he himself had made the same mistakes, and therefore couldn't judge or treat him harshly for his.
    Fox and his father are very close and even look very similar, to the point where at a distance they can be mistaken for one another. They are quite similar in their pasts and at a younger age Alastair was almost identical in behavior.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    – Alastair called him Kaedriel for a very long time, but stopped upon Fox confronting him about his distaste for the name and the actual reasons behind the distaste. – Fox just calls him dad most of the time.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    • Both are/have been members of the Forgotten Rogues, specifically assassins.
    • Both are shadar kai that are/have been assassins and warlocks relating to her.
    • Both have had bounties over their heads, making them question the safety of the people they love.
    • Both have had to work on strategies and mechanisms to remind themselves of empathy.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Morgan, "Mute" Norowa, the Raven Queen, Madeline Linnor, Persephone Linnor, Thorin Redbeard, Inoor Velenin, Noma, Aratus, Ryze Comecia, Julietta Linnor, etc.

    Legal Status

    Immediate Family

    Ryze Comécia

    Boyfriend (Vital)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Boyfriend (Vital)

    Towards Ryze Comécia




    Ryze and Fox first met in early 1800 when Ryze, at the time the most prevalent crime boss in Thabes as leader of the Forgotten Rogues, challenged Fox on the street to a quickdraw, and Fox agreed more than happily. Fox was shot down after a few close calls on both ends, putting up a good fight despite the fact that Ryze was using a powerful magic weapon (which later is revealed to have been taken from Morgan Aestra and originally belonged to Fox's father, Alastair Yumael). Quickly stabilizing him, Ryze was soon drawn to a different point of interest– the fact that Madeline Linnor, who had been watching to the side during the duel, was in possession of the Life Slate, one of the seven needed to acquire the Gaia Staff. All the while, Fox was infatuated with Ryze the moment he was stabilized due to his strange masochistic mind and in a state of pure intrigue over the young man's odd and interesting nature and how different it seemed from his own. Fox, seduced, tried to "reason" with him by way of offering up the slate in exchange for "getting to know him," not really caring at all to begin with about giving the slate to the government, as Fox is a criminal and does not like nor trust the Ybeli Empire. After a small skirmish, Ryze attempted to run, slate-less and wanting to keep his identity and organization under wraps from the group– only to be followed closely by Fox, who he couldn't lose and who he ended up allowing due to his persuasion, the skills he demonstrated in the duel, and the possibility of information and a "man on the inside" in regards to the government. Ryze introduced him to the Forgotten Rogues, and signed him as a member of the organization upon his agreement to particular rules and regulations.
    After Ryze's death occured in the Ybeli Palace, being shot by Noroa Valentine in a coup d'etat, and Ryze came back to life with the power of a Gaiadan Lotus, Fox generally lost contact with him for a time as Ryze tried to hide out and stay elusive from everyone– especially the government and the newly released members of the Forgotten Rogues who, to say the least, didn't like him very much. Fox was quickly frustrated over this, as Ryze had been the one he signed his service to in the syndicate and Ryze had left the group without a leader, and soon after leaving Fox with his loyalty pledged to Morgan in a situation fueled by threats. Eventually catching up with Ryze despite his extremely warpy and illusory disposition, he asked why he'd abandon the group only to be told that he had "other priorities". Ryze was living at the time in an alleyway and as such Fox ended up offering for him to live in the Manoir Forét, which had many spare rooms and acted as a strong safehaven for criminals and others of the sort like Ryze. Against what was probably his better judgement, Fox offered this without much of anything in return, and as such Ryze began living most of the time in the mansion, secluded in his room and constantly doing work of a mysterious nature.
    Over the next few months Ryze became more and more volatile to the idea of Fox's race, philosophy on life, and his line of work. With an extremely life-is-sacred worldview, only amplified to the umpteenth degree by the effects of the lotus, Ryze started openly hating Fox for everything he was, did, and represented, and often got hostile at Fox's advances whether platonic, ambiguous, or otherwise. Fox, on the other hand, was extremely interested in how different he was from himself, taking this separate mindset as a sort-of challenge and finding strong intrigue in learning about something and someone so truly opposite from himself. He attempted consistently to prove himself through trying to spark conversation, then when that failed attempted to prove himself by bringing down enemies of Ryze, and actively trying to avoid killing despite it being in his nature as a Shadar Kai and a hitman. Eventually Madeline Linnor stepped in, seeing Ryze's rude outbursts towards Fox as ungrateful and unwarranted, especially as a guest in their house and due to all the things Fox had done for him for no other reason than because he wanted to do something for him. Maddie ended up lecturing, then yelling at Ryze for his behavior, and from that moment on, not having a valid comeback to her points, he began refraining from judgement up front on Fox for things such as his race, which was unchangeable, and opened himself up slowly by surely to the possibility of getting closer and learning more about the Shadar Kai.
    As times got more pivotal and strenuous, Fox found himself considering the idea that the apocalypse may be upon them and as such, being completely up-front about having legitimate feelings and clearing the air on a few things that Ryze, as a very untrusting and stubborn person by nature, still either didn't understand or didn't have fully figured out. He confessed his feelings in their entirety along with admitting to previously having been driven by mostly horniness and recklessness in his advances despite trying to prove himself. He also called Ryze out for being, in general, a prick to him for many things that were unwarranted, ignorant, or that Ryze himself was guilty of. Ryze took it well and admitted to his ignorant and elitist attitude over the past months, mentioning that he'd been pretty humbled by failing quite terribly the trial for the Gaiadan Staff, as Gaius had given him a trial to see if he'd be worthy and Ryze had been far too prideful and flawed overall to deserve or best handle the power. Ryze offered that if the two made it out of the apocalyptic situation at hand, and if Fox stayed loyal to the cause and simply didn't give in to the evils at hand, that after many months of asking he'd finally get his date and a potential deeper relationship. Fox took this easily, and went on to do just as was hoped of him after looking him in the eye and saying not to take him for granted.
    Fox and Ryze currently (c. 1802) live in the Manoir Forét as partners and guardians of Noma. After the events of 1800 quieted, the three were eventually the only ones left in the large mansion and as such they grew a small, strange, yet close family dynamic. Ryze knows of Fox's career with the Raven Queen, but in a feat of development doesn't interfere, having come to terms with their individuality, Fox's race as something indisputable, as well as growing into a view of the world where life is only made way for by death as an inevitable cyclical endeavor. The two live very casually most of the time, but travel here and there relatively often for Fox's assignments, for the sake of following certain lore, or for other various reasons.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    – Fox calls him 'flower boy' quite a bit.
    – Fox is a connoisseur of petnames in general, naturally– its just part of his personality. He calls him "babe" more than anything, probably more than his actual name. He'll also use more sweet, genuine ones but mostly within their own home; mostly love, which he is very, very reserved in using and mainly will only use behind closed doors. Only Ryze, Noma, and God are his witnesses.
    – Commonly, especially when Fox does something questionable, Ryze will call him simply "Linnor." Other than that, knowing Fox legitimately hates his birth name and it's use, he will not call him Kaedriel hardly ever despite being aware of it.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Noma, Morgan Aestra, Noroa Valentine, Madeline Linnor , Alastair Yumael, Lanzal, Gallo, Yorheim, Gallahaut, Persephone Linnor, Inoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard, Julietta "Jazz" Linnor, "Bass", etc.

    Legal Status


    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Guardian (Vital)

    Towards Noma




    Adoptive Daughter (Vital)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor




    Fox and Noma have known one another for about two and a half years. Noma, in a strange string of events, helped break him out of prison during a period of time in which she was still a lackey for the Forgotten Rogues. After that, they slowly grew closer due to having an understanding of one another in some ways that others didn't– an odd mixture of things in common, and Fox eventually coming to feel a sense of guardianship over her. After all, they do have a 96 year age difference.
    Currently Noma resides in Manoir Forét with Fox and Ryze as her appointed guardians, often studying arcana, writing, and reading with Fox, and gardening, theology, and history with Ryze. They're a close, odd little family, however they function well and at this point share the feeling of finally being truly "home".

    Nicknames & Petnames

    • Due to her tendency to be silent and unnoticed, scuttling around and secretly watching and observing, Fox will call her various things related to being a creature in the dark– "Why are you standing in the corner, weird little yokai?" or "What are you doing in here?! Shoo, little goblin, go to bed!" • Noma will repeat nicknames at random times from other people for fun or just not knowing what they mean. More often than that he'll hear his own name in general, but in other peoples' voices and from different strange, drastically differing situations– every so often he'll be startled or terrified in hearing a disappointed reiteration of his full name in Morgan's voice picked up over a sending stone, or a repeated slurring gasp of it in Ryze's, overheard when she most certainly should have been asleep.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    • Interest in Arcana
    • Worked for the Forgotten Rogues (Fox currently, Noma in the past)
    • Live in the Manoir Forét in Thabes, Ybele.
    • Were/Are Warlocks

    Shared Acquaintances

    Legal Status


    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Thorin Redbeard



    Thorin Redbeard

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



    Legal Status


    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Subordinate/Protégé (Important)

    Towards Morgan Aestra



    Morgan Aestra

    Mentor/Superior (Important)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor




    Fox met Morgan when he was hired within the Forgotten Rogues to free Morgan from Thabes' royal high security prison with Gallo and Marvin. Upon being freed from his cell Morgan looked at the young shadar kai and could only ask in shock, "Alastair?", seeing that Fox looks extremely similar to what his father looked like at a younger age. He pulled Morgan out of the prison and as soon as they reached a place of relative safety, Fox pulled a gun on him and questioned if he was the person who killed Alastair. Morgan, surrounded by his subordinates, was unthreatened but explained himself and that yes, he was responsible, but that he loved Alastair and called for the assassination because of Alastair's betrayal. He then had Fox stay in the Forgotten Rogues as a hitman in the Forgotten Five– Morgan Aestra, Fox Yumael Linnor, Noroa Valentine, Balmung, and Marvin at the time.  Morgan sends him assignments for different hits to take on various targets throughout Ybele, and occasionally this overlaps with his hitman work for the Raven Queen. Overall, Morgan tends to help him more than hurt him at this point in time, taking a strange liking to the boy and a somewhat fatherly mentorship of sorts due to the feelings behind Alastair and the obligation as such for Alastair not having been present. They are currently out of touch due to the Forgotten Rogues being under fire by the Ybeli Empire's government and as such Morgan, Noroa, and Balmung going under the radar to avoid persecution or assassination.

    Relationship Reasoning

    • Morgan was very close to Alastair Yumael during the time of the Forgotten Rogues' Founding Four, and after the death of Alastair, Morgan felt an obligatory guardianship over Fox when actually meeting and getting to know him within the group.
    • After Ryze Comécia shot Morgan and had him persecuted and thrown in prison, Ryze was then shot dead by Noroa Valentine in a coup against his leadership title in the Forgotten Rogues, Noroa ended up imprisoned herself, and Fox was sent to free Morgan and Noroa from prison. Due to Ryze's disappearance, the position of leader of the group was then put back into Morgan's hands, and Fox was suddenly under his control.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Alastair Yumael,  Noroa Valentine, Ryze Comécia, Noma, Anza, Balmung, Gallo, Marvin, Thorin Redbeard, Madeline Linnor, Inoor Velenin

    Legal Status


    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Colleague (Important)

    Towards Noroa Valentine



    Noroa Valentine

    Colleague (Important)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor




    Among many others, Noroa is known to have murdered Alastair Yumael and Ryze ComéciaFox's father in 1754 and then his boyfriend 41 years later. Needless to say Fox doesn't really like or trust her very much, even after his father (resurrected) has forgiven her and worked alongside her in the battle against Oroborous. He hasn't seen her show any real care or reasoning for the murder, and as for Ryze, she seems more prideful than anything, using it as a taunt a few times to threaten him or for other malicious reasons. Noroa seems to show no real liking for Fox either, but not so much due to his actions towards her or against her, but more so out of not seeing him as cooperative and seeing him as very narcissistic (which, to be fair, he is). It seems to be much more of an apathy for Fox than anything, but he can be an annoyance when not allowing her what she wants.  The two are colleagues under the Forgotten Rogues, both following command of Morgan Aestra. Both are assassins in their own right– Fox more of a violent hitman, and Noroa more of a genuine assassin as she is far more silent and stealth oriented.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Morgan Aestra, Alastair Yumael, Ryze Comécia, Anza, Gallo, Marvin, Balmung, NomaThorin Redbeard, Madeline Linnor, Inoor Velenin

    Legal Status


    Madeline Linnor

    Sister (Vital)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Brother (Vital)

    Towards Madeline Linnor




     Fox and Maddie didn't start out with much of any chance they'd understand one another. In fact, they were more or less doomed from the start to be completely opposite in almost every way possible. One is optimistic, bright, and caring for all life, from plants to animals to other beings– the other is an apathetic sadist with no real value on life, including his own in many circumstances. They are fourty-some odd years apart in age, to the point where Fox was completely used to being an only child in his formative years with his only real connection being to his father, thus Madeline's appearance wasn't something he really knew what to do with. Besides that, she was coddled by their mother nearly constantly where as he stuck to his father or himself.

    Over time Fox became more accustom to her being around and slowly lowered his resentment for her "perfect golden child" effect on the household and their mother first and foremost. Though they fought and argued with one another constantly they seemed to, oddly, grow closer over this. A constant cycle of Madeline annoying Fox to hell and back with her curiosity with whatever he'd be doing in the moment, Fox breaking any and all rules and Madeline tattling to her mother at nearly every opportunity, Maddie breaking the occasional plant pot or window and not knowing what she should do when her mother blames Fox immediately, and on and on. A sibling rivalry, to put it in simple terms, but siblings nonetheless.

    Starting out on the right foot would already be difficult, but to add insult to injury the divide became more inevitable upon the death of their father. With the foundations of the family thoroughly shaken, the last piece falling out to break it apart completely, Fox was cast out to Thabes and Madeline remained with her mother, still young and naive. Though the two didn't have a particularly bad relationship, it grew more distant than ever with the physical and emotional distance. Madeline stayed the same, still trying to be hopeful and optimistic, studying druidic practices under her mother and staying nicely tucked away, sheltered in the picturesque Elewyn locale. Fox on the other hand living under city lights quickly went from a problem child to a delinquent to a criminal, growing numb to emotional turmoil and deeply resentful of their mother. He brought Madeline on small trips during holidays and other occasions, or simply visited in Elewyn, but he refused to stay at the family home, and such visits became more and more sparse and sporadic in his adulthood.
    Madeline didn't mind these visits and trips– he knew what she liked and what she liked to do, going shopping at fancy shoppes, taking her to some sort of show or concert, sometimes just taking her places outside town limits was enough for her to be entertained. However, she would begin to notice small things that were different every time– "your entire back is covered in tattoos- when did that happen?" "what in the world do you need more than one gun for?" "you smoke now?" "where did you get the money for these gifts anyway..." She stayed put and watched the descent from a distance, every appearance of his being less and less the brother she remembered. 
      In 1800, many things happened and to explain them all would be, well, a novel in itself. In summary, for these two it meant a chance at a reconnection, or a chance at making things much, much worse. Madeline got to see her brother's life up close (more or less) and she did not like what she found, to say the least. Moreover, she was no longer at a physical distance and thus could interact and attempt to intervene in certain choices and habits. Doing such a thing hardly ever stopped him from doing anything or changed his ways, but "hardly ever" isn't not at all, and she took that as enough. 


    Ups and downs (but mostly downs) later and Madeline did something massively important and massively controversial– the resurrection of their father, Alastair 
    Controversial due to Fox's association with the Raven Queen and his deep-seeded Shadar Kai morals being rooted against reviving the dead, especially after such a great amount of time. Though, that likely was only part of the reason for his standoffishness in the event, the other part likely being fear of his father, his idol's disapproval of the direction he'd gone in life. Inconveniently, he also happened to be at an all time low– having become in addition to a compulsive smoker a high functioning alcoholic and the most self-destructive person he knew. The event happened without flaw, and after what may have been the longest and most intense conversation he'd ever had in his life, Fox ran into Madeline on the stairs, where she confronted him for something he'd said to his father. She had overheard his true reasoning behind his self destructive behaviors- being terrible at being "good", being hated from every direction, and being completely alone with no real motivation to be alive in general. In tears she scolded him for ever thinking he was alone. She'd come all this way and a good portion of it was for him– she insisted on it, that she was still there and she'd never left, at least not on purpose. She didn't allow a response before running up the stairs and into her room, leaving him stupefied in front of the staircase.
    At this point in time, 1802, Fox and Maddie are on decent terms. They have their fair share of problems, and probably a great deal more than the average siblings, but on the other hand the average siblings likely don't experience resurrections and fighting great demons and nearly the destruction of the continent. Madeline has spent a fair amount of time in the Feywild with her girlfriend, Julietta, away from her immediate family but often sending messages– though, messages out of order due to the Feywild's constant manipulation of time. She had a relatively cushy stay thanks to her agreement to the Great Fey of the area in which she allows herself to be experimented on– only arcane work, though still an unpredictable gambit. Fox, oddly enough, found himself in a relatively stable and routine situation in which he is relatively content, at least on the surface. Over the two years he stumbled into having his own little family, him and his boyfriend, Ryze adopting Noma and living in Thabes in a lodge-like minimansion. By night he continues work as a hitman, mainly for the Raven Queen, living a bit more of an exciting and sadistically entertaining life under the radar. 
    In mid-late 1802, Madeline and Julietta were married at a ceremony in the Feywild, the allowance of guests into the Feywild without time manipulation causing problems was arranged by the Great Fey in exchange for Madeline's work for him. Fox, recently revealed as essentially a major public enemy to the empire and with a government-issued bounty hunter on him, attended without issue as the best man.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    • “Honeybee” or “Honeybee Linnor” has been an on and off codename and nickname for Maddie.
    • “Kaedie” was a nickname Maddie used a lot as a kid for Fox, referencing his birth name “Kaedriel”. Fox absolutely hates this name. 

    Shared Acquaintances

    Legal Status


    Inoor Velenin

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Friend (Important)

    Towards Inoor Velenin




    Inoor and Fox met along with the rest of their group at the time during the Ybeli Empire’s search for the Gaiadan Staff’s slates across the country. Initially the two did not get off to the best start, as the two have very opposite worldviews and alignments which would clash on occasion. Most notably, when Fox deceived his way into the Throgengard Maximum Security Prison in order to assassinate Yorheim, an inmate Fox had a hit on for the Forgotten Rogues. In escaping the scene, he was stopped and trampled by Inoor, who had transformed into a Warhorse and ran him down in a hallway just as he had succeeded otherwise in evading the guards and the rest of his party. Fox was then incarcerated, and though he escaped in the days afterwards, the two both felt some resentment and a lack of trust after the event. Understandably so.
     Their relationship was re-established upon going to Vejanacci, Ybele, as the two found a common interest in gambling, scamming, and swindling as both are extremely charismatic and persuasive individuals who enjoy a good challenge. Leaving with a solid amount of riches and having pulled off a few good scams, they ended up as unlikely friends. Over time this developed, and Fox was eventually the best man at the wedding of Inoor and Madame Arquess, pulling off a chaotic bachelors party for the groom in Vejanacci before the event. 
    In contemporary times, Fox commonly sits in on Inoor’s cooking shows in Velenin, and Inoor is given his room in the Manoir Forét whenever necessary for his trips to Thabes for governmental work for the Ybeli Empire. In addition, the two and Thorin Redbeard have a rotating-venue game night at the end of the work week.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    Gambling, petty scams, parties, socializing, manipulation

    Shared Acquaintances

    Thorin Redbeard, Madeline Linnor, Noma, Ryze Comécia, Alastair Yumael, etc.

    Legal Status


    Persephone Linnor

    Mother (Vital)

    Towards Fox Yumael Linnor



    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Son (Important)

    Towards Persephone Linnor




    They do not tend to get along, and are very, very isolated from one another. They see the world very differently and have a complicated, rough past in which neither forgive each other for parts. They are on neutral grounds at the moment, but are not emotionally close.
    Persephone extradited Fox from her home soon after Alastair was murdered. She veiled this underneath the excuse of enrolling him in a boarding school in Thabes, Ybele. The reason for this being half-justified in that he was off the rails and hard to handle, he went out of his way to disobey and challenge authority for fun and out of suppressed anger, and he didn’t fit in within the town of Elewyn, Ybele in any sense. In Fox growing up, Persephone had no idea how to raise a Shadar Kai child as the moral, biological, and planar opposite of an Eladrin like herself. After Alastair's death it came to Persephone's attention that Fox instilled her with a haunting dread and mourning often upon seeing him, as he is the spitting image of his father– that reminder also motivated the expulsion because with Fox’s reckless and unpredictable nature, she realized she didn't want Maddie going through what she herself had to with Alastair when Fox inevitably would get himself hurt, endangered, or killed. She decided to spare Madeline the trauma by distancing her physically and emotionally from her brother for her own good. Though he was allowed to come home on school designated holidays or other specific events that she clarified, for most of them he decided not to, as he felt betrayed and isolated and didn’t really ever forgive his mother.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    • Fox calls her either "mom", "mother", or "Persephone" depending on his mood and the situation.
    • Persephone mostly only calls him by his birth name, Kaedriel, or his dreaded nickname "Kaedie". Fox despises both of these options, as he has gone by the name fox for many years and identifies with that name wholly.

    Shared Acquaintances

    Madeline Linnor, Alastair Yumael, Inoor Velenin, Thorin Redbeard, Noma, Ryze Comécia, etc.

    Legal Status

    Immediate Family

    Wealth & Financial state

    Moderate wealth after his travels. Lives in a large estate on the edge of Thabes. Fox spends most of his money on weaponry and assets as such, but is relatively good with budgeting, being somewhat of a minimalist.
    Chaotic Unstable
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    • Fox Kaedriel Yumael Linnor
    • Fox Linnor
    • Fox Yumael
    • Alt
    Date of Birth
    November 19th, 1696
    Circumstances of Birth
    Soul and service promised to the Raven Queen at birth
    Ryze Comécia (Boyfriend)
    Madeline Linnor (Sister)
    Current Residence
    Piercing Yellow, Narrow, Monolidded
    Raven Black, thick, slight wave, mid-back
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    ≈ 195lb
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Give me a reason not to shoot you right here, right now."
    "You're hot and I'm bored, do you wanna get out of here?"
    "Yeah, I'm here to kill you. I'm glad you're awake now, though, I've been waiting. It's no fun when you're asleep. Now, I'll give you ten seconds to get a head start– better start running!"
    [Bloody, shirt torn nearly to shreds revealing a huge, fresh lightning scar that covers a portion of his chest] "Ryze– Look– I did it. I made it to the end of this and we won– I went through with it all. So, how about that date?"
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    • Common
    • Undercommon
    • Elvish
    Ruled Locations

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    Articles under Fox Yumael Linnor

    Fox Yumael Linnor

    Hexblade Warlock 14 Class & Level
    Urban Bounty Hunter Background
    Shadar Kai Race
    Chaotic Unstable Alignment

    Strength 20
    Dexterity 18
    constitution 13
    intelligence 12
    wisdom 7
    charisma 22
    Total Hit Dice 14
    Hit Die
    +5 proficiency bonus
    +5 Strength
    +4 Dexterity
    +1 Constitution
    +1 Intelligence
    +3 Wisdom
    +11 Charisma
    saving throws
    +4 Acrobatics
    -4 Animal Handling
    +6 Arcana
    +3 Athletics
    +11 Deception
    +1 History
    +0 Insight
    +11 Intimidation
    +1 Investigation
    -4 Medicine
    -3 Nature
    -2 Perception
    +6 Performance
    +11 Persuasion
    +1 Religion
    +4 Sleight of Hands
    +4 Stealth
    +3 Survival
    skills Intimidation Persuasion Deception Arcana Survival proficiencies

    Armor Class
    Hit Points
    RevelryShadowfell Sniper Rifle 1d20+13 2d8+8
    AzazelSniper Rifle 1d20+12 2d8+7
    Devil Trigger/CainShadowfell Revolver 1d20+13 2d6+8
    KishinArcane Pistol 1d20+11 2d6+6
    AkumaMachine Gun 1d20+11 4d4+6
    KasouSunblade Greatsword 1d20+11 2d6+6
    Ophiucus GauntletArm 1d20+6 1d6+5
    - All Armor
  • Poker/Cards
  • Guitar
  • Martial Weapons
  • Simple Weapons
  • Firearms
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Undercommon
  • Proficiences
    • Psychopathic
    • Sadistic
    • Independent
    • Headstrong
    • Unstable
    • Violent
    • Vengeful
    • Jealous
    • Flirty
    • Charismatic
    • Charming
    • Manipulative
    Personality Traits
    So many

    Heroes Enabled


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